Loss of appetite in teens isn’t uncommon. A teenager undergoes several physical, psychological, and social changes during adolescence that can cause a teenager to lose interest in food. Temporary loss of appetite is mostly benign and seldom a cause for concern. However, if a teen has chronic appetite problems, you can’t undermine the possibility of an underlying health condition. Improper eating patterns can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which can cause several chronic health issues to emerge over time (1). Keep reading as we tell you more about appetite loss in teenagers, its possible causes, and more.

When Is Loss Of Appetite A Concern In Teens?

It is not uncommon for teens to lose interest in food momentarily. Dr. Lilian Ablan Roldan, MD, a pediatrician from Brooklyn, New York, says, “Children and teenagers occasionally change their eating habits, which can be concerning for their families. Rapid height growth, high levels of physical activity, and hectic lifestyles can make it difficult for a young person to consume an adequate amount of food.” However, loss of appetite, along with the following symptoms, could be a cause of concern (2).

Unexplained weight loss Persistent low mood or sadness with frequent tearfulness Irritable and intolerant behavior Little or no enjoyment of things that were interesting at some point Extreme tiredness and social isolation Unusual secrecy about eating habits Being anxious, upset, or guilty while eating

What Are The Possible Causes Of Loss of Appetite In Teens?

Psychological causes

Medical Causes

By understanding the possible cause for loss of appetite, you can help your teen improve their appetite.

How To Improve Your Teen’s Appetite?

You can help your teen tackle the potential cause or causes of loss of appetite. Dr. Roldan adds, “Maintaining modest but nutritious portions can help a young person avoid feeling overwhelmed by food. If your child cannot finish the meal, completing the carbohydrate and protein portions of the meal may be more important than the vegetables at this time. Avoid labeling foods as healthy or unhealthy; all foods can be healthy depending on the individual’s needs. There are no such things as bad foods.” Below are some steps that you could follow. Parental intervention, along with medical help, can help in timely diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause of loss of appetite.

How To Treat Loss Of Appetite In Teens?

Treatment of loss of appetite largely depends upon its cause. Below are some possible treatments that could be decided upon consultation with a doctor. Immediate medical assistance is suggested when the loss of appetite is due to substance abuse, eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia or depression. Chronic loss of appetite could lead to health complications depending upon the cause and its severity.

Possible Health Risks Of Loss Of Appetite In Teens

Loss of appetite usually resolves without long-term health concerns. However, if it continues for a prolonged time, then it can have serious health risks or complications, as mentioned below (19) (20).

Malnutrition impacting the growth and development of the teen Poor weight in accordance with the height Extreme fatigue impacting day to day activities Hormonal imbalance leading to delay in puberty and disturbed menses in girls Impaired bone mass Muscle wasting Irregular heartbeat Shortness of breath Fever A general ill feeling
