Father-daughter activities are important to make their bond strong. As daughters grow older, they lose touch with their fathers due to multiple reasons, and to prevent this from happening, participating in activities together would be a great way to keep the bond intact. While some children are expressive enough and may not need to be part of any activity to maintain their relationship with fathers, others will be glad to know there are more ways of bonding than just communicating with their father. So we have curated a list of interesting activities to make sure fathers and daughters have a great time together. Buy some pens, crayons, glitters, cardboard, scissors, beads, and craft papers. Let your daughter’s imagination go wild. Participate in the craft activity along with your daughter, and don’t forget to click pictures of your daughter’s craft pieces. This can be made a daily or a weekly ritual. Taking a walk will strengthen the father-daughter relationship and help in having a conversation about what is going on in your lives. Go on the walk without any distractions from the phone. You can play a veterinarian for your daughter’s stuffed toys. Ask about the toys, build a story about their ailments, and take the pretend play to the extent your girl’s imagination can take it. Going for a real camp trip or a backyard camp trip would be a nice experience. You can include activities like bonfire, storytelling around the bonfire, listening to the owls, etc., in your camp trip. It will be a lifetime experience for both of you. You can prepare a list of things to find on a nature walk. The things might be anything from a leaf, a feather, a stem, a fruit, or a flower. You can also make it a photo-walk, where you need to find a bird, a butterfly, a spider, or a bee, and click a picture. Such activities can expand the horizon of knowledge about nature while also being a great dad-and-daughter activity. Books take kids to a different world of imagination. Read a good book to your little daughter. If your daughter is old enough to read, then read it together. You can also have meaningful conversations about the storyline of the book. Bonding through visits to a salon is not limited to mother and daughter. Even dads can chip-in. You can go for a foot massage together and relax with some nice conversation with each other. You can both be sport buddies by enrolling for a new sport class. Take your tennis or gymnastics lessons together. Learning something new will help you be friends with each other. Go for running, jogging, biking, and walking. Once the daughter grows up a bit, you can teach her how to use weights correctly. It will instill a habit of maintaining a healthy lifestyle right from the beginning, and you will have workout buddies in each other for life. Find age-appropriate board games for you and your daughter to play. There are various board games that can help you learn logic and strategy. They also provide a way to learn sportsmanship and also to be patient. Invest in good board games as they can be used for years. Carpentry helps one be independent for a lifetime. Do simple activities that would not harm or injure anyone. Creating simple wooden items and performing basic home improvement can make for a great bonding activity. Cooking is an essential life skill. Begin with cooking simple dishes together. Teach your daughter that cleaning the mess and washing the dishes are an integral part of cooking. Go for a zoo trip with your daughter on the weekend. You can carry a book on animals and tell your daughter more about the animals that you encounter at the zoo. You can also participate in the events held at the zoo. This game helps in improving hand-eye coordination and body balance. It can interest children of any age. Take your daughter to your place of work. Many corporations have “bring-your-child-to-work-days.” Even if you do not have such events, try and see if you can take her at times. It is good for children to see the parents’ place of work. You can do small science experiments together using kitchen ingredients like baking soda and vinegar. Buy some home experiment kits and spend quality time with each other. Music is a universal language, and it can help the father and your daughter connect. When the daughter is young, the father can take her to a child-friendly concert. As she grows older, you can take her to other artists’ concerts. It will help you create a musical bond, which will last for a lifetime. Most bowling alleys have bumpers that enable the little kids to do bowling without their bowls going into the gutter. It can be entertaining for kids and fathers at the same time. Rock climbing helps little kids develop an aptitude for adventures, and it is a good exercise, too. You can try it for your daughter once she is old enough to follow instructions correctly. Take all essential safety measures while teaching it to your daughter. Live theater is a different experience than watching a movie in the theatre. Experience all forms of art. It can be a different and interesting activity. Go to farms to pick fruits like strawberries or apples.  Some farms also provide one-day picnic activities that include fruit picking, hayrides, boat riding in ponds, etc. Compete in a game of miniature golf. It will help you both learn and enjoy the sport. Traveling with each other will help you both learn many new things. You can make a list of places that you always wanted to see. This activity can help create memories that last for a lifetime. Visit your hometown. Stay in a motel or a hotel and visit all the places like a tourist would. It will give a different perspective about your own hometown and will be an inexpensive vacation. Kite flying is a fun activity. If taught early in childhood, your little girl can go on to learn more advanced kite-flying techniques as she grows older. You can plan a picnic in the neighborhood park or playground. Pack some fresh fruits and healthy sandwiches along with a picnic tent and a camera. You can spend a day there and