An expectant mother needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle during her pregnancy, which involves doing exercises. However, if you wish to do high-intensity exercises during pregnancy, you should first know its benefits and side effects. You need to take utmost care of your baby’s health during pregnancy. Doing light-weight exercises and stretching can help keep you in good shape and help the baby develop well. However, ensure you do not put too much strain on your back or belly as it might put the baby’s health at risk. Read on to know more about the exercises you should and should not do when pregnant.

Basic Information About High Intensity Exercises (HIIT)

High intensity interval training or HIIT is a training regime that incorporates high intensity exercises with intervals. High-intensity exercising consists of different exercises including running and squatting. Some consider HIIT exercises to be more effective than cardio exercises. This exercising form enhances the body’s endurance and maintains fitness aspects of pregnant women.

Importance Of HIIT Exercises During Pregnancy

Practicing subtle and effective HIIT exercising routines can have positive impacts on both you and your unborn baby. However, be sure to consult your doctor before beginning any exercises like cardio or HIIT exercises during pregnancy. Some of the benefits of practicing HIIT exercises during pregnancy are as follows (1) (2):

It helps reduce pregnancy niggles, such as back pain, pelvic girdle pain, constipation, and fatigue.

It helps to maintain a healthy weight and prevent the mother from getting obese.

It helps to reduce depression or mental stress.

It helps prepare the mother’s body for labor and the baby’s birth.

Effective HIIT Exercises During Pregnancy


Jump squats

Clean and press

180 jumps

Renegade pushups/rows

When To Stop Performing High Intensity Exercise During Pregnancy?

Stop practicing HIIT exercises, if you encounter the following health discomforts (2):

Intense chest, joint or stomach pain

Sudden dizziness or fainting due to excess exhaustion

Shortness of breath

Vaginal bleeding

Difficulty in walking


Can Pregnant Women Practice High-Intensity Exercise In The First Trimester?

HIIT exercises may be safe to follow in the first trimester based on individual level of comfort and experience with such an exercise routine. However, consult your doctor before trying out any new exercise regimes during pregnancy. Further, the type of exercise followed can be modified to suit pregnancy-related physical changes (3).

Health Benefits Of High-Intensity Exercises During Pregnancy

Some of the health benefits of HIIT exercises are as follows (4) (5):

1. Reduce Pain:

Pregnant moms suffer from intense pain during gestation. Practicing high-intensity exercises during the first trimester reduces the symptoms of joint or back pain.

2. Burn More Fat:

High-intensity exercises burn the excess fat from the mother’s body. With the onset of pregnancy, there is an excess deposition of body fats. But to regain your body shape, immediately after conceiving, it is essential to practice healthy and effective HIIT exercises.

3. Elevate Mood And Energy:

Regular exercising rejuvenates the feeling of depression and helps relieve anxiety and stress.

4. Improve Muscle Tone:

Keeps the muscle well toned and prevents unwanted sagging.

5. Prevent Gestational Diabetes:

Pregnant mothers are more prone to suffer from gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. HIIT exercise prevents gestational diabetes and keeps the body fit and free from diseases.

6. Help Promote A Good Night’s Sleep:

With regular exercising, the pregnant mother would get a complete night sleep and stay away from the problems of sleep deprivation.

7. Promote Healthy Heart:

Practicing HIIT workouts reduces the symptoms of cardiac problems in a pregnant woman.
