Having a loving and understanding wife makes your life more beautiful and effortless. If you love your wife to the moon and back, hiding it in your heart would do no good for your relationship. So let your lady love know what she means to you by sending love letters for wife. In today’s age of instant messaging apps, people seldom receive a handwritten letter. So sending a love letter will leave her astonished and let her know how much you love her. If you are thinking about what to write in the letter, we are here to help. We bring you some model love letters in this post to take a cue from and pen a beautiful and romantic love letter for your wife. She will be glad to have you in her life.

Romantic Love Letters To The Wife

Romance is the special ingredient that cements a marriage. Never let the spark between you two die. Bring out all those hidden feelings and let your wife know how special she is. Leave the written letter on her closet or dining table or the most frequently used spot.

1. Dear wife,

Did I ever tell you what a beautiful woman you are? When I say beautiful, it is not only the outward appearance but also your amazing personality and kind heart. I am glad you are my wife, and sometimes I wonder what I have done to have you in my life. I am truly, madly and deeply in love with you. You showered me with unconditional love and were there for me through all my ups and downs. You are a woman stronger than anyone I know. Thank you for everything you did for me. You are an angel sent from above. Your loving husband Name.

2. My dear wife,

I know you will be surprised upon receiving this letter. Yes, it is real. Name because of you I no longer feel alone, Because of you, I look forward to waking up each day, just to look at your face, Because of you, my family is complete. I still remember the first time we met, you were so beautiful that my heart melted. Your eyes were sparkling like stars; your hair fell perfectly on your face. I was all sweaty and nervous when you passed by me. That day I decided there is not a thing I would change in you because you are amazing just the way you are. Your soulmate Name.

3. Dear wife,

Today I write this letter to tell you how much I miss you. This distance between us is unbearable. When I come home to an empty house, I miss your smiling face awaiting my return. You are the constant thought on my mind. Even when I am working, I think of you and wonder what you would be doing now. Even though we are far away, my love for you has grown stronger, and I cannot wait to come back and take you into my arms forever. Miss you and love you. Forever your husband Name

4. Dear Name,

No one can replace you in my life. You are the love of my life. Darling, I will never let you go. You probably would not know, but I cannot stay away from you, I go crazy if you do not talk to me. Every time we fight, I could be putting a brave face, but deep inside I curse myself for raising my voice on you. I love your smile; the way your eyes light up upon seeing me makes me feel like I am the king of the world. I have met many women before you, but no one was able to change my world as you did. You stole my heart, and please never return it because it is the only place it wants to be. Your husband forever XXXXX.

5. Dear wife/ best friend

You are not only my wife but also my best friend. You listen to my midnight rants and put up with all my bad habits. I can tell you anything and be myself with you. Whenever I am tired of fighting my way in this world, it is your presence that gives me peace. I feel proud when my friends envy our relationship; we do not fight about who is more and less because we both know how important we are to each other. The best part of our relationship is we both understand each other’s unspoken thoughts. I will love you forever my sweetheart. Your husband Name.

6. My dear wife,

I still remember the first day we met. You wore a white knee-length dress and looked like a goddess. I was smitten by your smile and those eyes, God! I have never seen such beautiful eyes in my whole life. I can spend an entire day just by looking at them. That day I prayed to God to make you my wife, and today I can say God has given me more than what I wished for. Spending time with you, I discovered that you are not just beautiful but also intelligent, kind and a strong woman. You are an all-rounder, you take care of me, kids as well as manage your career. You never forget our anniversary or my birthday, how are you able to pull all this? Through this love letter, I want to tell you that I will never let anything hurt you, and my heart breaks to see tears in your eyes. I promise to protect you till my last breath. Your caring husband Name.