create memories for a lifetime. Go to the art museum, children’s museum, and history museums. You can ask your daughter what would interest her the most. For instance, if she loves animals, then she is likely to enjoy a natural history museum. Check if the museums you visit have some souvenir shops or eateries and try them out, as well. Swimming is a life-saving skill, a great exercise, and a super fun activity. Find out neighborhood swimming pools and take a dip in the water with each other. You need not necessarily have your own boat but can instead rent a boat, kayak, or a paddleboat. Take the necessary precautions, like wearing a life jacket. Skating is a fun activity. Some regions also have ice skating rinks. You can alternatively rent a Segway and go around your town on the weekend. Make sure to wear all protective gear like helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads. Many libraries these days even house collections of CDs, DVDs, video games, music books, and puzzles, along with books. Developing a habit of going to the library regularly is one of the best gifts you can give to yourselves and each other. You can find a good library and even take a membership. Empathy and compassion are essential virtues of life. There are few charitable organizations that would let a child volunteer if a parent is volunteering too. You can be a role model for your daughter. You can continue doing such activities together, as your daughter grows older, thus making it one of the best father-teenage daughter activities. Little girls love riding on the carousel. Take your little girl to an amusement park and spend the whole day there! It will be worth the shine in her pretty little eyes. You can start with a simple card game and then move on to the more elaborate ones. Playing card games together is a tradition that can go on for years. You can ultimately play games like rummy and poker with each other. This activity can make relationships strong, and you will always have each other to count on. Sharing secrets can include telling simple things like your favorite ice cream flavor in childhood or what you bought from your first salary. A father-daughter date is something that should be a part of your weekly or monthly outing. You both will have a million memories together this way. You can be melodious or merely a bathroom singer, but this activity is surely going to be so much fun. Sing some songs with each other on the karaoke like it’s your own live concert! Dance casually at home or take a formal salsa or ballroom dance class with your daughter. It will be a good practice before the first father-daughter dance at the daughter’s wedding. Start collecting memoirs from all places you visit. It might be anything from the sand of the beaches you visit, refrigerator magnets, or keychains from your vacation spots. Doing yoga together can benefit both of you. It will help you both achieve mental peace and a flexible body while also letting you spend quality time. Both of you should go fishing together. It will be fun, as well as a learning experience. You can teach your daughter all the fishing tricks you know and acquaint her with the importance of sustainable fishing. Take your daughter to the bank and teach her the basics about how to open a bank account, how to deposit money, how to withdraw money, and how to use the ATM machine. It will train her for essential things in life. You can also encourage her to open her own term deposits and multiply her pocket money through the interest provided by the bank. You can visit animal parks and feed animals and birds. It can be an enchanting experience to see the animals and birds eating directly from your hand. Take an active part in your daughter’s schooling and education. Teach her lessons and help her with the homework. You can also take the help of fun educational videos or books to help your daughter understand concepts better. Making festival greetings or small canvas painting can be fun. If you have the provision, then you can also consider decorating a wall of your house together with your painting skills. Father and the daughter can both dress up as your favorite cartoon, superheroes, or fairytale characters. If Halloween is around the corner, then you can go for tricks and treats together. Watch a live match together. Try getting seats closest to the action and explain your daughter the various nuances of the game. It will be a super fun day for her and something that she will remember forever. Make it a habit to try new cuisines or new restaurants and eateries with your older children. You can find out each other’s dietary preferences and explore more food accordingly. Planting and caring for a plant will teach your daughter to be respectful towards natural resources. You can garden in your backyard or buy plant pots and plant some indoor plants. If you have a beach nearby, then make it a point to have a leisurely bare-foot walk on the beach with each other. You can engage in meaningful conversations and discussions about all the topics under the sky! Build a pretty sandcastle on the beach with your little daughter. Take all her shovels, buckets, and a water spray bottle. Take her inputs and make the castle according to her imagination. Do not forget to click a selfie of you two with the castle and clip it to the photo album. Wear your masks and gloves and take some grabbers along to pick the garbage. You can also join a community clean up together. It will be satisfying to give back to society in each other’s company. Train and run for 5K or 10K with each other. It will be an enriching experience. You can also participate in fun marathons where you need to wear a fancy dress and run for a short distance.

Building her confidence by giving importance to her opinions Telling her about female role models Praising her actions and not her appearance Explaining to her the pros and cons of social media and the make her aware of the false perceptions of beauty and success Encouraging her to take up new challenges in life
