Teenage is an exciting time with several changes happening in the body. It is important to have a workout plan for teenagers during this time to make the most out of this period of growth. During the teenage years, children attain puberty which leads to many physical changes in their bodies. Some of these changes might make them uncomfortable and affect their self-confidence too. It is important to keep the body fit and in shape to overcome such situations. Making healthy food choices and steering away from having junk food and an unhealthy lifestyle will help build healthy and good muscles. Read on to know how you can guide your child towards making healthy lifestyle choices.

How To Build Muscle Mass In Teen Boys

Here are some natural ways through which your teen boy can build his muscles:

1. Get a physical examination done:

Before your teen begins his muscle building regimen, it is important to get a thorough physical examination done by a doctor. It will help to rule out any health related concerns that your teen may have.

2. Be realistic:

If other males in your family, including the father and any male sibling, are thin, it is possible that it is a genetic makeup. Your teen will most likely have a relatively thin or lean body as compared to others who may have a more muscular genetic buildup.

3. Ensure there is enough protein intake:

Your teen should consume enough protein in his diet each day, but make sure he does not go overboard. Taking too much protein on a regular basis will actually work against what your teen is trying to do. All the extra protein that your teen consumes will either get burned off or get stored in his body as fat. Ensure that he eats a healthy balance of protein-based foods on a daily basis, such as lean meats and low-fat dairy. Get a consultation from a certified professional to understand how much protein your son will need based on his height and overall weight.

4. Do not cut out carbohydrates:

Many people advocate cutting off carbohydrates completely from the diet. However, it is important that your teen has a balance of carbohydrates in his food instead of entirely giving it up. Whole grain carbohydrates provide fuel to your son’s body, which helps him exercise. If your teen does not eat carbohydrates on a regular basis, his body will start using the protein reserves to create energy. As a result, his body will not have enough protein that will help in building muscle. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grain based foods are good forms of carbohydrates.

5. Formulate a suitable workout plan:

All body types react differently to exercise and fitness regimes. So, it is important to understand the workout plan that will work best for your teen son. To get the maximum out of his workout, your teen should go for low-weight and high-reception exercises. It is advisable that your teen stays away from bodybuilding exercises, as they can lead to injuries and other negative results during the teen years. The workout program for your teen son should include a mix of exercises that will help him build his muscles, strengthen his tendons, and also prevent injury. Your teen can easily try some full-body exercises with free weights or use resistance bands. However, make sure he allows his body at least 24 hours of rest between each session of workout. Also, exercises that encourage his cardiovascular workouts, such as cycling or running, will help him stay healthy and also build his stamina.

How To Build Muscle Mass In Teen Girls

Here are some natural ways to which your teen girl will be able to build her muscles:

1. Calories are important:

With so much negativity around the word ‘calorie,’ more and more teens are trying to cut it out of their foods. However, if your teen girl wants to build muscle mass, it is important that she consumes the required amount of calories on a regular basis. Consuming enough calories will make sure that her body has enough fuel to help her follow a proper workout regime. Take her to a certified professional to understand how much calories she requires daily.

2. Create a schedule:

The next step towards a proper workout is to create a resistance training split schedule. Have a realistic idea of how many days a week your teen will be able to exercise. Once you know the number of days she can dedicate to her workout, divide the body parts to accommodate the days of the workout through the week. For instance, if she can only keep three days a week for her workouts, you can break it up into one day for arms and legs, one day for the abs and back and one day for the chest and shoulders.

3. Stick to the plan and create resistance:

Make sure that your teen sticks to the plan each day of workout and carries out the sessions as per the schedule. Include lots of different types of exercises so that she does not get bored and continues with the workout. You can encourage her to also do a mix of free weights, cables, and machines. Also, whenever possible, let her try out some challenging compound movements. These will include bench press, squats, and lunges. Also, make sure that your teen has enough resistance in her workouts so that she finds it hard to complete the last bit of her reps.

4. Eat smaller but more meals each day:

The simple rule is to break up the meals into smaller quantities and eat it in a course of five to six breaks each day. Instead of having three heavy meals a day, let your daughter go for some meals but with a lesser amount of food. Keep an interval of at least three to four hours between each meal time so that her body can make the most of what she eats. An ideal meal should include a mix of lean proteins (such as egg whites, chicken, fish, low-fat dairy), as well as healthy fats and carbohydrates. For fats, let her have a variety of nuts and olive oil. For carbohydrates, she can try and include fresh fruits and vegetables as well as oatmeal.

