The baby shower is a special occasion for both the soon-to-be mother and father. It helps you share your happiness with your near and dear ones. It is important to keep in mind some baby shower ideas to make the day memorable. It needs to be an occasion with fun, recreation, and good food so that the would-be parents and guests remember it. In this post, we have put together a list of some interesting ideas for conducting a baby shower and the activities you could include in it. Read on and choose the one you like the most.

Best Baby Shower Ideas

Here is our selection of the top ideas that will go best with your baby shower:

1. Use Baby Diaper Pins:

Use diaper pins as a cute accent to your baby shower theme decoration.

You can try adding the baby diaper images as part of your baby shower invites, or even use them to pin up the invitation pages.

Use baby diaper pins to close gift bags or wrap napkins around your vases and accent them with the pins.

2. Homemade Jams:

Instead of gifting your guests something that you bought at the store, it is always more personal when you gift them something that you made.

Try making jams at home using seasonal fruits and produce. As you are of course eating healthy while you are pregnant, it is a great way to encourage your guests to eat healthy too.

The best part about making jam at home is that you can start preparing it a few days before your baby shower and keep the entire batch ready by the time it is your baby shower.

You can make a mix of flavors and ask your guests to pick up something that they like, or make all the pieces in the same flavor.

The good thing about gifting a homemade jam is that your guests can also use it for their children at home.

If you are not able to make the jam at home, you can always purchase homemade jams at nearby organic stores.

3. The Parenting Circus:

True that once you welcome your new member of the family and become parents, your life will turn into a circus filled with fun and chaos. Yet here is another simple baby shower ideas.

If you already know the gender of your baby, you can set up the décor based on the particular color, such as pink for girls and blue for boys. Of course, you can always choose to get off the most popularly taken color scheme route and use your choice of colors instead.

For the circus theme, you can use a big mosquito net to hang on one part of the room where it can fall like a circus tent. You can also use a big sheet that you can hang on one side of the room to look like a tent.

Arrange a table underneath to keep all the goodies and food.

Print out interesting circus themed images, such as elephants, monkeys, clowns, trapeze artists, fire eaters, dancers, entertainers, ring masters and more to hang up around the house.

Alternatively, you can also use your imagination and draw outlines of these characters on plain or colored paper and display them on your walls and the table.

4. A Bun In The Oven Theme:

As the popular saying goes, you now have a bun in the oven, so why not convert it to a full-fledged baby shower theme idea?

You can use a toy kitchen set to be the star of this particular baby shower theme idea. Of course, your baby can later use the toy set to play too.

Keep the oven part of the kitchen set in such a location where it will be visible to all and where it will also act as a main feature of the décor.

Use more baking tools as your décor pieces, such as oven gloves, baking dishes to hold your things, ladles and such.

To go with the bun part of the saying, make sure you have lots of different types of buns as part of the food you are serving.

5. Bright Colors:

If you do not wish to do a color theme that is based around the regular pink and blue, you can opt for some bright and fun colors.

The great idea is to incorporate the colors in your décor as well as in the gifts that your guests will be taking back home with them.

Try using lemon and mint candies as the main piece in your décor. You can add a few of these in tiny glass jars and create one each for each guest. Place them in the middle of the room so that it adds color and brightness to your overall décor.

Once the guests are leaving, they can pick up a jar each.

Add more pieces in the colors lime and mint, yellows, and light greens, to complete the look.

6. Re-Used Paper Bags And Re-Usable Design Ideas:

If you do not want to add too much waste to your baby shower gift packages, a great way to make use of reusable items is to use pre-used paper bags. It is an unique baby shower ideas.

You can either source it from a nearby re-used goods store or ask your guests to bring an old but usable paper bag each.

Cut out interesting and bright pictures from old magazines and keep them ready to be used on the paper bags. Glue them on the front of each bag to give it a special touch.

Use old and used gift wrapping paper or old ribbons to add to the paper bags to make them look decorative.

You can set up a craft table where each guest can make their take home paper bag.

7. A Purple Feminine Touch:

Purple is a beautiful color that says feminine but is not the typical pink that may seem a little too girlish.

You can use purple in your décor by incorporating it in different ways in your overall setting.

Try placing some purple flowers and candles around the place where you are hosting the event.

Place some purple napkins on the table to add more color to your overall décor.

