Family reunions and house parties are the best occasions for games that can liven up the mood. The popular television show Family Feud is one game that first aired in 1976. The family feud questions can keep you laughing and entertained throughout the party. The game involves two teams that have to give popular answers to a set of questions to win against each other. The questions need not be based on facts, so the team that answers the closest scores the winning point. The winning family proceeds to the “Fast Money” round and earns a certain amount of money in a lump sum. Scroll through for a list of interesting and fun questions from the game, along with the steps.

How To Play Family Feud Game At Home?

This game is not only fun to play but is also easy. Here is how you can conduct a Family Feud game for your family. You will need:

Two groups with 5 players each A buzzer A poster board Scorecard A list of questions


Before the big game, the host has to prepare the questions as well as multiple answers for each question.

You may come up with your own questions and do a survey to find out the most to least popular answers. Or use the questions listed below.

Once you choose the questions, give five answers for each question, along with points for each answer (highest marks for the best answer and then in the descending order).

Print out the questions along with the answers on a paper and stick it onto the poster board. Cover each of the answers with a long sticky note.

Set the poster board, the buzzer on the table, and have couches or chairs on either side of the room facing each other for both the teams.

How to play:

Split the group into two teams of five players each, and ask them to elect their captain.

Ask the captains to come to the front of the room where the buzzer is, read the first question and press the buzzer.

The captain who hits the buzzer first will have 5 seconds to answer the question.

If the captain manages to guess the top answer (one with the highest points) from the list of answers, then their team will have the chance to play that round or pass it.

But if they fail to give the top answer, then the other captain will get 5 seconds to give the top answer. If they succeed, then their team will get the chance to play that round or pass it.

The team that has decided to play the round must guess the rest of the answers for that question. Each wrong answer will be one strike, and each team will have up to three strikes, after which the question will go to the opponent team.

When they give the right answer, remove the sticky note and reveal that particular answer, and award the team with the points that answer carries.

If the team chooses to pass the round, then the other team needs to guess the answers. But if the first team gets three strikes, then the question passes to the second team, and if they manage to give the right answers, they will steal all the points of the first team. With this, the first round ends.

For the second round, another set of two people come from the two teams and repeat the same. Five rounds could be conducted as there are five participants. After five rounds, the family with the highest points wins.

Family Feud Fast Money

In the TV show, this round is played by the winning team to win a lump sum money. You may replicate it in your version of Family Feud too.

Pick two people from the winning team and ask one person to leave the room so that they cannot hear the answers.

Time the clock to 20 seconds and quickly ask them 5 fast family feud money questions. They have an option to pass a particular question and get back to it later in case they are stuck.

Repeat the same questions to the second person, but give them 30 seconds to answer. If they give the same answer as the first one, ask them to try again.

Calculate the scores, and if they get a total of 200 points, then they win the prize.

This game gets exciting based on the questions you ask. In the next section, we have given questions based on the participants in the games. Also covered are the Fast Money questions.

Family Feud Questions For Kids

If you are planning to conduct this game for kids, then here are some simple questions. You may give points to each answer as per your understanding or give them in the descending order.

  1. When you do not want to go to school, what is the illness you make up as an excuse?

Stomachache Headache Fever Ear pain Cough

  1. Why do you love summer?

Summer vacation Can go to the beach The weather Can eat ice cream Can go out and play No homework

  1. What is one thing your parents tell you not to waste?

Water Money Time Life Food

  1. Which is a kid’s favorite snack at the movie theater?

Popcorn Nachos French fries Chips Tacos

  1. What is that one thing that you will never forget to pack on a trip?

Money Underwear Toothbrush Medicines Camera

  1. When do kids close their eyes?

Sleep Prayer Horror movie Hide and seek Making a wish

  1. What would you find on a man’s arm?

Watch Bracelet Tattoo Hair Scar

  1. Name something people put in their front yard.

Garden gnome Flowering plants Fence Letterbox Fountain Signs

  1. Which household chore do kids hate doing?

Cleaning their room Walking the dog Vacuuming Mowing the lawn Raking leaves Washing dishes

  1. What does a wrestler not wear during a match?

Pants Glasses Shirt Jewelry A skirt

  1. What do moms tell their kids to do before dinner?

Wash hands Set the table Not to eat snacks Do homework Pray

  1. Name something or someone that has fangs.

Vampire Snake Wolf Tiger Werewolf

  1. What do kids often manage to lose?

Money Toys Books Pencil box Handkerchief

  1. What does a dog do most of the time?

Sleep Eat Bark Play Dig

  1. Where do kids dislike going the most?

Dentist Bed School Shopping Relatives house Chores

  1. What do you do when you put hot food in your mouth?

Spit it out Gulp it Drink water Shout “hot, hot” Choke

  1. Name a word that has ‘key’ in it.

Monkey Key chain Keyboard House key Keystone

  1. What do people do on Christmas Eve?

Decorate the tree Go to church Have a family dinner Sing carols Meet friends Bake cooking for Santa

