How Many Months Pregnant Are You At 18 Weeks?

At 18 weeks, you are in the second trimester and four-and-a-half months pregnant. Your energy levels can be slightly higher now, and you may start to feel your baby’s first moves. Here, MomJunction explains more about fetal development and the changes that you experience in this week.

How Big Is The Baby At 18 Weeks?

At 18 weeks, babies are as big as a bell pepper and usually measure around 5.6in (14.2cm) in length and weigh around 6.7oz (190g) (1). Your baby’s growth continues with the development of different parts of the body.

Baby’s Development At 18 Weeks

Here is how the baby’s body is developing in this week:

Fetal Movement In The 18th Week Of Pregnancy

The fetal movement can usually be felt between the 18th and 20th week (7). The movements might feel like a flutter, swish, or roll. Most women may not be able to identify the baby’s movements, also called quickening, and may mistake it for gas. As the baby grows, it becomes more active, and the movements inside are more prominent. With the baby growing and possibly moving, you will also experience certain changes in your body at this time.

Symptoms You Will Experience In The 18th Week Of Pregnancy

The common pregnancy symptoms that you may experience during the 18th week are: Physical and emotional changes in the body at this time give away that you are pregnant. Read about them next.

Changes In The Body At 18 Weeks

Physical changes

Enlarged breast: The breasts become swollen and tender, as the body prepares them for breastfeeding.

Growing belly: The tummy protrudes, and you can feel the uterus between the pubic bone and the navel.

Linea nigra: The line, going down from the naval to the pubis, gets darker due to pigmentation.

Stretch marks: The growing uterus stretches the skin, creating stretch marks on the belly.

Shinier hair: Change in hormonal levels reduces hair fall. The hair looks fuller and shinier.

Emotional changes

Mood swings, due to hormonal changes.

Weird dreams, due to pregnancy-related fears and anticipations.


The 18th week is more or less a safe zone for you and your baby, with few chances of a miscarriage. However, it cannot be entirely ruled out.

Is There Any Risk Of Miscarriage At 18 Weeks?

At the 18th week of pregnancy, miscarriage is rare but the chances cannot be overlooked.

About 1 to 5% of pregnancy losses occur between the 13th and 19th week of gestation.

There is a 24% chance of pregnancy loss in the second trimester because of the chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomies 13, 18, and 21, sex chromosome polysomies, and monosomy X (Turner syndrome).

Structural abnormalities also cause pregnancy loss. It may be due to the amniotic band syndrome, neural tube defects, maternal exposure to teratogens or uncontrolled maternal diabetes at the time of conception.

Cervical insufficiency with painless cervical dilation, maternal history of thrombosis, maternal hypertension, and physical abuse can also lead to miscarriage during the second trimester.

Miscarriage can happen due to an infection such as bacterial vaginosis. If miscarriage occurs, you may need to stay longer in the hospital for a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure.

Other causes of miscarriage include:

Immunity issues

Maternal hormonal abnormalities


Sexually transmitted diseases

Erratic lifestyle

Signs Of Miscarriage At 18 Weeks

Common symptoms of a miscarriage in this week are:

Intense pain along with cramps.

Vaginal bleeding. The intensity of bleeding can vary for different women.

In some cases, a miscarriage may take place without any signs and can be confirmed only during an ultrasound scan. That is called a missed miscarriage.

If you are worried that it could be a miscarriage or are feeling highly uncomfortable, go to your doctor immediately.

When To Call The Doctor

If you experience the following symptoms then make sure to call the doctor right away (10):

Fever (100.4 degrees or higher)

Pelvic pain other than cramping

Less urination or dark colored urine

Severe vomiting

Feeling unconscious

If there are no signs of a miscarriage, schedule a regular OB/GYN visit.

Your OB/GYN Visit

Your prenatal visit this week will include:

Weight check

Blood pressure

Measure the height of the fundus

Ultrasound scan: The second-trimester ultrasound screening, also called an anomaly scan, is done around this week. A level II sonogram may be offered to have a close look at the baby’s organ developments. It also gives information about the placental appearance and position, as well as the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus.

Maternal serum screening (MSS test): It is a blood test done at 15 and 20 weeks +6 days. The second trimester MSS test helps in determining the risk of Down syndrome, Edward syndrome and neural tube defects like spina bifida in the fetus. It is a part of triple or quad screen test used to determine the risk of abnormalities in the fetus.

Alpha-fetoprotein test: It determines the amount of alpha-fetoprotein in the mother’s blood. It is done to assess the risk of neural tube defects and chromosomal disorders in the fetus.

If everything is normal, continue following a healthy lifestyle and diet. Next, we have a few tips to help you with that.

Tips To Follow

Here are a few tips to follow for a healthy pregnancy:

Follow a good lifestyle and eat home cooked food.

Stay hydrated.

Eat small meals at regular intervals. Include grains (like cereal, bread, pasta, and rice), vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy products, meat, and beans in your meal.

Engage in moderate physical activities like walking. This boosts your energy level.

Quit smoking, illicit drugs, and drinking alcohol as it can affect the growth of the fetus.

Maintain oral hygiene.

Keep stress at bay.

Wear loose, breathable clothes and comfortable slippers or shoes.

Get enough rest.

Do not take any medication without the doctor’s permission.

Do not sit with legs crossed and avoid any faulty postures as it can cause a backache.

Avoid fatty and oily foods to prevent heartburn.

Consume more fiber to reduce constipation.

If your work requires you to sit for a long time in one position, try to get up often and walk around a little every one hour.

Spend more time with family and friends.


Research about the best childbirth classes in your area.

Do not miss any of the appointments with the doctor.

Book appointment with a dentist for an oral checkup.

Start reading pregnancy books and engage in activities that keep you happy.

Your partner can support you with these things and more. Keep reading to know how he can help you.

Tips For Dad-To-Be

Here’s what your partner can do:

Share the responsibilities of the household chores.

Create a pleasant environment at home.

Accompany you to all the prenatal visits.

Plan for maternal shopping.

Give you a good neck and foot massage when you need one.
