Artificial sweeteners are a popular alternative to natural sugar. However, as the name suggests, it is an artificial product. Hence, it must be analyzed how safe it is to consume artificial sweeteners in pregnancy. Sugar is a major energy source. However, excess sugar consumption may increase the risk of certain health problems such as diabetes. Women with pre-existing diabetes may have to consider artificial sweeteners. Read this article to learn about the types of safe artificial sweeteners to use in pregnancy, their benefits, and their side effects.

Understanding Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are substitutes for regular sugar (sucrose). They are synthetic sugar substitutes derived from either herbs or natural sugars. They can be nutritive (have calories) or non-nutritive (have no calories) sweeteners (1). Nutritive sweeteners add calories to your diet and contain very few minerals or vitamins. They are safe when used in moderation, as long as they do not contribute to weight gain. But if you develop conditions such as diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance or gestational diabetes, you may have to limit their consumption. Sucrose, fructose, maltose, dextrose, corn sugar, and honey are nutritive sweeteners. Sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol, mannitol, isomalt and xylitol and hydrogenated starch, are also nutritive sweeteners. They are technically not sugars and are converted into fats in the body. Non-nutritive sweeteners are added in minimal amounts for sweetening the dish. They are approved for use in reduced calorie and dietetic foods. Stevia, aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin are some. Some of the FDA approved sweeteners for use in food include (2):

Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet) – Nutritive Saccharin (SugarTwin, Sweet’n Low) – Non-nutritive Acesulfame potassium (Sunett, Sweet One) – Non-nutritive Neotame – Non-nutritive Sucralose (Splenda) – Non-nutritive

Is It Safe To Use Artificial Sweeteners During Pregnancy?

Yes, artificial sweeteners approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are safe, when used in moderation. You should consume them within the acceptable daily intake (ADI), to prevent them from becoming empty calories that replace nutrients required for a healthy pregnancy (3).

According to the FDA, you should limit your use of artificial sweeteners to two to three servings per day. One serving equals one packet of sweetener or a 12oz can of diet soda (4). Overconsumption of artificial sweeteners can lead to excess weight gain. Sometimes, your doctor may recommend the use of artificial sweeteners during pregnancy.

When Will Your Doctor Recommend The Artificial Sweeteners In Pregnancy?

Your doctor is likely to recommend artificial sweeteners for the following reasons:

To control weight gain: Weight gain is normal during pregnancy. On an average, you can gain between eight and 16 kilos based on your BMI (4). But if you are gaining more than this, you might require artificial sweeteners to cut down on the calories. Artificial sweeteners have fewer calories when compared to table sugar (16 calories per teaspoon) but should be consumed in moderation (5). They cannot be considered a short cut to lose weight.

To manage gestational diabetes: Artificial sweeteners are the best replacements to sugar if you have diabetes. They do not aggravate blood sugar or insulin levels unlike regular sugar does (6).

That said, not all sweeteners are safe to use. Next, we give you a list of sweeteners you can use and cannot use during pregnancy.

Artificial Sweeteners Safe For Use During Pregnancy

Artificial Sweeteners Unsafe For Use During Pregnancy

Use the right sweeteners as recommended by the physician to enjoy the benefits.

What Are The Benefits Of Artificial Sweeteners During Pregnancy?

Based on the above interpretations of different sweeteners, the benefits of artificial sweeteners would include (13):

They add sweetness to the food as regular table sugar does.

They have a negligible amount of calories and do not contribute to unwanted weight gain if taken in moderation.

They help manage gestational diabetes, and therefore keep sugar levels, blood pressure levels, brain and cardiac diseases in control.

They prevent tooth decay and promote dental health.

But at times, they can have adverse effects too.

What Are The Side Effects Of Artificial Sweeteners During Pregnancy?

Artificial sweeteners can cause some potential harm when taken in excess.

When consumed in excess, saccharin can cross the placenta and accumulate in the fetal tissue, from where it does not get eliminated. Same is the case with aspartame and sucralose, which might lead to overweight or obese children (3).

Overconsumption of aspartame is known to cause headaches, dizziness, slurred speech, mental confusion, nausea, ringing in the ears and numbness (14).

Sugar replacements fail to satisfy your sugar cravings and make you crave more for sweets and sweetened drinks, increasing the risk of weight gain (15).