  1. What is that you do before going to bed?

Brush teeth Say prayers Change into pajamas Drink water Complete homework

  1. In which place are you told to keep quiet?

Library Movie theater Hospital Place of worship Classroom

  1. What would you do when you fall sick?

Not go to school Take medicine Sleep Go to the doctor Throw up

  1. Name something that is cold.

Ice Popsicle Water Weather Wind

  1. When would your teacher want to talk to your parents?

Bad grades Bullying Not doing homework Cheating in exams Misbehaving in class

  1. What would you find in a deserted house?

Dust Spider webs Rats Ghosts Weeds

  1. What could an astronaut see out of the window of the space station?

Earth Moon Space Satellites Comet

  1. What is used to write?

Pen Chalk Crayon Paintbrush Keyboard

  1. What would you find in a salad?

Lettuce Tomato Chicken Dressing Nuts

  1. What melts when it gets hot?

Snow Candle Butter Cheese Crayon

  1. What goes into a sandwich?

Bread Lettuce Butter Peanut Jam

  1. How do people move from one place to another?

Walk Drive Train Swim Ride

  1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word magic?

Harry Potter Genie Fairy godmother Magic wand Magic hat

  1. What do kids throw at each other?

Paper balls Water balloons Snowballs Pillows Food

  1. What vegetable do you dislike eating?

Broccoli Carrot Brussels sprouts Peas Spinach

  1. What is your excuse for not doing homework?

Forgot at home Fever Left at school Book got stolen Dog ate it

  1. Which high school subject do kids consider tough?

Math Physics Chemistry Biology English

  1. What do kids often ask before going to bed?

Some more time to stay awake One more story Snacks Water To kiss goodnight

  1. Which food would make kids healthy and strong?

Milk Vegetables Fruits Nuts Protein drinks

  1. What do kids do in summer to earn an allowance?

Mow lawns Put up a lemonade stand Babysit Deliver newspapers Work at a restaurant

  1. What do you hate the most about school?

Homework Getting up early Math Teacher Bullies

  1. What do kids do during summer vacation?

Go camping Picnic Go for a workshop Watch TV Go on vacation

  1. Which games do kids play when in kindergarten?

Tag Ring around rosy Hide and seek Hopscotch Musical chairs

  1. What are the things kids are not allowed to play with?

Matches Knives Chemicals Fire Automobiles

  1. What are the accessories kids put on their bikes?

Basket Stickers Ribbons Bell Headlight

  1. What are kids afraid of?

Ghosts Darkness Thunder Teacher Strangers

  1. What do kids love to eat, but is not good for health?

Candy Chips Burgers French fries Ice creams

  1. What do kids brag about their dads?

Strong Fearless Has a cool job Takes them to places Has a cool car

  1. What do parents never allow kids to skip?

Breakfast Brushing teeth Bedtime Homework Cleaning room

  1. What do kids aspire to become when they grow up?

Astronaut Race car driver Police officer Pilot Firefighter

  1. What do kids learn to make at nursery school?

Drawing Painting Dancing Singing Clay moulding

  1. What are the things that are in pairs?

Shoes Socks Eyes Twins Hands

Family Feud Questions For Adults

This game can also be played among adults. Here are some questions for them. 51. Name a reason for people to wake up in the middle of the night.

Need to visit the bathroom Bad dream Hunger/thirst Attend a crying child Heard a noise

  1. What could be the reason for going late to work?

Getting up late Traffic Bus delay Weather Car breakdown

  1. What is the first thing you do after waking up?

Open eyes Visit the bathroom Brush teeth Shower Turn off the alarm

  1. Where do you not have cell phone reception?

In basements Inside tunnels On the mountain In a flight On a boat

  1. Which plant are you likely to grow in your garden?

Coriander Tomatoes Roses Thyme Chilies

  1. After taking a selfie, whom are you likely to send it?

Spouse/ partner Friends Parents Colleagues Social media

  1. Name someone you might go for advice.

Parents Partner/ spouse Best friends Boss/ manager Relatives

  1. What would you never leave home without?

Mobile phone Money House keys Water bottle Car keys

  1. Name the chores you tend to procrastinate.

Cleaning room Dishes Taking out trash Laundry Grocery shopping

  1. What is the advantage of working from home?

No traveling Flexible working hours Spend time with family No dress code Save money

  1. What do you have in your wallet?

Money Credit card Driver’s license Photo of the family/spouse Bills

  1. What are the annoying things other drivers do?

Overtake from the wrong side Blow the horn continuously Talk on the cell phone Not use turn signals Drive too fast

