Jock itch (tinea cruris) in kids is a fungal skin infection seen in children who sweat profusely and often swim in public pools. The jock itch is an infection commonly occurring in and around the moist areas of the body, such as the upper thighs and the privates. The main clinical manifestation of this infection is a ring-shaped rash, which can cause redness and itchiness in the affected area. In some children, the infection may spread to the surrounding areas, causing discomfort and irritation. However, it is usually not very serious and can be managed with good hygiene practices and over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal medications. Read this post to learn more about the symptoms and causes of the jock itch and whether the infection is contagious.

What Causes Jock Itch In Children?

Jock itch, medically known as tinea cruris, is a fungal infection caused by any fungus from a group of fungi called dermatophytes (1) (2). Infections caused by these fungi are known as tinea infections (3). The fungus usually lives on skin, nails, and hair. Prolonged heat and moistness in an area can cause the fungus to multiply and cause jock itch infection. When the infection occurs on the groin, upper thighs, and buttocks, it is known as jock itch. If feet are affected, it is called athlete’s foot, and if the infection occurs on the other parts of the body, it is referred to as ringworm.

Why Is It Called Jock Itch And Who Is At Risk Of Getting It?

The rash is known as jock itch, as it is most common in athletes. The following are some of the factors that can increase the risk of getting a jock rash (4).

Boys are said to be more likely to get it than girls.

Obese children have a high chance of developing this rash, as their skin folds provide a conducive climate for the fungus to thrive.

Children who are physically active or sweat excessively (hyperhidrosis).

Those who share pools or locker rooms since they might catch the fungus from others.

Wearing tight clothing and undergarments traps the moisture and aids in the development of the infection.

Children with a weak immune system and diabetes.

Signs And Symptoms Of Jock Itch

Red, itchy rashes appear on the inner thighs.

Spreads in a ring-like circular pattern, and the center appears clear.

The edges are raised and red in color.

Your doctor would perform a physical examination to determine the infection. They would also enquire about your child’s medical history, lifestyle, and hygiene habits. A small flake of the rash may be sent for a lab test or examined under a microscope to check for the presence of fungus.

Is Jock Itch Contagious And How Long Does It Take to Heal?

Yes, jock itch can spread from one child to another through skin contact, contaminated towels, and clothing. If your child has athlete’s foot, then the fungus can travel from the feet to the groin through clothes, hands, or a towel. It can also spread from animals to humans. Mild cases of jock itch clear up in two to four weeks. If the infection is severe and has spread to the nails and scalp, then it might take up to three months to get cured. However, studies note that the fungal spores can live on bedding and towels for a year if these are not properly washed (2). Therefore, it is essential to take proper steps to contain the skin infection.

Treatment For Jock Itch In Children

Mild infections can be cured with over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal creams and ointments. Severe infections could require prescription oral or topical medications. If the infection does not subside in two weeks with OTC medications or gets worse, then see a doctor (1). Along with medication, you may take the following measures to help relieve the itching and discomfort.

Wash the infected area and dab dry it with a clean towel. Don’t rub the affected area with the towel as it will worsen the rash and increase the likelihood of spread.

Change the clothing and undergarments every day.

Avoid tight clothing that can further irritate the rash.

It should be noted that you need to continue the medication until the period prescribed by the doctor, even when the symptoms disappear, to eliminate the fungus.

Prevention Of Jock Itch In Children

Adequate precautions and good personal hygiene can protect children from jock itch (3).

Keep groins clean and dry.

Shower after playing sports.

Change undergarments daily.

Wear loose clothing during warm or humid weather.

Choose breathable cotton undergarments and avoid tight polyester undergarments.

Periodically wash gym outfits, sports outfits, towels, and bed sheets with warm water and detergent.

Do not share clothes or towels with others.

Avoid public showers or shared locker rooms as much as possible.

If someone in the family has jock itch, then keep their belongings separately to prevent the spread of infection.

Home Remedies For Jock Itch

Along with the antifungal medications, you can also follow a few home remedies to reduce the healing time. However, it should be noted that these remedies may have little scientific backing, so it is best to use them only after informing your child’s doctor.

1. Apple cider vinegar

The antifungal properties are said to hasten the healing process. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water, dip a cotton ball, and dab over the rashes; do it thrice a day for better results (5).

2. Tea tree oil

Studies found that using tea tree oil twice daily could be effective in children with tinea pedis (6). Mix tea tree oil with coconut or olive oil and dab it on the rashes. Do this three to four times a day.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric’s antifungal properties are said to be useful in providing relief from the rash and itching caused by tinea infections (7). Mix turmeric with a little water and apply the mixture on the rashes.

4. Garlic

Studies suggest that garlic exhibits antifungal properties that might be effective against dermatophyte fungi. Crush some garlic and mix it with olive oil to make it into a paste, apply it on the rashes and leave it for 30 mins (8).

5. Neem and aloe vera

Research suggests that a mixture of aloe vera and neem inhibits the growth of fungus in tinea infections (9). Grind and paste neem leaves, mix it with aloe vera gel, apply it on the rashes, and leave it for 20 mins.

6. Honey

Studies say that honey could be therapeutic in the treatment of tinea infections (10). Dip a clean cotton ball in honey, dab it on the rashes, and let it stay for 15 minutes before rinsing. Repeat this for three to four times a day using a new cotton ball each time.

7. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is known for its antifungal properties and can be used to quicken the healing time of jock itch. Apply virgin coconut oil on the rashes and rinse it after ten minutes. Repeat at least two to three times a day (11).

8. Lemon oil

Studies suggest that lemon oil has antifungal properties and might inhibit the growth of dermatophyte fungi (12). Add two to three drops of lemon oil in one tablespoon of coconut oil, dab it on the affected area, and leave it for 30 minutes. You can do this daily until the rashes begin to subside. Note that these home remedies should be used in conjunction with the treatment. Also, these remedies might take time to show effect. If a home remedy causes a burning sensation or discomfort to the child, then stop using it.
