Gastroenteritis or stomach flu is a bowel infection that causes inflammation in the stomach and intestines and is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting (1). In the US, acute gastroenteritis in children accounts for 200,000 hospitalizations and 300 deaths in children every year (2). However, gastroenteritis infections are not usually severe, and the symptoms last for around two days. It usually takes around seven days for the infection to subside completely. Children can recover at home by drinking plenty of fluids and taking adequate rest (3) (4) (5). Read about the causes, symptoms, risks, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gastroenteritis in children.

What Are The Causes Of Gastroenteritis In Children?

The causes of gastroenteritis in children are (4): The germs causing gastroenteritis may spread easily if children (3)

Eat food after touching a contaminated object Share eatables with a sick person Live with an infected person

What Are The Symptoms Of Gastroenteritis In Children?

The most common symptoms of gastroenteritis are (7):

Diarrhea that lasts for two to four or several days (loose and watery stools at least thrice in 24 hours or more than the usual stool frequency of that person) Vomiting

Abdominal pain

In addition, children may also experience (6) (8)

Bloating Loss of appetite Nausea Abdominal cramps Bloody stools (in some children) Mucus in stools (in some children) Body aches Excessive drowsiness Decreased activity Headache Fever, cough, and sore throat

What Are The Risk Factors And Complications Of Gastroenteritis?

The factors that increase the risk of gastroenteritis in children are (5) (6) (9):

Weak immunity (primary immunodeficiency disorders, immunosuppressive drugs, HIV infection) Young age (occurs more commonly in infants and young children) An underlying disease

Although gastroenteritis complications are uncommon in children, they may occur in those with chronic conditions, such as diabetes. Some complications are (4) (10): Cool or grayish skin and drowsiness may be a sign of dehydration. Children with some dehydration will be irritable most of the time, have dry mouths and lips, and be very thirsty. Children with severe dehydration will be drowsy, lethargic, unable to drink, and have cold, clammy hands and feet. For older children, examine the urine color and keep a count of the number of times they urinate. If children are dehydrated, they may feel dizzy, pass dark urine, and experience dry lips and mouth. Moreover, fluid and electrolytes are also lost through stool and vomiting, leading to an imbalance in the body. Therefore, it is important to replenish the loss by drinking plenty of fluids.

When To See The Doctor?

You should contact your healthcare provider immediately if your child has (7) (8) (11):


Seizure Continuous vomiting and diarrhea and inability to tolerate oral fluids Blood in vomiting Bile in vomiting Bloody diarrhea Severe abdominal pain Signs of severe dehydration such as lethargy, drowsiness, unable to drink, lack of tears, sunken eyes, and for infants, sunken soft spot on top of the head

How Is Gastroenteritis Diagnosed?

The typical symptoms of gastroenteritis make it easily recognizable. However, if you consult the doctor, they may examine the temperature, pulse rate, tenderness in the tummy, and signs of dehydration (4). No tests are performed unless children (4)

Have bloody stools Have food poisoning Are admitted to hospital Are not getting better

How Is Gastroenteritis Treated?

Some important considerations about gastroenteritis treatment are (3):

Mild cases of gastroenteritis do not need any treatment and subside by themselves. Oral hydration and ORS can be given in proper dilution to compensate for the fluid loss.

Zinc supplementation in proper dose is given to children with acute watery diarrhea as it compensates for the loss and reduces the severity and duration of diarrhea (12).

Do not give any medication to children without the doctor’s advice. If your child has a fever, give acetaminophen (4).

Probiotics may be used in acute watery diarrhea only, as prescribed by your doctor (13).

Racecadotril is a prescription medication for severe watery diarrhea because it helps reduce fluid loss through stools. It may be given to children above three months only if advised by your doctor (4).

Antibiotic treatment is not required for viral gastroenteritis (9). However, antibiotics will be required for cholera or bloody stools due to bacillary dysentery. Antibiotics should never be used unless prescribed by your doctor.

What Are The Home Remedies For Gastroenteritis In Children?

Here are some tips you may follow to treat gastroenteritis at home (3)

How To Prevent Gastroenteritis In Children?

The following steps may help prevent the spread of infection in children (9):

Encourage them to wash their hands thoroughly before handling food and after using the toilet.

Ensure the bathrooms and toilets are regularly cleaned. Wash their clothes with hot water separately. Advise them not to share their food and drink with anyone. Keep the kitchen area clean. Get your infants vaccinated against rotavirus. Use a disinfectant to clean tables, doorknobs, and other surfaces that may be easily touched by children (3).

Mild gastroenteritis in children is not a cause for concern and clears out in a few days. However, in severe infection, consult a doctor if you see any worrying symptoms in your children. Allow children to rest well and drink plenty of fluids. Also, teach them good hygienic habits to help prevent the risk of infection.