You can also use purple ribbons to accentuate glasses and chairs, as well as make small bows using purple ribbons to tie up the gift bags for guests.

8. Color Themed Nail Paint Ideas:

If you do not know the gender of your baby or if you are having twins with one boy and one girl, you can make use of both pink and blue in this cute baby shower ideas.

Lay out the table and keep a pair of pink and blue nail paint for each guest. Make sure you also keep a pair for yourself.

To make it easier for guests, you can also provide some nail paint removers and cotton pads so that your guests can remove their previous nail paint and apply the new ones.

Ask your guests to create nail art using the pink and blue nail paint combo.

Once they are done, ask your guests to paint your finger and toe nails using the same color combo. It will also be a fun way to color up your toenails, something that will get difficult for you to do on your own as you advance in your pregnancy months.

9. Using Interesting Ribbons:

You can make your décor look beautiful, bright, fresh and very different by using a playful mix of bright and differently done up ribbons.

Use lots of different ribbons in a variety of colors and patterns. You can tie them up differently to make various bows, or use them as long strings.

Attach some to your invites and tie them around your glasses and bowls for the guests to have their food in.

As a thank you gift, you can also add rolls of beautiful ribbons to your guests’ gift packages.

10. Mini Cupcakes Instead Of Cake:

Instead of going for the traditional baby shower cake, you can opt to be a bit different and go for mini cupcakes instead.

If you have not asked for the gender reveal of your baby yet or do not want to disclose it, you can use cupcakes in both pink and blue colors.

Alternatively, you can use colors that are entirely neutral, such as yellows, oranges, limes, brown, white, and so on.

The good part about having a mini cupcake for each guest is that you will have smaller portions, and the chance of anything going to waste will be considerably reduced.

You can also add some interesting candies to go with your cupcakes.

11. Name Selection Cake:

If you already know the gender of your baby, you may have decided on a name for your baby along with your partner. This is one great baby shower ideas.

If you are interested in announcing the name of your baby to your guests in advance, your baby shower is the ideal time to do so.

Instead of having a regular baby shower cake, you can have a cake that reveals the name of your baby.

Have a message printed on it, such as ‘Soon To Welcome Home Baby So-And-So’ or ‘Baby Shower For Baby So-And-So’s Mamma.’ Your guests will be surprised and thrilled at the cute announcement.

12. Color Coordinate As Per Your Favorite Brand:

As a woman, you are sure to have at least one or two brands that you love. Also, as a soon to be a parent, if you have started shopping for goodies for your baby, you may already have a favorite brand that caters to babies.

Use your favorite brand as an inspiration to creating your baby shower décor.

Take a look at the brand’s accessories, designs, logos and prints and go through their most famous items.

Check out the color combinations that are most popular with that particular brand.

Once you know the colors you have to work with, you can plan your décor accordingly.

13. Baby Rattle Lollipops:

In keeping with the theme of your unborn baby as a baby shower option, you can also use lollipops as interesting décor pieces.

Use lollipops in blues and pinks or any colors to act as small baby rattle pieces.

You can decorate them by wrapping beautiful paper strips or ribbons on their sticks and adding another small candy at the end to close the baby rattle on both sides.

Wrap a small ribbon at one end as a bow tie or as a girl’s hair bow if you already know the gender of your baby.

Place them in different mason jars across the room to add color and act as décor pieces. Once your guests are ready to leave, ask them to pick up some.

14. Homemade Drinks:

While you are pregnant, you are eating and drinking healthy, and this is the perfect time to treat your guests to some of your favorite healthy drinks too.

Instead of getting colas, sodas or other store bought drinks for your guests, try making some at home.

Your guests will love the thought and effort you take to make the same and may also get inspired to start having more healthy drinks.

If you are not able to make it all on your own or do not want to, you can make it into an event. Place a few mason jars, one for each guest, on the table where you want to serve food and drinks. Keep a selection of fresh cut fruits on the table in a big tray. Ask your guests to make their selection of infused water by adding their choice of fruits. A few selections that will make delicious additions to infused water are lime, orange, sweet lime, basil, mint, strawberry, and peaches.

Make sure you also keep supplies such as water, ice and straws around.

15. Create A Fruit Salad On The Go:

Continue the trend of eating and drinking healthy at your baby shower by encouraging your friends to eat some fresh fruit salad. This is one cool baby shower ideas.

