You may be used to climbing the stairs if you need to reach the first or second floor of a building. However, you may often be advised against climbing stairs during pregnancy, even for a short distance. But is this precaution scientifically relevant or can climbing the stairs be considered a safe form of exercise during pregnancy? Keep reading this post where we tell you whether it is safe to take the stairs during pregnancy, whether it can be good for you, when to refrain from it, and what precautions to take while climbing them.

Is Climbing Stairs Safe During Pregnancy?

It is safe to climb stairs during early pregnancy when your body is still balanced. One of the biggest fears in this regard is falling or tripping from the stairs. In the later months of pregnancy, a shift in the center of gravity of your body increases the risk of falls. At this stage, a fall from the stairs, especially on the abdomen, can lead to complications (1). In the 37th week of gestation, your baby drops into your pelvis, making it easier for you to breathe (2). However, the added weight of the full-term baby makes it difficult for you to climb the stairs. If you have to climb, take one step at a time, move slowly by holding the railing for support, and breathe at a normal rate.

How Is Climbing Stairs Good During Pregnancy?

Climbing stairs is a physical activity, which keeps your body active. Research shows that it is as good as walking or exercising. The study has found that pregnant women, who are inactive, can reduce the risk of preeclampsia by 29% by climbing one to four flights of stairs (3). However, you should climb the stairs by following some safety measures.

Basic Safety Tips For Climbing Stairs During Pregnancy

Here are some important precautions you should take while taking the stairs:

While climbing up or coming down the stairs, make use of the handrail. If you are holding anything in one hand, then keep the other free to hold the handrail.

Ensure that the staircase is well-lit to see the steps clearly. Avoid climbing the staircase in darkness.

If you have a carpeted staircase, make sure it is tightly fixed to the floor and is not loose.

Walk slowly and avoid any rush while climbing.

Take a break while climbing the stairs if you are panting.

The stairs should not be wet or greased.

When you are wearing an overflowing dress, do not take the stairs as you have a high chance of tripping over it.

Contact your doctor if you slipped or tripped on the stairs.

When To Avoid Climbing Stairs In Early Pregnancy?

It is safe to climb stairs during the first trimester unless your doctor advises you against it. You must look for a few signs that discourage you from climbing. They include:

Bleeding High/ low blood pressure Any illness, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure and fluctuating blood sugar, that can make you feel giddy or lose balance
