Screening for protein in urine during pregnancy is a part of your routine prenatal care (1) . During pregnancy, your urinary protein excretion gets doubled and can reach up to 300mg/24 h against 150mg/24 h in non-pregnant individuals. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), if your urinary protein excretion exceeds beyond 300mg in the 24-hour collection, has a protein/creatinine ratio ≥0.3mg/mg, or gives 2+ or more reading on urine dipstick testing, it can be defined as proteinuria or high protein in urine during pregnancy (2). Read on to know the causes of increased urinary protein excretion during pregnancy, its risk factors, symptoms, and how it can be treated in a pregnant woman.

What Causes High Protein In The Urine During Pregnancy?

The following conditions can lead to high protein in the urine during pregnancy (2) (3).

What Are The Risk Factors For High Protein In Urine During Pregnancy?

Certain risk factors that may increase the likelihood of high protein in the urine during pregnancy include (6) (7):

Multiparity (a woman who has given birth more than once)

History (personal or family) of preeclampsia with previous pregnancies

Age over 35 years

Obesity (BMI over 30)

Health conditions, such as chronic high blood pressure or diabetes (type 1 or type 2)

What Are The Symptoms Of Protein In Urine?

You may not notice any symptoms of a mild increase in urinary protein levels. However, high protein levels in urine during pregnancy could cause the following symptoms (8).

Frothy, foamy, or bubbly urine Swelling (edema) in your hands, feet, belly, or face Frequent urination Feeling nauseous and an urge to vomit Muscle cramps at night

Additionally, since proteinuria is strongly associated with preeclampsia during later stages of pregnancy, you should also look for symptoms of preeclampsia. These symptoms may include (9):

High blood pressure during pregnancy(≥ 140/90 mg/Hg) Lower back pain

Vision changes, including light sensitivity and blurry vision Shortness of breath Facial edema Swelling of hands Headaches

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately contact your healthcare provider.

How Can Protein In Urine Be Tested During Pregnancy?

There are various tests to determine protein levels in the urine of pregnant women (2) (3) (10).

How Is High Protein In Urine Treated?

Proteinuria is not a disorder but a condition caused due to various factors and medical conditions in pregnant women. However, you should be attentive to your protein urine levels and should not neglect them. If you have a mild increase in the levels of protein in the urine, simple dietary and lifestyle modification can be useful. Proteinuria during underlying conditions, such as hypertension and infection, will require the treatment of the condition through medications to cure proteinuria eventually (8) (11). The doctor may also suggest lifestyle changes, such as including exercises and avoiding certain foods to bring down protein levels in the urine.

How To Prevent High Protein In Urine During Pregnancy?

While proteinuria during pregnancy cannot be prevented, you may take the following measures to control its underlying causes and its further impact (3) (8).

Monitor your blood glucose levels on a regular basis

Adhere to a healthy eating plan

Do pregnancy-friendly physical activities

Limit the intake of salt and protein in your diet

Maintain a healthy weight, especially during pregnancy, as excess weight gain is a risk factor for gestational diabetes or preeclampsia

Take adequate rest

Drink plenty of water and fluids

Maintain good hygiene
