Sleeping positions are a personal preference, and many of us are habituated to sleeping on our stomachs. However, when your tummy starts growing to accommodate your developing baby, it may not feel comfortable to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy. You may not notice any difference in the first trimester or even up to 18 weeks, but your baby bump at later stages may make it a painful experience. Read this post to know when to stop sleeping on your tummy when pregnant, the ideal position of sleeping, and some useful tips to help you sleep better.

Can You Sleep On Your Stomach When Pregnant?

Sleeping on your stomach may not be a good option during pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses, the uterus becomes heavier, making it uncomfortable for you to sleep in that position.

If you are a stomach-sleeper, you may continue to sleep so in the first trimester (1). During the second trimester, you may start experiencing heartburn, which occurs when the stomach contents reflux or flow back to the esophagus. Sleeping on the stomach may also slow down the digestion process, keeping the food in the stomach for a longer time, which could aggravate heartburn and constipation (2) (3). During the third trimester, your pregnancy bump makes it uncomfortable to sleep on the stomach (4). Daniel Boyer, MD, who focuses on medical research at Farr Institute, West Des Moines, Iowa, says, “You should not lay on your stomach while pregnant in the third trimester. Your baby is very active at this stage of pregnancy, so you may feel uncomfortable lying on your stomach.”

When Should You Stop Sleeping On Stomach During Pregnancy?

You should stop sleeping on the stomach whenever you feel uncomfortable. You may be able to sleep until the 16th to 18th week of pregnancy. Sleeping on your stomach after this period becomes uncomfortable (4). Sleeping on the back may also be uncomfortable as the weight of the growing fetus presses on the inferior vena cava (the large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart). This may slow down the return of blood to the heart and limit blood flow to the fetus (1). Sleeping on your back arises backaches, difficult breathing, make digestion less efficient, interferes with circulation, and possibly causes hypotension, reduce blood to the uterus giving to the baby less oxygen and nutrients.

Pregnancy Pillow While Sleeping On The Stomach

If you are a stomach-sleeper and prefer to continue sleeping in the same position in the first trimester, you may place a pregnancy pillow (a donut-shaped or wedge-shaped pillow) under your tummy for support (4). Dr. Boyer suggests, “In the third trimester, it is best to sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs and another one between your stomach and the bed. This will help you get a more comfortable position to rest in.”

Disadvantages Of Sleeping On The Stomach

The extra weight in the middle of the body may increase the pull on the spine, thus causing back pain. It may add extra pressure on the breasts that are usually sore and tender during this time. “If you fall asleep while pregnant on your stomach, there is a risk of developing blood vessels or ligaments that could lead to a blood clot. If a blood clot develops, it could lead to early pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, placenta accreta, and placenta previa,” Dr. Boyer observes.

Ideal Sleeping Position During Pregnancy

You may consider sleeping on your side, preferably on your left side during pregnancy. The best way to sleep through the night, this position improves the blood flow and nutrients from you to the growing fetus and does not put pressure on your liver. It may also improve the functioning of the kidney by helping eliminate waste and fluid from the your body, which in turn reduces swelling in the ankles, feet, and hands. Placing a pillow between your knees could make it more comfortable for you to sleep on the side (1).

Tips To Sleep Better During Pregnancy

You may follow these tips to get better sleep.

Drink more water (or fluids) during the day, and less before sleep time to avoid frequent urination. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation could relieve your stress and mitigate any sleep disturbances. Use full-body pregnancy pillows and supportive cushions for extra support. They could make you feel comfortable and improve sleep. Do not eat spicy or fried foods as it could lead to heartburn and disrupt your sleep. To prevent nausea, you may have some snacks such as crackers or pretzels. This could also curb your midnight hunger. Listen to some relaxing and soothing music before bedtime. It could de-stress you and help sleep better. Take a warm shower a few minutes before bedtime. It calms the tensed nerves and improves sleep. Ask your partner to give you a massage.
