Amongst all the four seasons, spring is one of the most beautiful seasons as it paints the earth in pretty colors and adds new zest to all life forms. In this post, we bring you several spring poems for kids. Spring is the season between winter and summer. Beautiful trees full of green leaves, sweet music of chirping birds, and colors all around are the highlight of this season. The melting snow, the first dandelion sprouts, glistening dewdrops on leaves, and the smell of tender grass make everyone feel happy and bright. Many poets have woven and captured the beauty of spring in their words. Plunge into this post for several beautiful poems will help your kids take a virtual tour of the spring season and await it with joy.

25 Spring Poems For Kids

1. Spring

What’s spring in spring? Buds spring! Leaves spring! Flowers spring! Trees spring! Plants spring! Grass spring! robins sing in spring! —Ghazal

2. Spring is Here

Spring is here. Spring is here. Hear the birds. Hear the birds. They are busy finding. They are busy finding. Big fat worms. Big fat worms. —Anonymous

3. Good-bye, Winter!

Good-bye, Winter! Spring is in the air. Flowers are in the bloom. You see colors everywhere. Birds build their nest. In branches way up high. But out my window, that loud bird. Woke me up again … sigh! —Becky Spence

4. Spring

The wind told the grass. And the grass told the trees. The trees told the bushes. And the bushes told the bees. The bees told the rain. And the robin sang out clear. “Wake up Wake up Spring is here!” —Anonymous

5. Daffodowndilly

She wore her yellow sun-bonnet, She wore her greenest gown; She turned to the south wind And curtsied up and down. She turned to the sunlight And shook her yellow head, And whispered to her neighbor: “Winter is dead.” —A.A Milne

6. Spring

Spring is budding green joy Fresh breeze and sunshine Birds singing Water running Children sloshing through puddles On the sidewalk Spring breathes anticipation Green shoots sprouting from the earth Unfurling into flowers The sweet scent of hyacinths A baby bird learning how to fly Spring sweeps the dust out of our corners As we wake up As we look and listen To the promise of a morning sunrise To joy unfolding To a glowing new life —Carole Mullen

7. The Secret

We have a secret, just we three, The Robin and I and the sweet cherry tree; The bird told the tree and the tree told me, And nobody knows it but just we three. But of course, the robin knows it best Because she built the—I shan’t tell the rest; And laid the four little—something in it— I’m afraid I shall tell it any minute. But if the tree and robin don’t peep, I’ll try my best the secret to keep; But I know when the baby birds fly about Then the secret will all be out. —Anonymous

8. Spring is Here

Spring is here Spring is fun Spring with kids playing around Spring is hot Sometimes rainy Spring break! With kids so happy Sping is good Spring maybe have bad luck Sometimes people go indoors Because it is… So hot! People love spring So do I! Spring is here Spring is very fun Spring is almost done, so Say bye-bye! So now you will see next year That it will be back to Spring!! —Zoe

9. Spring

Wondrously February withdraws to warm March with a golden glow from Spring’s shining sun sent down to lead the way for April’s soothing showers soon to bring fragrant flowers and dance on May’s blossoming bounty. —Barbara R Johnson

10. Spring

I love spring Spring is new It’s new blades of grass It’s rain on a lass It’s violets and rain It’s a wood-scented lane It’s a new bird song It’s days growing long It’s a tree in bud and puddles of mud Its birds in a tree and buzz from a bee It’s kites in the sky It’s spring. That’s why I love spring. —Mohammed Rashid

11. Spring, Almost

The sunshine gleams so bright and warm, The sky is blue and clear. I run outdoors without a coat, And spring is almost here. Then before I know it, Small clouds have blown together, Till the sun just can’t get through them, And again, it’s mitten weather. —Anonymous

12. Spring

Spring, spring is coming soon, Grass is green, and flowers bloom, Birds returning from the south, Bees are buzzing all about, Leaves are budding everywhere, Spring, spring is finally here! —Anonymous

13. March Wind

The wind is pushing Against the trees, He’ll take off your hat Without asking you “please,” He rattles the windows And puffs at a cloud, Then scoots down the chimney And laughs aloud. —Anonymous

14. My Spring Garden

Here is my little garden, Some seeds I’m going to sow. Here is my rake to rake the ground, Here is my handy hoe. Here is the, big round yellow sun; The sun warms everything. Here are the rain clouds in the sky; The birds will start to sing. Little plants will wake up soon, And lift their sleepy heads; Little plants will grow and grow In their little warm earth beds. —Anonymous

