Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a spice belonging to the ginger family. Although the use of turmeric for babies isn’t well-researched, it is commonly used for its dietary and medicinal purposes in Asia. For instance, many cultures use turmeric as an antibiotic to heal wounds. If you wish to include this wonder spice in your baby’s diet, knowing when to introduce it is essential. Keep reading as we tell you about the safety of turmeric for babies, its possible health benefits and side effects, and precautions to take when feeding turmeric to babies.

Can Babies Have Turmeric?

Yes, babies can have turmeric. The US Food and Drug Administration considers turmeric as ‘generally recognized as safe’ for use in food (1). However, there are no clear clinical indications about the safety of turmeric in infants. If you are unsure about the safety, you may consult a clinical nutrition specialist before introducing turmeric to a baby. Avoid feeding turmeric to newborn babies or babies under six months, who are solely dependent on breast milk for their nutritional needs.

When To Introduce Turmeric To Babies?

Turmeric, as a spice, can be introduced to babies as soon as they start eating solids, which is around the age of six months. You may add small amounts of turmeric in vegetable purees, soups, dals (lentils), and vegetable cereals. However, if your baby is on medications, talk to a pediatrician because turmeric can have possible drug interactions (2).

Health Benefits Of Turmeric For Infants

Turmeric does not have any specific nutrients that could enhance the nutritional value of the food. However, it has certain bioactive compounds such as curcumin and curcuminoids that are beneficial for the overall health.

Topical application of turmeric paste over a small cut or wound. You may also add sandalwood paste along with turmeric paste.

Oral use of turmeric in the form of turmeric (haldi) milk. This is a common traditional recipe used for treating wounds and infections in India.

Possible Side-effects Of Turmeric For Babies

Turmeric generally is well-tolerated and is considered safe. However, when consumed in large amounts, it could cause gastric issues such as an upset stomach. Besides, it has some other possible side-effects.

Precautions To Take While Using Turmeric For Babies And Toddlers

Take the following measures while using turmeric for your baby.

Ways To Include Turmeric In Your Infant’s Diet

Once solids are started, healthy babies can consume turmeric through various homemade baby food recipes. However, use no more than a pinch at a time.