You can do some preparation ahead of time by chopping up the fruits in pieces and keeping them ready on a tray.

Keep everything on a serving table and let your guests take their pick of favorite fruits.

You can keep some homemade dressings at hand, such as whipped yogurt and fruits, mayonnaise with cheese, chili and mayo mix and so on.

16. Vegetable Dip Holders Or Servers:

Why not use a fun and innovative way to serve your dips or make serving bowls that are edible?

If you have vegetarian guests who will attend your baby shower, it will be a pleasant surprise for them to see so much attention given towards vegetables.

Use vegetables such as capsicum, bell peppers, tomatoes and such to hold dips and sauces.

Additionally, you can serve various finger foods such as fries, small sized foods and more inside the vegetables as well.

Tell your guests that they can eat up their vegetable bowls at the end of the meal as well.

17. Candy Gifts:

Who says grown-ups don’t like candies? Make use of your baby shower to make your guests feel young as children again.

You can use some old baby food jars to make new jars for gifts that your guests will take back home.

Alternatively, you can use smaller mason jars or glass jars to prepare individual candy jars for each guest.

Fill up each jar with a host of candies and close the lid tightly. You can write a small thank you message on the jar or the lid using a marker.

Tie a ribbon around the neck to give it a celebratory look.

18. The Little Monkey Is Arriving:

Whether you are having a baby girl or a baby boy, it will surely be a little monkey that you will be welcoming into your arms soon.

Use your baby shower to dedicate the time to your soon to arrive little monkey.

Print lots of cute baby monkey cartoon faces for the amount of baby shower invites that you will send out.

You can also use the printouts to glue on a string and hang them around the house as part of your monkey décor.

A baby monkey face will also make a cute baby shower cake, albeit very different from the usual, which is always a good thing. You can have a cake made in chocolate, using brown and white chocolate to make the monkey’s face.

Make sure there are lots of bananas around to cater to the monkey’s food taste.

19. A Storybook Idea:

Now that you are going to become a parent, the one thing that you will soon be doing a lot is reading out stories to your little one.

Print out some beautiful baby storybook pages and use them as invites to send out to your guests informing them of the baby shower.

Choose any popular baby story character for your baby shower cake.

In keeping with the theme, make sure you have lots of cut outs to hang or display around the house.

If you know that your guests have kids at home, you can ask them about their age and send across age-appropriate books as gifts.

20. From Couple To Would-Be Parents:

While the baby shower is all about you, your partner also has a role to play in the baby who is soon to be born. If you are alright with sharing your partner and your image, use it as a time to acknowledge this special person in your life.

Get a beautiful shot clicked of both you and your partner where you showcase your baby bump.

Blow it up and make it the center of attention in the entire event, so that the main focus goes to the image as guests walk in.

To showcase the couple theme or the love that you share as a couple, you can also make pairs of hearts that are intertwined, as a symbol of never-ending love.

Hang it around as wreaths or put it up as décor attractions around your show pieces and maybe even on your baby shower invites.

21. A Message To The Unborn Baby:

If you value your family and friends, you will surely want them to bless your baby who is soon to arrive.

Take this opportunity to ask your guests to share their blessings and messages for your baby.

Set up a message board, such as a chalkboard, a white marker board or even a big scrapbook where guests can share their messages along with their names.

If you have an instant click camera, you can also click images instantly and attach them next to the messages. Alternatively, you can click each guest while they are writing the message and later attach it to the book.

22. Nursery Rhyme Inspired Baby Shower:

Just as we told you about the baby shower décor that uses the baby storybook ideas, you can also use popular nursery rhyme characters to inspire your baby shower décor.

Go for a cute nursery rhyme character that is very popular and all your guests are sure to know.

For instance, if you want to go for the nursery rhyme character Humpty Dumpty, you can use lots of eggs as your prop.

You can keep a few cartons of eggs on the center table and keep some interesting things aside, such as paints and paint brushes. Ask your guests to paint the eggs and make funny Humpty Dumpty faces with eyes, nose and mouth.

To make it more fun and make use of all the eggs, you can create a sort of live counter in your kitchen where guests will get the chance to have eggs made to order, the way they wish as scrambled, boiled, poached, omelet or whatever suits you all.

If you do not wish to go into the kitchen or are not comfortable with the smell of cooking eggs while you are pregnant, you can ask someone else to help you out. Share your plans with this person to know that someone will be there who will help you.