15. To the First Robin

Welcome, welcome, little stranger, Fear no harm, and fear no danger; We are glad to see you here, For you sing, “Sweet Spring is near.” Now the white snow melts away; Now the flowers blossom gay: Come, dear bird, and build your nest, For we love our robin best. —Louisa May Alcott

16. Young Lambs

The spring is coming by a many signs; The trays are up, the hedges broken down. That fenced the haystack, and the remnant shines Like some old antique fragment weathered brown. And where suns peep, in every sheltered place, The little early buttercups unfold A glittering star or two—till many trace The edges of the blackthorn clumps in gold. And then a little lamb bolts up behind The hill, and wags his tail to meet the yoe, And then another, sheltered from the wind, Lies all his length as dead – and lets me go Close bye and never stirs but basking lies, With legs stretched out as though he could not rise. —John Clare

17. A Child of Spring

I know a little maiden, She is very fair and sweet, As she trips among the grasses That kiss her dainty feet; Her arms are full of flowers, The snow-drops, pure and white, Timid blue-eyed violets, And daffodillies bright. She loves dear Mother Nature, And wanders by her side; She beckons to the birdlings. That flock from far and wide. She wakes the baby brooklets, Soft breezes hear her call; She tells the little children. The sweetest tales of all. Her brow is sometimes clouded, And she sighs with gentle grace, Till the sunbeams, daring lovers, Kiss the teardrops from her face. Well, we know this dainty maiden, For April is her name; And we welcome her with gladness, As the springtime comes again. —Ellen Robena Field

18. Dandelion Curls

Ah, ha, ha, now! who comes here Wreathed in flowers of gold and queer Tiny tangled curls of green Gayly bobbing in between? Pretty token of the spring! Hark! we hear the bluebirds sing. When we thus see little girls Decked in dandelion curls. —Evaleen Stein

19. The Voice of Spring

I am coming, I am coming! Hark! the honey bee is humming; See, the lark is soaring high. In the blue and sunny sky, And the gnats are on the wing. Wheeling round in airy ring. Listen! New-born lambs are bleating, And the cawing rooks are meeting. In the elms—a noisy crowd. All the birds are singing loud, And the first white butterfly. In the sunshine dances by. Look around you; look around! Flowers in all the fields abound, Every running stream is bright, All the orchard trees are white, And each small and waving shoot. Promises sweet autumn fruit. —Mary Howitt

20. The Dandelions

Upon a showery night and still, Without a sound of warning, A trooper band surprised the hill, And held it in the morning. We were not waked by bugle notes No cheer our dreams invaded, And yet, at dawn, their yellow coats On the green slopes paraded. We careless folk the deed forgot; Till one day, idly walking, We marked upon the self-same spot A crowd of veterans talking. They shook their trembling heads and gray, With pride and noiseless laughter, When well-a-day! They blew away, And ne’er were heard of after. —Helen Gray Cone

21. It’s Spring

Good-bye, snow! Good-bye, ice! Though of course, you’re very nice, I am glad you’ve gone away. Leaving us this fine spring day. Here’s my good old bat and ball! Marbles, too! How are you all? I am sure that I can play. With you now, ‘most any day. Good-bye, winter! Though it’s true I’ve had lots of fun with you, Now I just could shout and sing; I’m so glad because it’s spring! —Winnifred J. Mott

22. Springtime

A small green frog On a big brown log; A black and yellow bee In a little green tree; A red and yellow snake By a blue-green lake, All sat and listened To red bird sing, “Wake up, everybody, It’s spring! It’s spring!” —Anonymous

23. Song: Spring

When daisies pied, and violets blue, And lady-smocks all silver-white, And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue. Do paint the meadows with delight, The cuckoo then, on every tree, Mocks married men, for thus sings he: ‘Cuckoo! Cuckoo, cuckoo!’ O word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear. When shepherds pipe on oaten straws, And merry larks are plowmen’s clocks, When turtles tread, and rooks, and daws, And maidens bleach their summer smocks, The cuckoo then, on every tree, Mocks married men, for thus sings he: ‘Cuckoo! Cuckoo, cuckoo!’ O word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear. —William Shakespeare

24. Spring Song

Frogs croak Rains soak Chicks peep Crickets leap Bees hum Robins come Birds sing It’s spring! —Anonymous

25. Dear Grif

Dear Grif, Here is a whiff Of beautiful spring flowers; The big red rose Is for your nose, As toward the sky, it towers. Oh, do not frown Upon this crown Of green pinks and blue geranium But think of me When this you see, And put it on your cranium.” —Louisa May Alcott