Cranberries are small, round, sour berries from North America that are holiday must-haves. The benefits of cranberries for kids are numerous since they are packed with many nutrients necessary for healthy growth and development. In addition, this superfood has several beneficial properties that help resolve many health issues, maintain dental health, manage obesity, and prevent urinary tract infections (UTI). Hence, if you are considering including cranberries in your child’s meals and are curious whether they are good for their health, continue reading. This post will tell you more about cranberries, including their benefits for children, uses, and some cases where they are not recommended for children.

Benefits Of Cranberries For Kids

Cranberries can be part of a healthy diet for kids. Some of the benefits of introducing cranberry for kids include:

1. Nutritionally Rich Fruit:

North Americans recognized the nutritional properties of cranberries well before science. They used the berry to cure blood poisoning and stop bleeding. Sailors would eat these red berries during the international voyages to keep scurvy at bay. A ½ cup serving of cranberry will provide your child with 10% of his daily value of vitamin C. It is also rich in minerals like copper, manganese, and potassium.

2. Rich In Antioxidants:

Cranberry is an antioxidant-rich fruit. It contains antioxidants like proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, and vitamin A. These compounds help reduce oxidative damage and strengthen the immune system. Proanthocyanidins also kill the bacteria that stick to the inside of the body. Now that’s one powerful punch for a tiny berry.

3. Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases:

The polyphenols in cranberries will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It prevents the platelet build up and reduces blood pressure via the anti-inflammatory mechanism.

4. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections:

Cranberries are popular for treating and preventing urinary tract infections in adults. Cranberries help flush out E. coli bacteria out of the bladder, thereby preventing urinary tract infection.

5. Dental Health:

Children aren’t always the best when it comes to dental health, but including cranberries in their diet can help with this problem too. Nothing compares to good brushing habits and reducing sugary drinks and foods, but according to the researchers, cranberries have the therapeutic potential to work on periodontitis and caries (1).

6. Controls Obesity:

Obesity is one of the most common health conditions in children. Diets higher in fiber have been shown to reduce the risk of obesity in your kids (2). Cranberries are a good source of fiber, which can also benefit his digestive system.


A great thing about cranberries is that they come in a myriad of forms. So you can easily incorporate the berry into your child’s meals. Here are some ways to add cranberries to your kid’s diet.

Dried Cranberries:

Toss some dried cranberries into a trail mix for an after school snack. Sprinkle some dried cranberries over a salad for some sweetness. Top your child’s fiber packed cereals with dried cranberries. It will change the texture and will keep your child energized throughout the day. A word of caution: dried fruits can stick to your children’s teeth, promoting tooth decay, and so they are best mixed with other food. Hard, small food items like dried cranberries can present a choking hazard to young children and should be mixed with other food for those under 5.

Frozen Cranberries:

Blend the tart berry into a healthy and hearty smoothie. Stuff baked apples with cinnamon and cranberries for a warm treat on a winter evening. Stir in some fresh cranberries into a seasonal sauce. Your child can indulge in it throughout the year. Mix some cranberries into pancakes and bran muffin batter to give an antioxidant punch to your breakfast.

A Word Of Caution

Do not give cranberries to your child if he is taking blood-thinning medication. Several studies show that cranberries can enhance the effect of blood-thinning drugs on the body, which can also lead to bleeding in extreme cases. Excessive consumption of cranberries can also increase urinary oxalate excretion, which could promote the formation of kidney stones, even in children.
