At 28 weeks pregnant, you and your baby undergo several changes. While your belly increases and causes you several discomforts, your baby is now the size of an eggplant and can move their limbs, sleep, and dream. If you are an expectant mother, knowing more about the changes a mother and her baby experience during this crucial week of pregnancy can help you stay informed. Besides, it will help you enjoy some merry time, knowing how you and your baby change every week. Read on.

Size Of Your Baby At Week 28

Your baby is about the size of an eggplant, measuring 14.8 inches (37.9cm) and weighing 2.22-2.7lb (1,005-1210g) (1).

Baby’s Development In Week 28

All of the major body systems are in place and functioning. But there is a lot more development ahead. Reflexes: Baby gains skills such as sucking, moving limbs, walking, breathing, coughing, and hiccupping (2). Lungs: The lungs are stronger and more developed now than before to support the baby’s life outside the womb (3). Skin: Greasy vernix (cheesy, white substance that coats and protects the baby’s skin inside the uterus) and lanugo (fine, soft hair) start to disappear improving the appearance of the skin. The body fat deposits (nearly two to three percent) underneath the skin make it smooth and supple, ironing away the wrinkles (4). Brain: The folds and grooves of the brain continue to develop and become more prominent (5). Heart: Heart rate slows down to about 140 beats per minute, which is double the mother’s heart rate. Endocrine system: The enzymes and endocrinological processes develop at a faster pace (6). The baby’s adrenal glands produce androgen and estrogen, which stimulate the mother’s hormones to produce milk. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep: Your baby spends more time in REM sleep and dreams, resulting in high body movements (7). Hair: The baby can be born bald, with invisible hair, or with thick hair. Researchers also found a link between heartburn and fetal hair growth (8). Muscle growth: Muscles develop, become toned and strong. This gives a plumpy look to the fetus (9). Placenta: The placenta grows, and the blood flow in it increases to support the baby’s quicker growth in the final trimester. Eyes: Eyes and eyelashes continue developing and can produce tears (10).

Body Changes In This Week

During the 28th week, changes in your body may results in some trouble for you: Besides the above, if there are any other symptoms that you experience during the 28th week, you should check with the doctor.

Size of Your Growing Belly

Your belly is growing larger. Your baby is now strong enough to kick your ribs. Your doctor will measure your belly and the fundal height (from pubic bone to top of the uterus), which is usually 26 to 30cm. Sideways or breech position can give incorrect measurements. If you are carrying twins, fundal height is not taken into account as it is difficult to measure (20). You can begin to count the kicks to keep a tab on how the baby is moving (21). Choose a time of the day and set the timer to count ten kicks. It may take no more than two hours. Count for a few days to get an average and let the doctor know if the frequency changes considerably.

Prenatal Visit During The 28th Week Of Pregnancy

The third trimester begins this week. From now, you should be visiting your Obs/Gyn fortnightly and from 36 weeks, weekly.

Tips For A Better 28th-Week Pregnancy

You are getting closer to your due date, and you should take care of yourself and the baby.

Nutrition In The 28th Week Of Pregnancy

A healthy diet is very important at any stage of pregnancy.

Steam food in a pressure cooker to retain vital nutrients.

Avoid overcooking as it can deplete nutrients.

Eat freshly prepared foods since reheating them can deplete their nutritional content.

Activities That You Can Take Up

Choose a doctor for your little one: Make a list of all the pediatricians. Check whether their clinic is closer to you and check for the available facilities. Have a pregnant friend: You could opt for pregnant forums or sessions where you can meet other pregnant women. You could share your ups and downs of pregnancy and discuss anxieties and troubles. This would help in calming you down.

Tips For Dads-to-be

Involve in decision-making as the due date approaches.

Love your wife and comfort her. She may be anxious and you should help her calm down.

Read books related to pregnancy, watch pregnancy videos, or talk to other parents who have experienced it earlier.

Practice relaxation techniques along with your partner.

Try to become a compassionate partner and an invaluable helper to your better-half.

Pregnancy Checklist at 28 Weeks

A few quick reminders for the week:

Schedule for the 30th week prenatal appointment

Start making kick counts (fetal kicks)

Do not forget to take prenatal vitamins as prescribed

Try discovering pain relief options for the due time


You should discuss weight concerns with your practitioner in your next checkup.