Women need milk during pregnancy to have a balanced diet. A mom-to-be needs to consume about two to three servings of milk per day unless there are any restrictions or limitations (1). Since it has all of the nine essential amino acids required for sustenance, growth, and development, milk can provide the necessary nutrients to both the mother and the baby (2) (3). But are there alternatives for those who cannot drink cow or animal milk? This post will help you understand the different types of milk, including their nutritional value and side effects, and guide you in choosing the right one for yourself.

Is It Good To Drink Milk During Pregnancy?

Yes, milk provides healthy amounts of calcium, protein and vitamin D to ensure a healthy pregnancy and fetal growth (4).

How Much Milk Should A Pregnant Woman Drink In A Day?

A pregnant woman can have around three glasses of milk, preferably the low-fat or non-fat variety, every day (1) to benefit from it. However, the selection of milk will depend on the nutritional and medical status of the mother.

Benefits Of Drinking Milk During Pregnancy

Milk offers the following benefits during pregnancy:

1. Dietary calcium for bones

An expectant mother provides approximately 50 to 330mg of calcium to support the developing fetal skeleton (6).To fulfill this requirement, an expecting woman of 19 years and older are recommended to consume 1,000mg of calcium a day. Women under 19 are recommended to consume 1,300mg of calcium a day. One glass (250ml) of nonfat milk offers 309mg of calcium (7). Therefore, it is advisable to consume three to four glasses of milk to meet your everyday calcium needs during pregnancy.

2. Protein for baby development

During pregnancy, optimum intake of protein helps in supporting the baby’s growth and their cells to multiply rapidly (3). Protein could possibly help strengthen the uterus, improve blood supply, and nourish the baby (8) (9). If the protein intake is insufficient, it might increase the risk of low birth weight in babies (10). The daily requirement of protein for pregnant women is 1.1g/kg body weight/day (11). One glass of milk offers 8-9g of protein (4). Therefore, taking three glasses of low-fat milk can help you meet more than one-third of your protein requirement of the day (12).

3. Vitamin D prevents neonatal rickets

Intake of vitamin D during pregnancy could help prevent neonatal rickets and low birth weight. The daily requirement of vitamin D is 400IU (12), and one serving (8oz) of milk can offer 115 to 124 IU (14). Therefore, consuming three servings of milk can help you meet 59% of this vitamin’s requirement.

4. Antacid property

Heartburn and other gastric issues are common during pregnancy. Drinking non-fat or low-fat milk can relieve the symptoms of heartburn to some extent (16).

5. Keeps you hydrated

If you feel dehydrated or stressed out, having a glass of milk helps. It keeps you hydrated and makes up for the fluid loss in the body (17).

Raw Milk Or Pasteurized Milk: What Is Safe?

Drinking unpasteurized or raw milk or consuming anything prepared from raw milk is not safe during pregnancy. The consumption of raw milk (which is not pasteurized and carries microbes) increases the risk of several diseases such as listeriosis (17). During the pasteurization process, the milk is heated on high temperatures to destroy the microbes that contribute to several diseases. Listeriosis is rare but can be dangerous for unborn babies.

Types Of Milk – What Is The Best Milk To Drink When Pregnant?

In general, milk is of various types. However, the two basic types are full fat and low fat or skimmed milk. Whether you choose skimmed or whole milk, it is essential to pick one that is pasteurized. Raw milk usually contains bacteria, which can be dangerous for you and your unborn baby. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends pregnant women avoid foods made from unpasteurized milk (19). Below is listed a variety of milk types that you may choose from: One glass (250 ml) of low-fat milk offers 309mg of calcium, which is essential for the mother as well as the developing fetus. Research says that two to three glasses of low-fat milk (or three servings of dairy) is a wise choice during pregnancy. Thus, whole milk can be a part of your diet if your doctor recommends you so. However, be cautious as pregnancy does not demand an excess of fat. High amounts of fat during pregnancy could lead to excess weight gain. Milk comes from different sources, including animals and plants. From cow milk to goat milk, rice milk and almond milk, each type has different nutritional value and flavor, which you need to know about before trying.

1. Cow milk

It is the most commonly consumed variety of milk and is available in whole, fat-free, skimmed and flavored options. Rich in amino acids that help build cells in the mother’s and the baby’s body

Also contains:

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and helps control free radical damage Vitamin A, good for vision, helps build healthy tissues and boosts immunity One glass of cow’s milk provides 240mg of calcium (23)

2. Goat milk

Not popular, but highly nutritious. It has an unusual flavor and is available as fresh milk and UHT (ultra-high temperature processed) milk. Compared to cow’s milk, goat’s milk has a higher protein and fat content, high calories and smaller butterfat globules, and higher amounts of vitamin B2 (24). Goat milk has more essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid and arachidonic acid, and medium-chain fatty acids than cow’s milk (25). The high vitamin A content is directly absorbed by the body. It also contains good amounts of vitamin B2 that stimulate the production of antibodies, thereby maintaining a healthy immune system (26). One cup of whole goat milk gives 134mg of calcium (26).

