Many women experience yellow discharge during pregnancy due to various reasons. Although vaginal discharge is common in pregnant women, yellow discharge can be concerning. However, hormonal changes may cause slight yellow discharge without other symptoms. Yellow discharge with a peculiar smell or other symptoms may indicate amniotic fluid leak or infections. Therefore, it is recommended to seek advice from a doctor to know the exact cause, especially if you are uncertain about the accompanying symptoms. Read on to know the causes, treatment, and prevention of yellow discharge during pregnancy.

Is Yellow Discharge In Pregnancy Normal?

During pregnancy, it is normal to have thin, milky white, slightly yellow, and mildly odorous discharge, which is also known as leucorrhea. This might increase as the pregnancy progresses, and is usually due to the fluctuating hormones(1).  Also, sometimes, pregnant women might notice clear, pale yellow watery like discharge with a mild or a sweet smell, which could be leakage of amniotic fluid (2), a possible indication of labor. But, if you have yellow vaginal discharge accompanied by itchiness, foul odor, soreness, and pain when urinating, then it might indicate infection. While such symptoms do not necessarily mean a health problem or an infection, it is good to know the reason behind such discharge and address it if necessary.

What Causes Yellow Discharge During Pregnancy?

Normally, vaginal discharge during pregnancy occurs due to increased estrogen levels. The other possible causes of discharge, especially yellow discharge, are as follows: Candidiasis is a common yeast infection that causes yellow-white discharge along with itchiness, swelling, soreness, redness, and burning sensation during urination (3). These are the likely reasons for yellow discharge during pregnancy. Sometimes, you might have the discharge not because of any infection, but because of wearing uncomfortable panties or using unhygienic products too.

But if the discharge is abnormal and you have symptoms such as itchiness, foul odor, and vaginal pain, you should see a doctor. Medical tests help diagnose the condition, and the doctor would suggest the necessary treatment.

How Is Yellow Discharge Treated?

Yeast infections are treated with antifungal tablets, creams, ointments, or suppositories. Bacterial and sexually transmitted infections are treated with antibiotics that are considered safe during pregnancy (8). The duration of the treatment depends on the severity of symptoms. The sooner you receive the treatment, the lesser is the possibility of infections that cause complications, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Even as you follow the course of treatment, it is good to take proper care at home to deal with the infection as well as prevent it in the future.

How To Prevent Yellow Vaginal Discharge?

The following measures help in reducing the discomfort associated with abnormal discharge and also prevent it (9).

Wear panty liners to absorb the discharge and remain dry. Image: Shutterstock

Keep the vaginal area healthy by wiping it from front to back after urination and bowel movements.

Wash your genitals with mild soap and dry them.

Avoid hot bathtubs and douching as it can change the normal bacterial levels and aggravate yeast infections.

Avoid scented soaps and toilet paper, hygiene sprays, and tight-fitting panties.

Wear cotton and clean panties for extra comfort.

Do not use chemicals for washing the area.

If the vagina is itchy, control the urge to scratch as it could make the condition worse.

Stay away from stress by practicing yoga and meditation.

Basic hygiene, plenty of sleep, a healthy diet, and drinking water frequently are good not just for vaginal health but also for your overall health.

The reasons for the condition Ways to prevent it
