Finding the right position to sleep comfortably during pregnancy is a struggle for most pregnant women. Sleeping on the back during pregnancy is something you may be tempted to do but is usually not recommended. As relaxing and comfortable it may be, this position is typically safe only during the first trimester. Towards the later trimesters, it may cause complications for the baby and yourself (1) (2). Read to know more about sleeping on the back while pregnant, including its side effects and tips to sleep comfortably.

Sleeping on your back, especially in later stages, is not recommended during pregnancy for the following reasons:

The weight of the growing uterus and fetus presses on the inferior vena cava (the large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart). It may, therefore, slow down the return of blood to the heart and limit blood flow to the fetus (2) (3).

The pressure created on the major blood vessels may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, back pain, digestion problems, difficulty in breathing, hemorrhoids, and low blood pressure (2).

According to a study published in JAMA Network Open, a supine sleep position in late pregnancy (third trimester) could lead to low birth weight of the infant. In an analysis of 1,760 pregnant women, 57 women who slept on their backs had babies with reduced birth weight (4).

Does Sleeping On Your Back Increase The Risk Of Stillbirth?

The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology reports that there is no risk of still birth (1). Several older studies have found that sleeping on the back in the third trimester was associated with an increased risk of stillbirth (5). In fact, a study by researchers in New Zealand has also hypothesized that a supine sleeping position was associated with increased late stillbirth risk (6). However, these studies were not randomized and included a small sample population. Therefore, they cannot be taken as direct evidence.

What Happens If You Wake Up On Your Back?

You need not worry much about waking up on the back since it could happen unknowingly during sleep. In some cases, your body might help you know, as you would start feeling breathless or nauseated even before your baby is affected. It is not likely to cause harm to your baby (7).

How Long Can You Sleep On Your Back While Pregnant?

You may sleep on your back as long as you feel comfortable. As your uterus expands, sleeping on the back may become uncomfortable, and you may naturally shift to a more comfortable sleeping position (5).

What Is The Correct Maternal Sleeping Position?

Sleeping on your left side is considered a good position as it enhances the blood flow to the baby, your uterus, and the kidneys. Using pillows, one between your knees and the other beneath the abdomen, could make you sleep comfortably. It could create a tilt while sleeping on the side and provide the needed support (8).

How To Sleep Comfortably During Pregnancy?

Here are a few tips to get a comfortable and better sleep when pregnant (9).

Drink more water (or fluids) during the day, and less before sleep time to avoid frequent urination.

Relaxation techniques such as yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation could relieve your stress and mitigate any seep disturbances. Image: iStock

Use full-body pregnancy pillows and supportive cushions for extra support. They could make you feel comfortable and improve sleep.

Do not eat spicy or fried foods as it could lead to heartburn and disrupt your good night’s sleep.

To prevent nausea, you may have some snacks such as crackers or pretzels. This could also curb your midnight hunger.

Listen to some relaxing and soothing music before bedtime. It could de-stress you and help sleep better.

Take a warm shower a few minutes before bedtime. It calms the tensed nerves and improves sleep. Image: iStock

Ask your partner to give you a massage.