3. Soy milk

It is obtained by grinding water-soaked soybeans. Available in fat-free, whole, and flavored varieties, soy milk also comes fortified with fiber or calcium. Soy milk contains almost the same protein level as cow’s milk (27). It is cholesterol-free and supplies good amounts of calcium to the fetus and the mother. A glass of soy milk offers as much as 300mg of calcium. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat content could possibly help to fight against cardiovascular diseases. It also has antioxidants which may help in fighting cancer and its effects.

3. Rice milk

It is prepared by blending rice with water. Rice milk is available in skim, flavored, calcium or protein fortified varieties. Rice milk contains four times more carbohydrates than cow’s milk and is not ideal for diabetic women. Rice milk contains high levels of B vitamins and has low-fat content. Enriched with calcium, low in protein and high in antioxidants. One cup of rice milk can provide 118mg calcium (28).

4. Almond milk

Almond milk makes the best alternative especially for those who are intolerant to lactose or soy. It is prepared from grounded almonds and water. It is free of cholesterol and saturated fat. One cup of rice milk is known to provide 197mg calcium (29). Rich in fiber, folic acid, vitamins B and E, proteins, calcium, and iron. Low in calories and contains antioxidants that boost the immune system.

5. Oat milk

The high fiber content in oat milk could prevent constipation during pregnancy. It might also help control food cravings, monitor sugar levels in the blood, and help in transporting oxygen to the cells. The main dietary fiber that oat milk has is beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is believed to possess nutraceutical properties that help maintain blood glucose levels. It is also known to have hypocholesterolemic effects. Rich in vitamins A and B, and some minerals such as potassium, manganese, and phosphorus (30) (31). Protein content more than that of almond or rice milk but less than cow’s milk.

6. Coconut milk

One cup of coconut milk gives 76Kcal, which comes mostly from sugar and total fat but the total protein is almost negligible. It has a considerable amount of saturated fats comprised of quality MCTs. Some MCTs such as lauric and capric acid in it are associated with health benefits (32). Also, it has almost 459mg of calcium, which is a considerable amount when compared to milk from animal sources.

Even with highlighted benefits, the choice of coconut milk during pregnancy must be done under pediatric guidance preferably.

8. Saffron milk

Saffron or Kesar milk is made by adding a small amount of saffron to milk. Use of saffron in milk during pregnancy is a traditional practice that dates back to the time of Ayurveda. It is believed that adding saffron in milk could possibly help in:

9. Powdered milk

Also called dried milk, it is made by evaporating the moisture in the milk to make dried milk powder. It is available as dry whole milk, dry whey, dry skimmed milk, and dry dairy blends. This is less healthy as it is exposed to high heat to drain the moisture in the milk that disrupts the water-soluble vitamin and mineral profile. It also leads to broken proteins and rancid fat cells in it.

10. Cultured milk (also called buttermilk)

During the process of making butter out of whole milk, the leftover water containing whey is called cultured milk or buttermilk (34). It is also made by culturing the milk with lactic acid bacteria where it ferments the milk giving it a tangy flavor. Nutrition is similar to low-fat or non-fat milk.

11. Condensed milk

It is dehydrated cow’s milk with added sugar, also available in unsweetened form. It is safe to consume during pregnancy as it is made from regular pasteurized milk that is boiled until a thick consistency is achieved The nutrient properties are same as whole or skimmed milk.

12. Chocolate milk

It is a type of flavored milk made by adding chocolate powder or syrup to milk. It is considered safe to drink during pregnancy as it contains high amounts of calories required for the two. However, you need to be cautious of its caffeine and sugar content.

Safe Ways To Consume Milk During Pregnancy

When consumed in excess or without proper preparation, milk can cause some discomfort to you. Here are some safe ways to consume milk when you are pregnant:

Dilute the milk with water in a 2:1 ratio and mix well. Use it to make tea or milkshakes. Consume warm milk in small sips and do not gulp it down hurriedly. Avoid drinking milk after a meal. You can have up to three cups of milk at intervals

Tips And Precautions To Follow

Although milk consumption is beneficial during pregnancy, there are some things you need to remember.

What to eat or drink

Dairy foods like yogurt can make a healthy afternoon snack. However, look for their sugar content as some yogurt brands have high sugars, which could be a problem during pregnancy. For breakfast, combine milk with cereals such as oats, maize or cornflakes, and barley. This way, you will be able to balance your meal with a combination of carb and protein source. Adding a variety of fruits to this meal will have added benefits. At dinner, have a cup of skimmed milk. Include low-fat cheese in salads.

What to avoid

Avoid moldy cheeses (camembert and brie), blue-veined soft cheeses (Roquefort) and products made of unpasteurized milk. Consumption of these cheese types could expose you to the risk of bacterial contamination leading to listeriosis (35).

Below we answer some more queries about milk and pregnancy.
