INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceptive) and INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging) are two rare personality types of the 16 available personality types. If you are an INTP and your partner is an INFJ or vice versa, you may be interested in learning about INTP and INFJ compatibility. Albert Einstein, a German scientist, and Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, were INTP personalities, whereas Plato, a Greek philosopher, and Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer, were INFJ personalities. Individuals from both of these personality types are known for their logical, intellectual, and inquisitive natures, and they look for meaning in things like events, relationships, and thoughts. The Myers-Briggs personality type indicator is a test that can be used to categorize people’s personalities and has determined introversion and intuition as two main characteristics shared by both INTP and INFJ personalities. This post discusses some reasons why INTP and INFJ make a compatible pair.

What Are INFJ And INTP Personalities Like?

INTP personality types are logical because of their reserved and analytical nature. They like to spend solitary time thinking about problems and come up with the best possible solutions. They like to live in their world instead of the external world. They are flexible and adaptable and can always learn new ideas. Also known as ‘advocate’ or ‘idealist’, people with INFJ personality types have a caring and gentle nature. They are creative people who seek far-reaching meaning in interpersonal relationships and the material world. They are insightful and often think about the meaning and purpose of life. They are rare, constituting less than 3% of the world’s population.

What Makes An INTP and INFJ Click?

Even though both personality types are introverted and intuitive, what sets them apart is people with INTP personalities think logically, while those with INFJ traits think emotionally. It is not that INTPs do not have emotions. They prefer analyzing situations from different angles instead of making decisions based on emotions. Similarly, INFJs do not lack logic, but their compassionate nature makes them more dependent on their feelings. What makes INTP attractive to INFJ is creativity and humanitarianism. They also appreciate the ability to think out of the box. INFJs are naturally attracted to intelligence, which is why they are attracted to INTP. Both of them have a strong interest in art and like to cultivate multiple hobbies. They enjoy each other’s unique perspectives, enriching their lives and making them more fulfilling.

5 Reasons Why INTP And INFJ Make A ‘Golden Pair’

INTP and INFJ together are called the ‘golden pair’. Here are some reasons that make the INTP and INFJ couple compatible.

4 Challenges INTP and INFJ A Couple Faces

Even if it is considered a perfect match, this rare couple may have its problems and challenges. Here are some possible reasons for friction between these two personalities. INTP and INFJ compatibility can be strong with their equally introverted and intuitive nature. However, like every other couple, they too may experience certain problems in their relationship with each other due to factors such as different priorities or lifestyles. But this ‘golden pair’ can overcome their differences with their understanding towards each other and mutual compromise. Also, their shared interests in various fun activities can keep the partnership exciting and delightful.

Pays more attention to you. Makes an effort to know you better. Responds to replies and texts fairly quickly. Tries to spend more time with you. Flirts with you. Wants to know more about your likes and dislikes.

They will share secrets and personal information with you. They will look nervous and awkward around you. They will find ways to stay connected to you. They will compliment you. They will let their guard down around you.
