When you are in a relationship and things seem to be going great, your significant other may suddenly stop showing interest in you. This may make you wonder if these are signs he doesn’t love you anymore. For instance, going on dates and exchanging gifts may now seem like things of the past, and you may seldom speak or exchange smiles with each other. So, even before you recognize the signs, your partner might have stopped loving you. While some women are lucky enough to be loved by their husbands, some may have to face the harsh reality of lost love in a relationship. If you relate to these feelings and keep wondering why your spouse has stopped loving you, keep reading this post to identify signs your guy is no longer interested in you. Sometimes, your man could be holding things from you because he doesn’t want to trouble or hurt you or is hesitating for some reason. But, if you are sure that it is not such a genuine reason, and he is deliberately aloof and closed, then it could mean that he doesn’t want to share his life with you any longer. While it is not necessary for your husband to be the first one to talk, you will be able to sense the difference through their body language. In a regular quarrel, he may not talk but would desperately want to get back with you. This won’t be the case if he has fallen out of love with you. Such behavior could happen if your man is going through some crisis such as losing a job or having some financial or health problems. But if there are no such explanation for his behavior, then it could mean that he doesn’t like you anymore. It can be very painful for you to accept that your husband doesn’t love you. But unless you observe the signs and become aware of the reality, you cannot move forward. Once you are sure he no longer loves you, then is the time you may decide your course of action.

What To Do When Your Husband Doesn’t Love You Anymore?

Do not give up and conclude that your marriage is over. Make one last attempt to revive your relationship. Try these steps:

1. Talk to him

What is worse than living with a man who doesn’t love you? Making wrong conclusions, and decisions based on assumptions. So, to make an informed decision, talk to your husband. Keep calm and get very curious while asking what is really bothering him. Do not start the blame game, or shout at him. Give him an opportunity to tell you his side of the story. Do not get defensive, do not interrupt and definitely no drama. Be curious and listen.

2. Go for couples therapy

After talking, if your man opens up and is ready to give your relationship a second chance, then therapy can help you to get back the spark in your marriage. Do not go for therapy when the first step has failed, as you will again end up being the only one trying.

3. Take some time out

Do not fill your life with the thoughts of your husband and make it miserable. Take out some time for yourself, relax, travel alone, and spend time with friends or family. Never blame yourself for your husband’s behavior; it is not your fault that your man fell out of love with you. That said, it always takes two to tango. It is very important for you to take a good hard look at yourself and admit your part in the deterioration of the relationship if any.

4. Take a final call.

Sometimes no matter how much you try, you cannot bring back lost love. If things do not look good even after you have tried everything, then it is best to let go of your man. The longer you ignore the facts, the more painful it will get for you. Living with a man who does not love you is worse than living alone. Take that step even though it may seem impossible to move on. Time heals everything.