Vaginal pain during pregnancy is common. Expansion of the uterus causes vaginal pain in the early weeks of pregnancy. In later trimesters, cervical dilation, the baby’s weight, and increased blood flow to the vagina may cause pain. Most women may feel sharp or shooting pain when the vaginal ligaments are stretched during pregnancy. It is not a sign of any medical problems in most cases. Prenatal massages and pelvic floor exercises help many mothers relieve vaginal pain in pregnancy. Read on to know the causes and remedies for vaginal pain during pregnancy.

What Causes Vaginal Pain During Pregnancy?

Vaginal or pelvic pain during pregnancy could be due to several reasons as your body adapts to the new changes. The following are the reasons that are likely to cause pain in the vaginal region. Vaginal pain could also occur due to other reasons such as constipation and gassiness, following sexual intercourse or improper exercise or wrong sleeping postures, or just stress. Cramp-like vaginal pain, along with bleeding, might indicate a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy in the early part of pregnancy (5). Therefore, if you feel pain in your vagina, try to identify if it is a common or a serious issue.

Ways To Get Relief From Vaginal Pain During Pregnancy

In most cases, vaginal pain may subside with some simple measures. Here are a few such ways to get relief:

Lie down on your left as it might improve the blood circulation and reduce vaginal pressure. Image: iStock

When sitting, keep your feet elevated to get some relief from the pressure and pain.

Warm water baths could help you relax. You might also stand under the shower and allow the water to fall on your back.

Lie down with hips elevated.

Get a pelvic massage by a trained masseuse.

Do some simple exercises such as yoga and swimming after getting clearance from your doctor. They might improve blood circulation and strengthen the muscles, thereby relieving the pain. Image: Shutterstock

Pelvic exercises such as pelvic rolls and tilts may also help.

Use support belts that are designed to support the belly, lower back, pelvis, and hips.

Also, avoid jerky movements and sudden twists at the waist. Do not take pain relief medications without a prescription.

How Would The Vaginal Pain Impact Your Daily Life?

The pain might have an impact on the joints, bones, and muscles. Walking, driving over uneven roads, and climbing stairs may aggravate the pain. You might feel increased pressure on the vagina as you move towards delivery. The pain and pressure might aggravate as the baby drops into the pelvic region to prepare itself for delivery. Care and attention at home could help you get some relief from the pain.

When To See A Doctor

Use your prenatal appointment with your doctor to talk about vaginal pain if it is mild. But if the pain is intense, and is accompanied by a fever, headache, dizziness, bleeding, painful and frequent urination, change in baby movements and swelling of the face, hands, and feet, seek medical help. Prompt treatment might help in avoiding any complications.

What Is The Difference Between Vaginal Pain And Pressure?

Often, we tend to mistake pain for pressure. Pain is sharp enough to make it difficult for you to walk, while pressure is similar to the ache you may experience during menstrual cramps and is spread to the lower back too.

Types Of Vaginal Pain

Observing the pain and identifying its type may also help you to explain the symptoms to your doctor. Whatever might be the type of pain, talk to your doctor about it. They will examine and advise you accordingly. In general, if the pain is becoming frequent, getting more intense with time, associated with the tightening of uterus, vaginal bleeding, or increased vaginal discharge, then it might be a progression of labor. You might need to be checked for labor onset or progression. Illustration: MomJunction Design Team
