Most women wonder about the safety of consuming hemp seeds in pregnancy since it comes from commercial hemp plants (Cannabis sativa) that belong to the same species as marijuana. Hemp seeds are brown, nutty-flavored seeds packed with essential nutrients such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Pregnant women need these nutrients for optimal growth and development of the baby. Read this post about the possible benefits and risks of ingesting hemp seeds in pregnancy.

Safety Of Hemp Seeds For Pregnant Women

The US Food And Drug Administration (US FDA) recognizes hulled hemp seeds, hemp seed protein powder, and hemp seed oil safe for human consumption (1). Although commercial hemp seeds and marijuana come from the same species, they are derived from different varieties or cultivars. Hemp plants are a Cannabis sativa cultivar with less than 0.3% of THC, which is the psychoactive substance of marijuana. Hemp plants may contain more cannabidiol (CBD), which is a non-psychoactive substance. The compounds THC and CBD are mostly found in the stems, flowers, and leaves (2). Hemp seeds may contain a minuscule amount of THC and CBD, but these are insufficient to cause any psychogenic effects. The FDA says that “these amounts are low enough to not raise concerns for any group, including pregnant or breastfeeding mothers (3).” Nevertheless, THC and CBD are cannabinoids that could affect the mother and her baby’s health in high doses. Thus, consult your doctor to know if you can consume hemp seeds and in what quantity.

Nutritional Value Of Hemp Seeds

Whole hemp seed has a crisp outer covering and a soft center. When the whole seed is hulled (outer covering removed), it leaves a soft center behind, known as hemp heart, shelled hemp, or hemp nut. Here’s a brief overview of nutrients in three tablespoons (30g) of hulled hemp seeds and how much of those nutrients a pregnant woman aged between 19 and 30 years should consume each day (4) (5). Source: US Food Data Central and Dietary Guidelines For Americans 2020-2025

Possible Health Benefits Of Hemp Seeds During Pregnancy

Hemp hearts are a highly nutritious food that contains several nutrients beneficial for you and your baby. Here’s how regular consumption of hemp seeds in moderation and as a part of a healthy, well-balanced diet may benefit you. Besides these, hemp seeds contain several bioactive compounds that confer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote overall health and well-being (11).

Possible Side Effects Of Hemp Seeds During Pregnancy

Hemp seeds have several benefits, but they may have certain side effects. Here’s what you should know, especially when you are consuming hemp seeds for the first time.

Other Hemp Seed Products You Can Have During Pregnancy

Besides hemp seeds, mothers can include hemp seed oil, hemp seed milk, and hemp seed protein powder in their diet. These hemp seeds products contain little or no THC and CBD and are usually safe for pregnant women. However, to ensure your and your baby’s safety, you must talk to your healthcare professional. Depending on your and your child’s health, your healthcare provider will guide you on whether these products are safe for you and in what quantities.
