Turmeric is a spice widely known for its anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, this spice is sometimes called a superfood. So, if you want to know the benefits of turmeric for children, then this post is for you. When consumed in the right amounts, it can benefit the body. It also has a mild flavor that blends well with most savory dishes. In addition, the yellowish hue makes the food more appealing. With such immense use of this spice, you may want to add it to your child’s diet. Keep reading to know more about turmeric, its benefits, and its side effects.

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a natural herb that is used in food recipes, cosmetics, and antiseptic creams. The herb originated from Indonesia and has been in use since ancient times. It is called Haldi in Hindi and Haridra in Sanskrit. Turmeric supplements are generally safe for adults, but they have not been studied in children under the age of 15, so talk to your pediatrician before giving your child any turmeric-based product.

Is Turmeric Safe For Children?

There are no precise guidelines for when to include turmeric in a child’s food. Yes, turmeric is safe for children. It has several health benefits, and it helps fight many diseases. However, consult your doctor before including turmeric or turmeric-related supplements in your child’s diet. It is always better to seek guidance if you are unsure of the results.

Health Benefits Of Turmeric For Children

Recent research has found turmeric to broadly act on health systems, supporting a reduction in inflammation and anti-oxidation, which may aid in the treatment of several conditions. Nothing can beat Turmeric when it comes to providing health benefits. Here are some of the disorders where Turmeric works the best for prevention:

1. Alleviates childhood leukemia

Researchers have found that turmeric-rich food reduces the risk of childhood Leukemia to a great extent. Leukemia is the cancer of the white blood cells or the bone marrow. There is an abnormal growth of cells that travel to other body parts and destroy the healthy cells and tissues.

2. Prevents cystic fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis is a lung disease that can be fatal. A thick layer of mucus accumulates in the lungs and causes severe secondary infections. It sometimes damages the pancreas and hinders the digestion process.

3. Helps to prevents leukemia

Lifestyle and environmental factors play a major role in the increasing number of Leukemia cases. Turmeric helps alleviate the disease in the following manner:

It inhibits the mutation of the cells, thereby reducing carcinogenicity.

It reduces the multiplication of cancer cells.

It helps alleviate any damage to the chromosomes due to the radiations.

Curcumin is a substance present in turmeric that gives it its characteristic yellow color. Curcumin reduces the cell mutation that causes cystic fibrosis. However, don’t give your child too much turmeric before speaking to a doctor.

Side Effects Of Turmeric For Children

Turmeric is a safe herb and does not cause any harm to the body. However, there are certain bodily disorders or conditions where turmeric works in the reverse and aggravates the problem. If your child is suffering from any of the following disorders, then you should not give Turmeric or use it with extreme caution:

1. During surgeries

If your child is about to undergo a surgery, consult your doctor before you give him turmeric. The herb interferes with the body’s ability to clot blood and may hinder the body’s natural process of blood clotting.

2. Gallbladder disorders

If your child is suffering from gallbladder problems, then do not give him turmeric in large quantities as it will worsen the condition.

3. Blood thinning medicines

If your child is on certain medication, then consult your doctor before you give him turmeric. If your child is taking blood-thinning drugs or any anti-platelet medication, then do not give him turmeric at all.

4. Stomach acidity

If your child is suffering from stomach acidity, then the intake of turmeric increases the stomach acid production, so avoid using turmeric.

5. Diabetes

Turmeric herb also affects blood sugar levels. So, do not use it for children who are suffering from diabetes.