7. Dear wife,

I may tease you whenever you ask me “How am I looking?”, “Does this dress suit me?” But today I want to tell you what I really feel at those moments. As soon as you came out wearing that black dress, my heart skipped a beat, and I lost words to describe how dashing you looked. But out of the macho pride, I kept all that to myself. Darling, you are such a beauty that many times I secretly spotted a few guys eyeing you whenever we went out. It makes me want to punch them, but then again I feel happy because it is only I who has a place in your heart. You are as beautiful inside as you are outside. I still remember how you help the needy and taken care of the stray animals. You are indeed a beauty with brains, and I am lucky to be called your husband. With love Name

8. Darling wife,

Do you know what my weakness is? It is seeing you cry! Yes, It kills me whenever I see you cry. I always want to see you happy and would do anything for it. I sincerely apologize for all the mishaps and want to assure you that none of them will repeat again ever. After every fight, I want to embrace you and wipe your tears, but then my pride shadows the love. Never think I do not care for your feelings; it is just that I do not show it. But deep down, I will always love you till my last breath. Your forever Name

9. Dear wife,

I am not the most handsome man on earth, neither am I a match for your beauty. But you never made me feel any less of myself. You loved me with all your heart and trusted me with your life. This always made me strive and be the best husband for you. And I try my best to prove a good husband to you. I am lucky to have a loyal woman like you as my wife; I feel proud whenever I think of the fact that I am your first and last love in life. Also, you do not live off worldly things; even when I turned empty handed on your birthday, I could find the happiness in your eyes just to see me. I wish to spend many such amazing years, loving, fighting and making up to you. Your loving spouse.

10. My dear wife,

Even though we don’t have anything in common, we never let the differences come between us. I am glad that we are first best friends and then life partners. Our friendship is what made our relationship so strong. I still remember the shy and timid nerd I was before I met you. I was so nervous; it took me one year to pick up the courage to talk to you. I had my doubts and feared rejection, but once we became friends, I realized what a good human being you are. You are a loving and obedient daughter to your parents, my best friend, and a perfect wife and a caring mother for our children. God must have been really pleased with me for he has given you as my wife. I wish to spend the rest of my life loving you. Your loving husband Name 11. Dear wifey, Before I met you, I never believed in love, and never thought I could get head over heels in love with anyone. But you proved me wrong. The day we met was just like an ordinary day. There were no thunderbolts or birds singing. We met like two mature adults, who spoke nothing about love or emotions. But as days passed, the little things you did made me believe in love. Your love melted my rock-like heart and made me a human being again. Thank you for waiting patiently until I could sort my feelings. I promise to love you till my last breath and will do anything to keep you happy. Your hubby Name

12. Dear wife,

Many men might have a beautiful wife, some men might have a kind-hearted wife, but having an understanding wife, now that is something rare. I am glad that I got that rare thing in my life. I still wonder how you can understand my every single gesture, every unspoken word? I know I am not an easy guy, I am short-tempered, impatient and quick to judge, but you never let me feel any less of me. You always loved and respected me the same, even during the times when I was least loveable. Thank you for turning my life around and changing me into who I am now. I love you with all my heart. With lots of love

Birthday Letters To The Wife

You cannot keep calm as it’s your wife’s birthday. You might have already planned something special for her. But a handwritten birthday letter can make her feel special. Here are a few birthday letters for the wife to get you started.

13. Dear wifey,

A very happy birthday, love. May God bless you with abundant health and happiness. I am glad to have you as my wife, and you do not know how pleasant it is to wake up to your smile. I am delighted to have a woman who feels content and knows how to appreciate the little things in life. On this special day, I promise you to keep on loving you unconditionally and shower you with all the care and concern you desire. I always fall short of words to thank you for the support you have given me so far. We had hit pretty low in our lives, but you never gave up, and it is your optimism that has made us go on. I am glad that all that is over now, and our future is full of happiness, which I cannot wait to share with you. Once again a very happy birthday, darling! With lots of love Name

14. Dear Name,

A very happy birthday to the only functioning adult in our home! There, finally, I admitted it. Jokes apart, I sincerely feel our house was made and remained home because of you. You are an excellent wife and an extraordinary mother. All thanks to you, our kids are happy and thriving. Also, thank you for being patient and tolerating my laziness all these years. You have no idea how happy I am to be on your side. It was love at first sight for me; I could not take my eyes off you, and also got teased for zoning out most of the time. Since then, till now, I feel the same each, and every time I look at you. On this special day, I decided to take care of the house and kids so that you can sit back and relax. Have a fun-filled birthday, dear. With love Your husband.

