Moderate amounts of ginger tea during pregnancy are considered safe for consumption. Most pregnant women experience nausea during the first trimester. Research suggests that consuming herbal teas such as ginger tea help to reduce nausea in many expecting mothers (1). However, there is no standardized dose recommended for achieving these benefits. Higher amounts may result in heartburn or stomach ache in some pregnant women. You may try various ginger tea recipes for relief from nausea. Read on to know the benefits, safety, risks, and recommended servings of ginger tea in pregnancy.

Is It Safe To Drink Ginger Tea During Pregnancy?

Ginger tea is safe to consume in moderate amounts. It has a nice aroma, taste, and could be helpful in managing nausea and vomiting, especially in your first trimester (2). However, it is good to limit the daily consumption to one gram of ginger (3).

What Are The Possible Benefits Of Ginger Tea During Pregnancy?

Following are the many benefits ginger tea offers for pregnant women.

1. Morning sickness

Ginger is known to ease and control this problem. Consuming the tea first thing after waking up and before bedtime might help control morning sickness (4).

2. Digestion

Consuming a glass of ginger tea may stimulate the functions of the digestive tract (5).

3. Immunity

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger may help combat diseases and prevent infections (6).

4. Soothes throat

The soothing nature of ginger tea provides quick relief to a sore throat, cough and flu symptoms (7).

5. Blood sugar levels

Ginger tea helps in insulin build-up and could be helpful in maintaining glucose levels in the body (8).

6. Muscle fatigue

Ginger is known to have anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties and aids in pregnancy-related pains and decreases inflammation (9).

7. Nutrient absorption

Ginger stimulates your body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

How Much Ginger Tea Can You Consume When Pregnant?

You may take about two cups of ginger tea a day. Use up to one gram of ginger root and divide into two to three servings (10).

Ginger Tea Recipes You May Try

Here are a few interesting ginger tea recipes with tasty variations for you to try. While ginger tea is good, too much of it can be bad.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Ginger Tea?

Ginger tea, when taken in recommended amounts, is safe. Too much of it can cause some harmful effects as follows.

Excessive consumption of ginger tea could lead to cardiac effects and heartburn (4).

Impacts blood clotting ability when taken with blood-thinning medicines (11). It also interacts with anesthesia. So avoid taking the tea before surgeries (12).

Ginger possesses muscle relaxant properties, and it also increases the risk of bleeding if taken with blood thinners (13) (14).
