A relationship is the union of two individuals. An interdependent relationship allows both partners to grow together and be their best selves. Their relationship grows and thrives through communication and active listening. A couple in an interdependent relationship takes equal responsibility and makes an individual effort to strengthen the relationship. They make time for personal interests and support each other in their dreams. They identify and value each other’s space and encourage their partner to pursue their passion. In this post, we talk about interdependent relationship and how it works.

What Is Interdependence?

The term interdependence refers to two people or entities being mutually dependent on each other. Interdependence balances the relationship by giving equal importance to both the partners. An interdependent relationship is one where the partners value each other and cooperate in every possible way to maintain stability. The partners in such a relationship are coindependent but not codependent, which means they think of the other’s needs and desires before their own. The couple understands each other’s emotional and physical needs and respects them without being judgmental. This makes an interdependent relationship strong, balanced, and dynamic.

Why Is Interdependence Healthy In A Relationship?

An interdependent relationship is defined by aspects such as mutual support, clear communication, and giving personal space to each other. These qualities are necessary for a relationship to survive, which makes interdependence one of the significant parts of a romantic relationship. In an interdependent relationship, a partner knows what his or her beloved wants. Partners do not force one another to do something they don’t like, and there aren’t as many disagreements either. Interdependence breeds maturity and removes the need for one person to sacrifice or compromise to make the other happy.

Essential Elements Of Interdependent Relationship

Certain characteristics make a relationship interdependent. Some of them are explained here.

1. Healthy communication

Being approachable and honest in communication is necessary for the relationship to work. In an interdependent relationship, both the partners communicate positively. There is active listening, straightforward conversation, but no blame games. They discuss everything freely, being aware of each other’s requirements, leaving no space for misunderstandings.

2. Boundaries

When healthy boundaries are set, both the partners can have their self-esteem and feel comfortable with or without each other. Establishing boundaries doesn’t mean limiting or restricting each other. Instead, it means being transparent with your values, beliefs, limits, and desires, and drawing the line at how much you can compromise or adjust to develop a stronger, healthier relationship.

3. Personal interests

Every individual has their own desires, which they indulge in for some ‘me time’ every day. In an interdependent relationship, partners do not always cling onto one another. They enjoy solitude and can easily get back together when they wish to, without feeling guilty or responsible for the other person’s happiness.

4. Tolerance

Friction is inevitable when two unique individuals with different requirements and preferences come together in a relationship. But being tolerant of each other is what makes the relationship interdependent. Being compassionate, patient, and focused on the common goals will help both partners maintain the balance in the relationship.

5. Teamwork

A relationship functions smoothly when the partners work together. Teamwork helps in building strength and energy in a relationship. When a couple puts in individual effort, the bond becomes long-lasting. That’s how interdependent couples are co-independent on each other. Not sure how interdependence works in a relationship? Here are a few examples to help you understand it better. #1 The man loves traveling, but the woman likes to spend her free time at her home. In an interdependent relationship, neither of them forces the other to do anything. The woman gives the man the freedom to travel alone or with friends. And the man lets his partner relax at home. #2 One partner’s job requires them to work in a tight schedule, with them sometimes being at work for more than 12 to 16 hours a day. And the significant other manages the other responsibilities without complaining. When the partners support each other without nagging or complaining too much, the relationship becomes an interdependent one. Interdependent relationships don’t just happen. They are built, one day at a time.

How To Build An Interdependent Relationship?

Not very happy with the relationship? Feel like there’s some imbalance? Don’t worry. Here are a few simple ways that you may follow and make your relationship steady. If interdependence makes a relationship balanced, then what is codependency? And what role does it play in a relationship? Find more about it in the next section.

Interdependence vs. Codependency

An interdependent relationship works on mutual support. These features help the partners to grow together. On the other hand, the codependent relationship is all about control and power. Thus, the relationship is not in balance. An interdependent couple shares responsibilities and understands each other’s needs. But in a codependent relationship, typically one partner is the controller and the other the controlled one or follower. There is imbalance. Interdependence helps in improving the partners’ confidence, self-esteem, and promotes feelings of emotional safety and mutual respect. Codependency is all about focusing on oneself than on the partner. An interdependent relationship lets the individual be who they are, but a codependent relationship requires them to change or even compromise for the other. Hence, the interdependent relationship is balanced and healthy, unlike the codependent relationship.