Strawberry is a nutrient-dense fruit rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. But since they are acidic, parents might want to know when can babies have strawberries? Thankfully, you may make strawberries a part of a baby’s weaning diet. The fruit can contribute to their overall nutritional needs, promoting their health and supporting growth and development. Read on to know when can babies eat strawberries, what possible health benefits they can offer to babies, and the age-appropriate ways to feed them to your little one.

When Can Babies Have Strawberries?

Most healthy babies eating solid foods can have strawberries from around six months (1). First, you can feed smooth, lump-free strawberry puree or mash to babies in small amounts. Once the baby develops the taste and digestibility for the fruit, you can add strawberries to purees made with different fruits and vegetables, such as banana, apple, papaya, or butternut squash. When babies start eating strawberries, they may develop rashes around their mouths. Parents may link these rashes to an allergic reaction, but strawberries are hypoallergenic, and these rashes usually develop due to the fruit’s acidic nature. According to experts, these rashes are more common in babies with sensitive skin and eczema (2). Nevertheless, be cautious and discuss any history of your baby’s food allergies with a pediatrician before serving strawberries to your baby.

Nutritional Value Of Strawberries

There are over 100 strawberry varieties available in the US (3). These varieties vary slightly in appearance and taste, but on average, one fruit of strawberry (18g) can offer the following nutrients to contribute to your baby’s dietary requirements (4) (5). *AI = Adequate intake – nutrient level assumed to ensure nutritional adequacy RDA = Recommended dietary allowance Source: US Food And Drug Administration and Dietary Guidelines For Americans 2020-2025

Possible Health Benefits Of Strawberries

Strawberries contain several nutrients and bioactive compounds that benefit health over time. Here’s a brief insight into some of these potential benefits (6).

Tips To Select And Store Strawberries

Strawberries don’t ripen after harvest. Therefore, pay attention to the fruit’s ripeness while shopping. Picking fully ripe strawberries is good as their sweet taste will come across as pleasant to most babies.

Look for ripe strawberries with bright red, glossy flesh with no white or green areas. Discard those that are too soft and with deep red color as they are most likely overripe.

Pick strawberries with no pits/holes, black/brown spots, or blemishes. When touched, they should feel soft yet firm.

Clean the strawberries with a dry cloth as soon as you get them home. Never wash strawberries unless you are eating them immediately after washing.

Refrigerate strawberries in a plastic or paper bag uncovered for 24 hours or put them in a sealed freezer bag and freeze for several months.

If fresh strawberries aren’t available, you may buy canned or frozen strawberries. While buying canned strawberries, keep the following in mind.

Buy canned strawberries that have been preserved in their juice and not sugar syrup. Pick well-sealed, rust-free cans with no puffiness and dents.

Precautions To Take While Feeding Strawberries To Babies

Here are some precautionary measures you should follow to ensure the safe ingestion of strawberries.

Delicious Strawberry Recipes For Babies And Toddlers

Here are a few strawberry recipes you can feed your baby and toddler as a part of a healthy, well-balanced meal.

1. Strawberry and banana puree

You will need

½ banana (chopped) 3-4 fresh, ripe strawberries (washed and boiled)

How to make

2. Strawberry and apple puree

You will need

1 cup strawberries (chopped) ¼ cup fresh blueberries 1 apple (peeled, cored, and diced)

How to make

3. Strawberry oatmeal

You will need:

2 cups water 1 cup instant oats 10 strawberries (mashed) 1 banana (mashed) 1tsp ground cinnamon 1tsp dates puree

How to make:

4. Strawberry smoothie

You will need

1 cup strawberry 1 cup plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt ½ cup almond milk 1tsp dried fruit powder

How to make