15. Dear wife,

First of all, let me wish you a very happy birthday! Another year went by in your company. My life has totally changed after I met you. You inspired me to become a better person. Thanks to you, now I am able to smile more and have a positive outlook at life. I am very much looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. Starting a family with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. We are blessed with two beautiful kids who are the love of our life. My days are at peace knowing that you are always there for me. I can talk and discuss anything with you without the fear of upsetting you or starting an argument. I want to make this day unforgettable for both of us; come home soon as I wait impatiently for you to open your surprise gift. Your loving husband.

16. Dear wife,

I may not tell you often, but my life has no meaning without you. It is only after I found you that I understood the true meaning of a soulmate. On this special day, through this letter, I want to tell you how much you mean to me. Darling, I love you so much. Every night after you fall asleep, I just love looking at you sleeping peacefully by my side. It may sound creepy, but it gives me the utmost joy and happiness. Our life was a roller coaster ride, and I enjoyed every moment of it holding your hand. And I have the confidence that I can face any situation with you beside me. Have a happy birthday, my wonder woman. Your hubby

17. Dear wife,

I still remember the initial days of our marriage. I wondered what made you say yes to me, you are such a beauty and might have got quite some proposals, but I am glad you chose me as your husband. Everyone said a woman who is as beautiful as you will have her head in the clouds, and would be difficult to manage. But deep down I knew there is more to you than what people could see. And I realized I was right the moment I started to know you. You are beautiful inside out; I respect you for that. You have insane work ethics and unshattered ambitions in life. And I promise to support and encourage you to go out and conquer the world. Happy birthday, my queen! Your husband Name

18. My dear wife,

A very happy birthday to you! On this special day, I would like to let go of all the hesitations and tell you how madly I am in love with you. They say as time goes by the love between couples can fade away. But with you, it keeps getting better and better. Every day you surprise me with something that makes me fall in love with you little more. Thank you for bearing with me, and picking up the wet towel every single day since the day we got married. I gave you so many reasons to give up, but you always chose to stick with me through thick and thin. This birthday is very special for both of us as you have given me the most precious gift – our daughter. I wish she grows and becomes just like her mother (strong and beautiful). Have a happy birthday, dear wife. With lots of love Name Your husband.

Anniversary Love Letters To The Wife

Anniversaries are the time to express your love. The romantic mood you are in makes it easy to bring out the feelings and put them in words.

19. My darling wife,

I may not tell you often, but I love you so much that my day starts with thinking about you and ends looking forward to seeing you. I strongly believe that “Behind every successful man there is a woman inspiring him.” Yes! I proudly tell my friends that without your support and encouragement I would not have been where I am now. There were so many days when I promised to take you out, but had to cancel. You had to sacrifice so much for me, and all that you did with a smile on your face. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you did for me. Now, it is your turn to fulfill your dreams, and I promise to support you through the rest of our lives. Happy anniversary dear! Your husband Name

20. Dear wife,

Happy first wedding anniversary. It is already a year since we became a husband and wife. I feel like it was only yesterday when I first saw you at my friend’s house. I got advice from friends and colleagues on how to control the wife. But you never gave me any reason to do so, you always loved me and respected my every decision. I wish everyone could have an understanding wife like you. You corrected me when I was wrong and showed me the right direction. I am never shy to admit that at times you were the man of the house. With love Your husband.

21. Dear partner,

Today as we celebrate our 30th anniversary, I would like to go back to the day when we first met. It was such a funny incident; we started with an argument and left thinking never to see each other again. But I guess God has other plans. We accidentally sat next to each other on that 16-hour flight. We had no other choice but to talk to each other. I am glad that day happened, otherwise I would have missed a wonderful woman in life. What started during that flight journey continued 30 years!! I cannot believe we have been together for such a long time. Today when I look at you I still see the very same love which I felt on that day. Thank you for being my life partner all these years, and I wish for 30 more years of togetherness. Your partner Name