Many individuals deal with food allergies caused by milk, eggs, nuts, etc. Their bodies cannot tolerate these foods well and produce several symptoms. Similarly, some women experience fish allergy during pregnancy, causing them to develop symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and eczema. However, in some rare cases, fish allergy may give rise to a dangerous issue called anaphylaxis (1). If anaphylaxis is not treated at the nascent stage, it can be life-threatening. To avoid such situations, we have given below some important information regarding fish allergy during pregnancy.

What Is Food Allergy?

Food allergy is a common phenomenon found in adults and children. The most familiar food, which causes allergies, are milk, eggs, tree nuts, wheat, soy, peanut, and fish (2).

Every individual has certain levels of tolerance towards their allergic substance. Some people can eat a small portion of their allergic substance and are okay while some might be affected by touching them! However, you should not be concerned much if you have a normal level of allergy; it is a matter of worry only when you are highly allergic to an item.

How is Fish Allergy Caused?

If you are suffering from fish allergy, you are hypersensitive towards the chemical and biological components of fish; therefore, eating fish may cause negative reactions in your body. Allergy towards any particular food (in this case, fish) is caused in the following ways (3): So by the second and third helping of fish, your symptoms become severe. It happens to the extent of you becoming comatose, because by then many antibodies would have been generated and wrecking havoc inside your body.

Who Are Vulnerable To Develop Fish Allergy?

You are more likely to develop fish allergy due to any one of the following reasons

If you have a family history of fish allergy. If you had any food allergies in the past, there are more chances you may suffer again. If you are allergic to any other food, you may also develop an allergy to fish. Lastly, if you have asthma, there are more chances to get an allergy to fish.

Symptoms Of Fish Allergy:

If you are suffering from fish allergy you may suffer any one or more of the following symptoms (1): In case of anaphylaxis, the patient should be rushed to the nearest hospital and treated as soon as possible.

How To Treat Fish Allergy?

When you are pregnant you cannot consume any over the counter medicine available to overcome the allergy. It is very important for you to discuss this issue with your doctor beforehand, so that he can suggest only those medications which are not harmful to your baby.

1. Mild Allergy:

Your doctor may prescribe medications to reduce your symptoms of itching and hives. He will make sure that the prescribed medicine does not harm your growing baby in any way.

2. Severe Allergy:

An injection of Epinephrine and immediate medical treatment by the doctor should be given (1).

Ways To Prevent Fish Allergy:

If you want to remain safe and allergy-free during your pregnancy, then the best way is to avoid consuming fish or any other food made in combination with it. Also, we encourage you to follow the rules prescribed below:

Avoid restaurants which serve seafood; or at least, avoid the seafood section in the menu! Don’t cook or shop for fish; a touch can also be allergic (or become allergic in the future, even if you are not allergic to touching a fish now). Always read the ingredients label before consuming any food; this step is vital when you are buying groceries too (1). If you are not sure of the ingredients in a particular food, avoid it – don’t take any chance.

Fish does offer a lot of nutrients needed for you and your unborn child. Ask your doctor to prescribe you suitable substitutes to make up for the loss in your pregnancy diet. Do not neglect if you notice any symptoms of fish allergy. Be proactive and get proper treatment from your doctor.
