You may have used olive oil for baby in their massage routine. An experimental trial conducted by the University of Manchester revealed that massaging with sunflower or olive oils retains water and helps keep the skin hydrated (1). In addition, olive oil has been in use for its health and hair benefits for a long time now. So in this post, we will tell you about all the benefits that olive oil can offer to babies.

What Is Olive Oil?

Olive oil is a fat obtained by processing whole olives, which are the fruits of a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean Basin, named olea europaea.

Oil produced by mechanical means and without any chemical treatment is called virgin oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is pure without any added chemicals or temperature treatments. It is extracted from fruits of olive trees, which are free from diseases, harvested at the right time, and processed immediately.

Constituents And Nutritive Value Of Olive Oil

According to USFDA, one tablespoon of olive oil contains:

Calories: 119 Fat: 13.50gm Carbohydrates: 0 Saturated fats: 2gm Fibers: 0 Protein: 0 Vitamin E: 1.8mg Vitamin K: 8.1 microgram

Olive Oil is composed of mixed triglyceride esters of oleic acid, palmitic acid, and other fatty acids, besides traces of sterols and squalene. Phenolics including tyrosol, oleocanthal, hydroxytyrosol, and oleuropein are a few other components.

7 Benefits Of Olive Oil For Babies

1. Olive oil for baby massage

Baby massage time is a quality time spent to strengthen the parent-baby bonding. Massage calms down the little one and improves his sleep, growth, and health (2). An important aspect here is the selection of the right oil. Parents have been using olive oil for baby massage without any problems or complaints. Virgin olive oil is considered a better choice as it has balanced fatty acid composition and antioxidants needed for a baby’s skin. Below are some benefits of olive oil massage for baby:

Olive oil is known to make baby skin smooth, shiny, and healthy. It is a pretty good manicure lotion and a perfect moisturizer for baby’s skin.

The oil has regenerative power over skin tissues and helps in keeping the skin toned.

As olive oil is rich in healthy fats, phenolic anti-oxidant Vitamin E, squalene and oleic acids, regular massage could help in maintaining good skin tone, promoting bone and muscle health.

Olive oil can be used in both cold and hot weather. Olive oil as has a higher percentage of oleic acid, which makes the skin more permeable. An increase in the permeability of skin leads to increased moisture loss, causing dryness. Therefore, avoid olive oil if your baby’s skin is dry or broken.

2. Olive oil in baby food

It is advisable to use olive oil in the baby’s diet after six months of their age. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) that benefit the heart and pancreas (3). Olive oil is good, but you must never use more than one-fourth teaspoon for two ounces of baby food. Over consumption of the oil can lead to diarrhea. When eaten in right quantities, olive oil is conducive to the overall health of the baby.

3. Olive oil for constipation in babies

One natural tip to ease constipation in babies or soothe a colic baby is to rub warm olive oil on the baby’s stomach in a clockwise motion. It is said to prevent gas and ensure peaceful sleep. Including olive oil in your baby’s diet also helps in dealing with constipation. Many use it as a laxative for curing constipation, as a home remedy. However, this remedy is not backed by research. It is advisable to seek doctor’s advice to deal with constipation in babies.

4. Olive oil for cradle cap

Olive oil is reportedly found effective in curing cradle cap (4), a form of dandruff that leads to the formation of a dry, flaky skin layer on the baby’s head. Hydrating properties of olive oil can act as a natural remedy in removing cradle caps in infants.

Apply olive oil on the baby’s scalp.

Massage with a washcloth or soft brush and leave it for 10 to 20 minutes.

If the crust is thick, allow the oil to soak into it overnight.

Later, wash the scalp thoroughly using mild shampoo and lukewarm water.

Use a comb to gently remove the loosened crust from the infant’s scalp.

Additionally, applying olive oil can help in strengthening the baby’s hair, besides softening the fizzy and coarse hair.

5. Olive oil for diaper rash

Using an olive oil emulsion works wonders in keeping diaper rash at bay.

The emulsion is prepared by mixing two tablespoons olive oil in one tablespoon water.

Rub it on your palms and spread gently over the genitals and buttocks of your baby.

If the problem does not subside, contact a doctor.

6. Olive oil for cough in babies

The American Academy of Pediatrics advises doctors to recommend natural home remedies for cough in babies, and not OTCs. Any time your baby is sick, breast-milk is the best! It boosts the immunity of your little one. At times, natural oil rub can soothe your baby.

Mix three to four teaspoons of olive oil with two to three drops of rosemary, eucalyptus, and peppermint oil.

Rub the mixture on the chest and back of your baby.

Applying the oil before bedtime helps your baby sleep well.
