In the 8th month of your pregnancy, your body undergoes some more changes as it prepares to deliver your baby soon. Hence, you may experience frequent bouts of fatigue and get tired easily. To cope with these physical and hormonal changes, ensure you follow a nutritious 8th-month pregnancy diet. Read this article to learn more about the physical changes you can expect in the 8th month, what foods you should include in your diet, and what you should avoid at this time. In addition, this post offers information on the food items that will help you get the necessary nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, from the food you consume.

Changes In The 8th Month

As you enter the 8th month of your pregnancy, your uterus gets enlarged and creates a lot of pressure on your stomach. This results in some of the common discomforts you may face during this stage, such as refluxes and heartburns. Eating small meals throughout the day, eating without rushing and not gaining too much weight can help in decreasing these symptoms (1). A healthy diet and lifestyle is important during this stage to prevent body aches and pains as well as fatigue. It will also help you immensely in giving birth to a strong and healthy baby.

What Foods Should You Include In Your 8 Month Pregnancy Diet?

During the third trimester of your pregnancy, you gain the maximum amount of weight and your body gets heavier. This is exactly why you should eat a healthy diet and combine it with light exercise, such as walking. Here are some foods that you can include in your 8th month of pregnancy diet.

1. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals

During the last months of your pregnancy, it is important for you to eat foods that are rich in iron and calcium. Blood loss is a part of delivery and you need to make sure that you include enough iron in your diet (2). Calcium will keep your and baby’s bones strong so include that too. You should have:

Green leafy vegetables Nuts Apricots Dried fruit and dates Egg yolk Lean meat Fish Dairy products Fruit such as bananas and pomegranate

2. Foods rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

Put a “Do not eat” chart on your fridge. That way it will be easier for you to know what you require to eat at which time of the day.

For protein

Beans Lean meat Egg whites Tofu Fish Chicken breast Milk Yogurt Soy milk

For carbohydrates

Potatoes Whole grains Cereals Sweet potatoes Legumes Nuts Berries Watermelons

For fats

Eggs Nuts Fish Peanut butter

3. Foods rich in fiber

High-fiber foods are important during this stage of your pregnancy. These foods have a high nutritive value. They also contain the right amount of fiber that you need in the last months of your pregnancy. You should have:

Corn White beans Black beans Avocados Whole wheat pastas Brown rice Whole wheat breads Cauliflowers Broccoli Leafy green vegetables Celery

What Foods To Avoid During The 8th Month Of Your Pregnancy?

During this stage of your pregnancy, there are certain foods that you should avoid to prevent excess weight gain and the discomfort of some of the symptoms that you go through. Eating nutritious foods is always important throughout your pregnancy to benefit you and your child. Here are some of the foods that you should omit from your daily diet during 8th month of pregnancy (3):

1. Coffee

As your due date approaches, you will find yourself constipated which can be really uncomfortable. One way to reduce this symptom is to significantly lower your daily intake of this beverage. You should also lower you intake of caffeinated beverages such as aerated soft drinks, etc.

2. Unpasteurized milk

You should avoid unpasteurized goat, cow and sheep milk. Goat’s milk is very risky during pregnancy as it comes with a high risk of toxoplasmosis.

3. Shark, marlin, and swordfish

These types of fish have high levels of methylmercury which can be detrimental to your unborn baby’s nervous system. If you are going to eat fish, pick the ones that are not too fatty and provide you and your baby the required nutrition.

4. Soft cheese

Cheese that have been ripened with mould, such as Brie, as well as cheese that has blue veins, such as Danish Blue, can often contain listeria which is why they should be avoided during pregnancy. If you have a craving for cheese, opt for hard ones like cheddar.

5. Pate

It is best to avoid pates of all types. They could contain listeria which causes listeriosis. Although listeriosis causes symptoms that are flu-like in mothers, they can be fatal for unborn babies. It can cause still-birth, miscarriage and serious illnesses when a baby is born.

6. Raw or undercooked eggs

Eggs that have been lightly cooked or raw should be avoided during pregnancy. There is a high risk of them containing salmonella bacteria which is known to cause food poisoning.

7. Raw shellfish

You should avoid raw shellfish as well as raw fish dishes such as sushi during pregnancy. This is due to the high risk of food poisoning that these foods can cause.

8. Liver and cured meats

It is best to avoid liver during this stage of your pregnancy. In fact, experts say that you should avoid liver throughout your pregnancy. Cured meats like salami and ham should also be avoided as they increase the risk of toxoplasmosis and listeriosis.

9. Alcohol and tobacco

These should be avoided for reasons well-known to us all. Their consumption can delay the growth of the baby, cause various structural abnormalities, and lead to pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia and preterm pain. Moreover, the baby could also be born with health complications.
