Friendship is one of the most precious and loving bonds in our lives. The presence and company of friends make childhood memorable. In this post, we bring some poems about friendship for kids. These poems will help children value the beauty of true friendship. Friends play a major role in the child’s life as it helps boost their self-confidence and improves their social skills. Therefore, you must teach your children to value and treasure true friendship in their lives. Read this post to know some heart-touching and meaningful friendship poems that your kid will cherish.

16 Poems About Friendship For Kids

You can use these poems to make them understand the true essence of friendship. Stick these on their bedroom walls, or ask them to write them on greeting cards and give them to their friends on friendship day.

1. Friend

A friend in a person to laugh and cry with, An inspiration, Someone who lends a helping hand, though friends may not be forever, And they may not end up together, the memories of a true friendship will last forever. A friend is not a shadow nor a servant But someone who hold a piece of a person in his heart. Someone who shares a smile, Someone who brightens up your day What makes a person a friend? Is by saying your Love will stay. —Renee Donna Bufete

2. With a Friend

I can talk with a friend and walk with a friend and share my umbrella in the rain. I can play with a friend and stay with a friend and learn with a friend and explain. I can eat with a friend and compete with a friend and even sometimes disagree. I can ride with a friend and take pride with a friend. A friend can mean so much to me! —Vivian Gould

3. New Friends and Old Friends

Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold. New-made friendships, like new wine, Age will mellow and refine. Friendships that have stood the test- Time and change- are surely best; Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray; Friendship never knows decay. For ‘mid old friends, tried and true, Once more, we, our youth, renew. But old friends, alas! May die; New friends must their place supply. Cherish friendship in your breast- New is good, but old is best; Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold. —Joseph Parry

4. How Many? How Much?

How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live ’em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give ’em. —Shel Silverstein

5. Forever Friends

You’r my friend, and that is true, but the gift was given from me to you. We went thru moments that were good and bad, even moments that were happy and sad. You supported me when I was in tears; we stuck together when we were in fear, it’s really sad that it had to be this way, but it has reached its very last day. Miles away cant keep us apart, ’cause you’ll always be in my heart. —Anonymous

6. Your Kind of Friendship

It takes more than caring To be a real friend; The nature of friendship; Requires a blend Of warmest compassion And love deep and true To reach and to comfort The way that you do. Because I can see That your kind of friendship Is priceless to me. —Anonymous

7. Why God Gave Us Friends

GOD knew that everyone needs Companionship and cheer, He knew that people need someone Whose thoughts are always near. He knew they need someone kind. To lend a helping hand. Someone to gladly take the time To care and understand. GOD knew that we all need someone To share each happy day, To be a source of courage When troubles come our way. Someone to be true to us, Whether near or far apart. Someone whose love we’ll always Hold and treasure in our hearts. That’s Why GOD Gave Us Friends! —Gerry Mark

8. Best Friend

A best friend is a person who is always by your side. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on or need some helpful advice A friend can pep you up and take care of you. They will listen with all their heart, just when you’re feeling blue. They will always be honest and even tell you things that you may not want to hear. But that is their job; they always want to make things clear. Your best friend will keep all your secrets and guard them with their life. They will understand all your fears and even take care of all your dreams. And when the world gives up on you, they will still take your side. They will be there for you always, and they will be your guide. And so cherish your best friend, for they will forever be your friend. —Anonymous

9. A Friend

A friend is like a shade tree Beside a summer way A friend is like the sunshine That makes a perfect day, A friend is like a flower That’s worn close to the heart, A friend is like a treasure With which one will not part. —Zoe Gonzales

10. Pure Delight

It’s such a pleasure and joy. To have a friend like you. You always care, you’re always there, You say the right things, too! You make me smile when I am low. You’re just a pure delight. We talk a lot about everything. You make my life so bright! I hope that I am giving you Some joy and happiness Because you mean so much to me More than I can express! —Joanna Fuchs

11. I Can Be a Pal

I can be a pal by smiling at you. I can be a pal when you feel blue. I can be a pal who is honest and kind. I can be a pal when you’re in a bind. I can be a pal by saying please and thank you. I can be a pal when no one wants to. I can be a pal every single day. I can be a pal; what do you say? —Kristen Smith

12. Friends

Friends come in many shapes and sizes They can be a sister or a mother We cherish them all the same We love them like no other We share the laughter and the tears Together through the ups and downs that come A friend makes us realize That two are better than one! —Anonymous

13. The Best of Friends

The best of friends, Can change a frown, Into a smile, when you feel down. The best of friends, Will understand, Your little trials, And lend a hand. The best of friends, Will always share, Your secret dreams, Because they care. The best of friends, Worth more than gold, Give all the love, A heart can hold. —S Jill Wolf

14. A Friend

A friend is that special someone whom we can always turn to When we need someone who can lift our spirits and make us smile Someone whom we truly treasure can be called a friend And the friendship is a cherished gift. Friends can fill up our life with all the joy and beauty in the world. And can make this world a more beautiful place, where everyone is happy. So treasure your friends and keep them close. They are the ones who will be by your side when the world’s not. Friendships are priceless, so always value them as much as you can —Anonymous

15. True Friend

When you find your true friend, you know. That in your heart, you will be forever young. You will always be in your hearts how you used to be When you were chasing butterflies through the fields That is the magic and the beauty of true friendship. Time does not stay the same, though you may be older. But in your hearts, you will forever be this way. And years later, when you all meet again. There will still be talks of the rainbows in the sunny rain. And then you will know what gems you have gathered. So to your friends, always be true no matter what. For they will be there for you when nobody is For that is what friendship is about, that is what true friendship is. —Anonymous

16. Thank You For Your Friendship And Your Love

Thank you for your friendship and your love. However life may turn, this gift will be A mountain that has made my river bend, Nor will it flow the same way to the sea. Knowing you is some thing I’m made of. Years will not this part of me remove. One lives for just a brief eternity, Understanding truths that never end. —Nicholas Gordon