Edamame is a healthy, proteinaceous food known for its amazing health benefits. Hence, many expectant moms consider adding edamame to their diets during pregnancy. While it is a great source of nutrients and proteins, you may have certain concerns regarding the safety aspects of including this food item in your pregnancy diet. Read on as we tell you whether it is safe to consume edamame during pregnancy, its nutritional value, potential health benefits, possible side effects, and how to consume it.

What Is Edamame?

Edamame refers to soybeans that are not fully ripe. Edamame is harvested when the beans are yet to reach their full maturity. It is widely eaten in Japan but has recently become a popular snack food across many other parts of the world. Since edamame is less mature than soybeans, there are differences in the nutritional content of both foods. However, both are healthy sources of protein and other essential nutrients.

What Is The Nutritional Value Of Edamame?

Edamame is a healthy legume that can help satisfy your daily requirement for many nutrients. 100g of frozen and prepared edamame provides the following main nutrients (1):

Fat – 5.2g Fiber – 5.2g Carbohydrate – 8.91g Protein – 11.9g

Edamame is rich in iron, calcium, vitamin C , and vitamin A. It is also a good source of manganese, potassium, copper, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamin K, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Is It Safe To Eat Edamame During Pregnancy?

Pregnant women can safely eat one serving of edamame a day. However, there are some concerns regarding soy consumption during pregnancy. Therefore, if you are pregnant, consume soy products only after gaining the approval of your doctor. Also, it is best to consume organic soy products during pregnancy.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Consuming Edamame When Pregnant?

The research on the health benefits of edamame or soybeans is ongoing. However, it is said to be good for cardiac health, bone health, cognitive function, and visual memory. It also provides relief from menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and protection against some cancers due to its high antioxidant content (2). Further, eating soy products during pregnancy is generally quite safe (3). Here are some health benefits of eating edamame during pregnancy:

1. Rich source of plant-based protein

Edamame is a good source of plant-based protein. Plant-based protein sources are healthier meat alternatives since they don’t contain saturated fats that increase the risk of heart diseases. Pregnant women who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet can regularly eat edamame for their protein requirements. It is also a good source of calcium for women with lactose intolerance.

2. Low in calories

All legumes are rich in nutrients but low in calories. The body processes the carbohydrates in legumes at a steady pace; therefore, the consumption of legumes helps keep hunger pangs at bay. A small serving of legumes such as edamame offers a generous mix of carbohydrates and numerous antioxidants (4).

3. Rich folate source

Edamame is a good source of folate (a type of B-vitamin). Though folate is naturally found in foods, it is also added to the diet as folic acid. Folate minimizes the risk of birth defects in fetuses and reduces the risk of premature labor. All forms of soybeans are good sources of this essential vitamin for pregnant women and women planning for pregnancy (4) (5).

4. Rich fiber source

Being rich in fiber, edamame can keep a pregnant woman’s gut healthy and prevent constipation, which is common among pregnant women.

What Are The Side Effects Of Eating Edamame When Pregnant?

Eating edamame is good for your health but may have some side effects, including:

1. Allergies

Pregnant women with soy allergies should not consume edamame or soy in any form. However, pregnant women who are not allergic to soy must also not take soy supplements without their doctor’s approval. Some signs of soy allergy are nausea, hives, itching, diarrhea, and flushed skin (2).

2. Risk of bleeding

Pregnant women who are on blood-thinning drugs must monitor their consumption of soy products. Soy is rich in vitamin K, which enables blood clotting and may work against blood-thinning medicines (6).

3. Reproductive problems

All soy products, including edamame, contain large quantities of plant estrogen such as isoflavones. Though the research is inconclusive and insufficient, some studies suggest that neonatal exposure to isoflavones can have negative effects on reproductive development later in life (7).

5. Fertility problems

Pregnant women are at risk of consuming genetically-modified soy instead of organic soy. Crops that are genetically-engineered may increase the risk of fertility problems and affect reproductive health. Genetically-modified and conventional soy receive herbicide treatment containing a substance called glyphosate, which may increase the risk of miscarriages (8) (9).

How Can You Eat Edamame When Pregnant?

Edamame is available in frozen form in most grocery and health food stores. You can buy shelled edamame or ones still in their pods. Here are some ways you can incorporate edamame in your meals during pregnancy.

Steam or boil edamame for 10 minutes in salted water. You can cook edamame in their pods or shell the beans. Remove from heat and once cool, you can enjoy a healthy snack with good fiber content.

Add cooked or raw edamame to your fresh salads, soups, pasta, and rice dishes.

Make a thick paste of raw edamame and mix it with avocado, artichoke, tomato or herbs such as mint to make healthy dips.

Add edamame to scrambled eggs and further fortify your dish with vegetables such as spinach, peppers, onion, broccoli and some cheese.

Mix edamame with roasted peanuts or other roasted legumes for a healthy protein-rich snack.
