If your child’s birthday is around the corner, or you feel like having a little get-together for them, you may host a tea party. It might sound unusual, but tea party ideas for kids are trending. They enjoy munching on snacks and cookies while sipping on their favorite sweet drinks. Also, they like to talk and play with their buddies. That’s why we bring you this post with unique tea party ideas that can surprise your little ones. So keep reading to know what all you can do to entertain your children during their vacation or holidays. Get the materials, prepare secretly, and give a super surprise to them.

20 Tea Party Ideas For Kids

Tea Party Decoration Ideas

Decorating a tea party venue becomes slightly easy when you have a specific theme in your mind. But if you want a simple but aesthetic decoration for the party, here are some amazing ideas to help you out.

1. Colorful balloons

Balloons are essential for any kiddie party. First, decide a color scheme for the party, and based on it, select the colors for the balloon. If regular balloons do not interest you, you can get the sparkly ones with various designs or those in the shapes of letters, numbers, or heart. You can cover the entrance, tables, and chairs with balloons. You can also make the center table stand out by decorating it with a balloon bouquet. Remember to keep a balloon pump and pack handy for more balloons if required.

2. Hanging banner

How are your child’s little friends supposed to know which party they have come to? Well, you can let your tiny guests know which party they have come to by hanging a big banner over the venue entrance. The banner can be cut-outs of letters or a big satin banner with the tea party name written on it. Make the banner more attractive by outlining the letters with sparkles.

3. Canopy

If the party is to be held outdoors, you can build a nice canopy with drapes and curtains. Under it, you can place a table full of sweet treats. You can also build a few small tents where the tiny tots can discuss or play games. For an indoor party, you can cover the ceiling with streamers and some dazzling wall hanging décor accessories.

4. Cute table

Place a small vase with paper or tissue flowers on each table. Or you can shape the cloth towels in an interesting shape and place them on the tables in front of each chair. The kids will have to open the cloth napkins and wear them themselves. To decorate the chairs, you can stick cute cartoon stickers behind them, or even a single balloon will do.

5. Teapot for the center display

Since it is a tea party, you can place a big teapot or a cup and saucer on the center table for display. This teapot can have a tiny tap from which kids can drink some fruit juice. Or if you place a large cup and saucer, it can be used to keep some fruit punch, which you can distribute to the kids. [ Read: Luau Party Ideas ]

Tea Party Menu Ideas

For a kids’ tea party, the food should be yummy and captivating. Here are some interesting children’s tea party menu ideas, from tea to finger foods.

6. Tea

A tea party would be incomplete without some tea, right? Well, for a kids’ tea party, you do not have to serve tea that adults usually drink. Instead, you can give them what they like to drink, such as some hot chocolate or cold milkshake or even just plain milk that they would enjoy sipping on. If not milk, keep some lemonade, fruit punch, or cocktails that can tickle their taste buds

7. Sandwiches

Sandwiches are easy to make, and kids like them too. Avoid the regular sandwich stuffed with arugula or lettuce for a kids’ party. Instead, go for a peanut butter sandwich, jelly sandwich, or turkey sandwich. If your tiny guests like cheese, then add cheese slices to it. To make it look more appealing for kids, you can slice the hard edges, shape them into small bite-sized pieces, or create different shapes.

8. Mini cakes

A kids’ party would be incomplete without delicious cakes. Don’t let them down, and prepare some impressive tiny cakes for the kids. It can be cupcakes or mini brownies. Decorate the cakes with some cream and sprinkles before serving them in colorful cupcake liners. You could follow a theme for your party. For instance, if it is the Disney theme, your cupcakes can be shaped like the face of a Disney character.

9. Cookies

If you are serving milk, bake some cookies to go with it. You can experiment by having cookies in interesting shapes, like that of a teddy bear or Mickey Mouse. If you prefer to try something safe and easy, then go for some chocolate chip cookies, which are quite popular with kids, or even maple cookies would do the trick.

10. Macarons

At the center of the table, place a three-tiered stand filled with different macarons that kids can grab and eat whenever they feel like. Or you can fill one level with macarons, and the other two with other sweetmeats. If the party has a theme, then the macarons can be of the color theme set for the party. If not, then go for macarons in different colors.

Tea Party Game Ideas

Kids cannot really sit around a table and talk for long. They need some entertainment to keep them from getting bored. Here are some game ideas for a children’s tea party.

11. Passing the tea box

Fill a tea box with goodies instead of tea. Ask the kids to sit in a circle and pass the tea box to each other. Every single time the music stops, the child holding the box is out. In the end, the only child left in the circle wins the box full of goodies.

12. Tea puzzle

Create a drawing of a teabag with the flavor written on it. Cut the drawing into pieces, like those in a jigsaw puzzle. Divide the kids into two groups, and ask them to solve the jigsaw puzzle. The team that completes the puzzle first wins the teabag filled with goodies.

13. Tea treasure hunt

If the tea party venue has places where you can hide stuff, you can try hiding small clues around the venue. Divide the kids into two groups and ask them to find the main treasure by solving those clues. The team that reaches the treasure box first wins all the goodies in it.

14. Cup and saucer pyramid

Give the kids some plastic teacups and saucers. Ask them to make a teacup pyramid. The one who completes a pyramid first wins the game.

15. Matching cup

Hand each child a saucer with a design on it. Now in a box or table full of cups, ask the child to find the cup that matches the saucer. The first five kids to complete the task win some goodies.

Tea Party Favor Ideas

The choice of party favors depends mostly on your budget. If you have followed a theme for the party, you can always look for the theme-related takeaway tokens. Here are some party favors ideas. Choose one that fits your budget.

16. Pretty teapot

You can surprise your little guests with colorful teapots filled with chocolates in them. Once they are done with the goodies, they can play with the teapot. To add a personal touch, tie a pretty bow on each teapot.

17. Organic tea party soaps

Brands offer organic soaps shaped like a teapot, a teacup, a saucer, a cupcake, or other tea party accessories. These soaps mostly come in a transparent bag. You can decorate the bag with ribbons and add a personalized “thank you” note for your distinguished guests.

18. Painting book and colors

Look for a dessert-painting book consisting of outlines of cookies and muffins that children can paint. Couple it with a small color box that they can use to paint the book. Wrap the gifts and add a sweet “thank you” note.

19. Chocolate tea bags

In a pretty box or bag, fill some chocolate tea bags, which are nothing but tea bags made from chocolate. Kids can dip these tea bags in hot milk to enjoy some hot chocolate, or simply cut the thread and eat them like regular chocolate.

20. Tea satchel

You can fill a satchel with tea-making accessories, such as sachets of tea, honey, and sugar. This will allow your guests to brew some tea when they are at home.