Omega-3 fatty acids are required in increased amounts during pregnancy for the proper development of the fetal brain and retina (1). Therefore, you may consider consuming fish oil during pregnancy to help you get these essential fatty acids. There are other sources of omega-3s, but fish oil has the highest concentration of these structural fats. Keep reading this post that tells you about the safety of consuming fish oil during pregnancy, its benefits, recommended dose, risks, and methods to include it in your pregnancy diet.

Is It Safe To Take Fish Oil During Pregnancy?

Yes and no, since it depends on the type of fish oil you consume. There are two types of fish oil.

Fish oil taken from the body (i.e., flesh) of the fish is safe.

Oil taken from the liver of fish, i.e., cod liver oil, is not safe during pregnancy as it contains high levels of retinol (vitamin A), which puts your baby at risk of congenital disabilities.

When used the right way, fish oil can be beneficial during your pregnancy.

What Are The Benefits Of Fish Oil During Pregnancy?

Fish oil offers benefits derived from two types of omega-3 fatty acids: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). That said, fish oil consumption might also have adverse effects in some.

What Are The Side Effects Of Consuming Fish Oil In Pregnancy?

Here are the possible risks of consuming fish oil.

Overconsumption of fish oil will affect your blood’s ability to form clots, as omega-3s reduce the stickiness of platelets (7).

Fish oil sourced from freshwater fishes, which have higher mercury levels, can harm the unborn baby. It, therefore, affects the development of the baby’s brain and nervous system. So avoid oils of shark, tilefish, swordfish and king mackerel (8).

Fish oil supplements extracted from the liver contain high levels of Vitamin A, which can be harmful to the baby.

Consuming no more than the recommended daily intake of fish oil will minimize the risks.

The daily recommended dosage of omega-3 fatty acids should be 650mg, of which 300mg is DHA (9). So, you can have up to 0.3 grams of fish oil per day (2). Keep reading to know about the nutritional value of fish oils in detail.

Nutritional Value Of Fish Oil

The nutrients in 100gm of fish oil are as follows (10): g=grams; mg=milligrams. To benefit from these nutrients, it is essential to include the right type of fish oils in your diet.

What Types Of Fish Oils Are Safe During Pregnancy?

Fish oil derived from cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, tuna, and anchovies is safe. Always buy your fish oil supplements from a reliable manufacturer to rule out the presence of mercury and other toxins in it. A reputed manufacturer of fish oil will be able to offer documentation as evidence of the purity of the fish oil. In any case, it is good to be cautious when taking fish oil during pregnancy.

Precautions To Take While Consuming Fish Oil Supplements or Pills

If you plan to take fish oil supplements during pregnancy:

Check for the Natural Product Number (NPN) on the cover. NPN indicates that the supplement has been tested for toxins, pesticides, and heavy metals.

Do not take a supplement if you are not sure of the fish oil’s purity. Go for reputed brands upon your doctor’s advice.

Check if clinical research data backs the product, to be sure of the brand’s efficacy.

Avoid taking fish oil supplements if you are allergic to fish.

Consider taking the dosage upon doctor’s prescription.

Next, we answer a few common queries about fish oil intake during pregnancy.
