Each zodiac sign has some positive as well as negative characteristics. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto and Mars, is believed to be zealous and courageous. But to know about their entire personality, you should know some of Scorpio bad traits as well. For instance, they could be quite rigid and hungry for power due to their fervent nature. It is difficult to understand them as they only open up about their raw emotions to people they trust and love. Read on to know about some negative traits of a Scorpion to know this sign better.

17 Negative Traits Of A Scorpio

Scorpio is well-known for its intensity and passion. However, their intensity and passion extend to their darker side as well. Here are some of their negative traits.

1. They can get jealous easily

A Scorpio is driven by ambition and a desire to succeed in life. They see everyone as a competition, so they are envious of their competitors. They are afraid of losing their partner in a relationship and dislike seeing them with someone of the opposite sex. They feel threatened and jealous of anyone close to their partner.

2. They have trust issues

Scorpios have a difficult time trusting new people. They are self-sufficient and independent, so it takes time to trust someone for work or even in a relationship. Earning a Scorpio’s trust is difficult because they take their time letting their guard down.

3. They can be secretive

Scorpios are secretive due to their lack of trust. They are also emotional creatures afraid of being hurt, so they do not readily share their emotions with others. As a result, they don’t reveal much about themselves and rarely share their plans with others.

4. They seem aggressive

Scorpios are filled with such intense passion that they can appear aggressive at times. They may become easily worked up to achieve something, making them appear aggressive to those around them.

5. They may seek revenge

If a Scorpio trusts you and you betray them, don’t expect them to forgive you easily. They are sensitive souls who will not tolerate betrayal and may exclude you from their lives forever.

6. They are spend-thrifts

Scorpios frequently struggle with self-control. They enjoy living an extravagant lifestyle and indulging in luxury. They enjoy trying new things and don’t mind if it means burning a hole in their pocket.

7. They can be resentful

Scorpios can be extremely sensitive. When someone hurts them, it can have a profound effect on them. As a result, if they have been hurt by someone close to them, they may even resent that person. It may take years for a Scorpio to forgive the person who has hurt them.

8. They may seem insensitive

Scorpios are highly emotional beings. As a result, they can be pretty vulnerable, and to protect their emotions, they tend to conceal themselves behind a cold shield of insensitivity. They try to appear emotionless to avoid being hurt by the actions of others.

9. They can be possessive

Scorpios can be possessive of their partners when they are in love. They yearn for love and seek their partner’s love solely for themselves. As a result, they may feel insecure if they notice their partner paying attention to anyone else.

10. They may seem manipulative

Scorpios have an innate ability to persuade others. They can convince people to do or believe something. This is not necessarily a negative trait, but others may label them as manipulative because of their persuasive abilities.

11. They can be rude

Scorpios are natural leaders who expect others to be as dedicated and hard-working as they are. When someone fails to meet their standards, the taskmaster within them attempts to motivate their subordinates. However, their motivational words may come across as harsh and rude to some.

12. They seem obsessive

When Scorpio falls in love, they do so wholeheartedly. It could be a game, a sportsperson, a team, a political idea, or anything else. They will adhere to it with such zeal that they may appear to be fanatics. They will give their full support to their favorite and may be unable to listen to criticism of what they believe.

13. They can be dominating

Scorpios feel secure when they have control over their surroundings. Anxiety can be triggered by anything outside of their control. As a result, they try to exert control over everything around them. This controlling nature can make them appear domineering to those with whom they work.

14. They tend to feel insecure

Scorpios who are ambitious have high expectations of themselves. Therefore, they are hard on themselves because they are afraid of failing to meet their goals or living up to their expectations. However, if not appropriately managed, this fear of failure can develop into insecurity.

15. They can be stubborn

Scorpios are diligent and well-informed. They only form an opinion after conducting research. So, once they’ve made up their minds about something, changing their minds is a difficult task. They come across as obstinate because they will not budge from what they genuinely believe. They will remain steadfast in their opinions and beliefs.

16. They may seem lustful

Scorpios are devoted partners, but their high libido and desire to experiment in bed may make them appear lustful. They enjoy satisfying their carnal desires and making love with zeal. It can be frustrating for both of them if their partner is unable to match their sex drive.

17. They can be moody

Scorpios have a lot of emotions, and they can get out of control at times. For example, assume you meet them, and they appear cheerful and excited, but by the time you part ways, they may appear sad and lost. It is difficult to predict their mood, and they likely have no control over it.