5. Rest is critical:

Make sure that even as your teen daughter gets set on her workout schedule, she gets ample rest and sleep time each day. Proper sleep will ensure that your daughter’s body functions go on smoothly as required. Sleeping for at least seven to eight hours each night will assist in regulating her hormonal process, maintain her blood pressure as well as keep her eating patterns and metabolism in check. If your teen does not get enough sleep, it can interfere with her protein synthesis, the process through which her body will build lean mass. Less sleep can also lead to a loss of muscle mass.

Workout Plan For Teen Boys To Build Muscles

Before starting, make sure your teen has a doctor consultation and gets a go-ahead on the health part. Here is a potential workout plan that your teen boy can follow to help him build muscles:

1. Day 1: Concentrate on legs:

Freehand jump squats Leg press Split squat Barbell squat Standing calf raise Seated calf raise Romanian deadlift Lying leg curl

For all the above, let your teen go for two to three sets that include 8 to 12 reps each. Also, make sure that your teen gets about 90 seconds of rest in between each set.

2. Day 2: Concentrate on cardio:

Walking or running on the treadmill Running outdoors

Make sure that your teen takes at least a 20-minute interval while doing cardio.

3. Day 3: Push ups:

Regular floor pushups Incline bench press Flat bench dumbbell press Bent over dumbbell lateral raise Toe touches Bench dips Lying triceps press

For all the above, let your teen go for two to three sets that include 8 to 12 reps each. Also, make sure that your teen gets about 90 seconds of rest in between each set.

4. Day 4: Concentrate on cardio:

For this particular day of cardio, your teen can go for some variation by including:

Stationary bicycling Outdoor bicycling

Make sure that your teen takes at least a 20 minute interval while doing cardio.

5. Day 5: Pulls:

Butt lift Seated cable row Deadlift Bent over barbell row Wide grip pull up Incline dumbbell curl Concentration curl Underhand cable pulldown

For all the above, let your teen go for two to three sets that include 8 to 15 reps each. Also, make sure that your teen gets about 90 seconds of rest in between each set.

Workout Plan For Teen Girls To Build Muscles

Before starting, make sure your teen has a doctor consultation and gets a go-ahead on the health part. Here is a potential workout plan that your teen girl can follow to help her build muscles.

1. Day 1: Chest, shoulder, and triceps:

Bench press Dumbbell flies Front dumbbell raises Triceps press Side dumbbell raises Crunches

For all the above, let your teen go for two to three sets that include 10 to 12 reps each. Also, make sure that your teen gets about 90 seconds of rest in between each set.

2. Day 2: Legs, back, and biceps:

Leg extensions Leg curls Calf raises Dumbbell curls Wide grip pull downs or chin ups Back extension

For all the above, let your teen go for two to three sets that include 10 to 12 reps each. Also, make sure that your teen gets about 90 seconds of rest in between each set.

3. Day 3: Repeat day 1

4. Day 4: Repeat day 2

Diet Plan For Teen Boys To Build Muscle

To make sure that your son gets the best out of his diet plan, take him for a doctor consultation to understand his specific requirements. It will help to understand exactly how much of what food category your teen needs and if you need to add or remove anything from the teen’s diet chart. Here is a broad look at the type of diet plan your son should follow while he tries to build his muscles:

Diet Plan For Teen Girls To Build Muscle

To make sure that your teen gets the best out of her diet plan, take her for a doctor consultation to understand her specific requirements. It will help to understand exactly how much of what food category your teen needs and if she needs to add or remove anything from her diet chart. Here is a broad look at the type of diet plan your teen girl should follow while she tries to build her muscles:

Safe Muscle Supplements For Teens

Here are some of the best types of supplements that your teen can have while trying to build muscles. Make sure that you also do a consultation with a certified professional to understand what will work best for your teen and to rule out any specific health concern: While building muscle is important, remember that not all teens will gain the same through the same way. What works for some may not work for others, so understand your teen’s needs and body type and help devise a plan accordingly. It’s always best to discuss with a pediatrician and a registered dietician so that you can adequately meet your child’s nutritional needs while they build their muscles.