Chickpeas fall under the category of legumes that are rich in carbohydrates, fibers, and proteins. The benefits of having chickpeas during pregnancy are many. Being rich in folate, potassium, and proteins, they can be used to make healthy and nutritious snacks or meals to satisfy your cravings during pregnancy. Instead of opting for unhealthy junk foods, try these wholesome ones, which are beneficial for you as well as your baby. Read this post to know about the benefits of having chickpeas while pregnant, the recommended amount to have, and also the possible side effects of having too much of it.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Chickpeas?

Yes, chickpeas or garbanzo beans are rich in essential nutrients such as fiber, calcium, and potassium that you require when you are pregnant. They are also rich in folate, which is one of the vital nutrients for pregnant women (1). Chickpeas should be adequately cooked and consumed in moderation to avoid any adverse effects on your health.

Nutritional Profile Of Chickpeas

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one cup or around 164g of cooked chickpeas provides 269kcal, 14.53g protein, 44.97g carbohydrate, 12.5g fiber, 80mg calcium, 276mg phosphorus, 79mg magnesium, 477mg potassium, 80mg calcium, and 282µg folate (2). The high nutritional value of chickpeas makes it one of the most recommended foods for pregnant women.

Health Benefits Of Chickpeas In Pregnancy

Chickpeas are considered to be versatile legumes. Adding them to your routine diet in any form (fully cooked or boiled) could: Excess consumption of healthy foods could also create health problems during pregnancy. In the next section, we look at the possible side effects of eating chickpeas in excess.

Possible Side Effects Of Chickpeas

Although they are nutrient-rich, chickpeas should be avoided in the following cases.

If you are intolerant or allergic to legumes, then you should not have chickpeas. Some of the common symptoms of an allergic reaction to chickpeas include itchiness, bloating, respiratory issues, headaches, acne, and fatigue (8).

In the case of diarrhea or any other bowel problem during pregnancy, you should try to avoid or reduce the consumption of fiber-rich foods. You may replace chickpeas with curd or cottage cheese (paneer) (9).

If you have an upset tummy or you feel bloated, you may avoid eating chickpeas. Otherwise, you can prepare it in different ways and enjoy it.

Ways To Include Chickpeas In Pregnancy Diet

Here are some of the easiest ways in which you can use chickpeas in your pregnancy diet.

Boil the chickpeas and roast them with spices.

Make a curry with chickpeas and have it with flatbread or rice.

Hummus is one of the popular dips you can make with chickpeas.

You can also make a healthy salad with boiled chickpeas, sprouts, and some vegetables and squeeze some lemon on it.