  1. What are the places where you are not allowed to touch anything?

Museum Art gallery Zoo Gift shop Gentleman’s club

  1. Name another word for ‘restaurant’.

Diner Cafe Coffee shop Cafeteria Burger joint

  1. When deserted on an island, you will first search for?

Water Help Food Shelter Clothes

  1. People call them when in need of help.

Friends Police Fire department Neighbors Parents

  1. Something you will find in a park.

Trees Grass Benches Swings Birds

  1. Name a fruit that takes time to break into.

Coconut Pomegranate Watermelon Jackfruit Pineapple

  1. The name of an animal that begins with the letter ‘M’

Monkey Mouse Moose Mule Mongoose

  1. When you are tensed, what is that one thing that can ease you?

Music A call with a friend A drink Chocolate A nice nap

  1. Name something which you will keep on your office desk.

Computer Notepad Pen stand Water bottle Picture of spouse/ child

  1. Name something you buy that is disposable.

Paper plates Razors Syringes Garbage bags Diapers

  1. Something you use while sleeping at night.

Pajamas Teddy bear Bed lamp Blanket Pillow

  1. What is that you need to build a house?

Bricks Wood Cement Iron Sand

  1. Name something you will cut with scissors.

Paper Cloth Ribbon Hair Tags on clothes

  1. Name a big animal.

Elephant Rhinoceros Bear Hippopotamus Buffalo

  1. Apart from the hen which other creature lays eggs?

Sparrows Pythons Turtles Ducks Penguins

  1. What do you find in a picnic basket?

Blanket Chips Plates Napkins Fruit juice

  1. Name one thing that is made from coconuts.

Oil Milk Coir Drinks Candy

  1. Name something that won’t work without a battery.

Toy car Remote Torchlight Alarm clock Car

  1. Name a food that you can eat with ketchup.

Pizza Chicken nuggets French fries Sandwich Spring roll

  1. Something that can be spread.

Rumor Jam Cream Infection Peanut butter

  1. What do people miss about being a teenager?

Time Energy Looks Freedom Friends

  1. What might a person do after college?

Get a job Go traveling Start a business Get married Join the military

  1. Siblings fight over this.

Remote Chocolates Clothes Who is more loved Sharing a room

  1. Name something which people often forget to switch off.

Light Fan Gas stove Geyser Television

  1. Spilling/dropping this in the kitchen can make a huge mess.

Oil Milk Flour Juice Eggs

  1. While choosing a hotel, you look for?

Large bed Clean toilets Clean towels Breakfast Wifi

  1. When do dogs bark?

Strangers enter the house Seeing a cat Seeing other dogs When hungry At cars

  1. Name a fruit-bearing tree you can grow in your backyard.

Apple Mango Guava Orange Lemon

  1. Something that can get tangled.

Hair Earphones Rope string Fishing net Long chains

  1. Something which people tend to misplace.

Keys Documents Jewelry Mobile Remote

  1. What do people do if they cannot sleep?

Browse the internet Chat with friends on the phone Count sheep Drink milk Read a book

  1. When do you throw a party?

Getting married Promoted at work Anniversary New year Birthday

  1. How do you pass the time while on a flight?

Sleep Read Watch a movie Look out of the window Eat snacks

  1. Name a profession that starts with the letter ‘T’.

Teacher Tailor Technician Telemarketer Truck driver Therapist

  1. What could cause a traffic jam?

Rain Fog Accident Broken traffic signals Narrow roads

  1. What do you double-check before going to sleep?

Door locks Lights in all the rooms Kids Alarm Mobile charging

  1. What topics do families discuss when they get together?

Politics Old times Food Family gossip Kids/ education

  1. Name something that is made of milk.

Coffee Cheese Butter Smoothie Yogurt

Family Feud Fast Money Questions

If you are planning to add this round to your game, here are a few fast money questions you may use. 101. What do you need to make a smoothie?

Milk Blender Fruit Ice Nuts

  1. Which food is served with melted butter on top?

Pancakes Toast Paratha Mashed potatoes Corn

  1. What do people cram in the car while going to the beach?

Umbrellas Beach chairs Towels Beach toys Coolers

  1. Things we tend to use until they are worn out.

Jeans Shoes Loofa Mobile charger Cooking pans

  1. What punishment do parents give to children?

Time out Grounded No TV for a week No dessert after dinner Cutting down play time

  1. What do we drink to keep us warm?

Coffee Tea Soup Hot chocolate Milk

  1. Name something that can be spoiled.

Food Mood Surprise Kids Day

  1. In which place do we find an elevator?

Hotel Hospital Office building Mall Airport

  1. What do we do during the weekends?

Cleaning Laundry Cooking Watching movie Going out with family

  1. Which body part could be missing on a pirate’s body?

Eye Ear Tooth Leg Palm

  1. Things you do while with friends.

Laugh Talk Tease Eat Play

  1. Name something people donate.

Used clothes Blood Old toys Books Money

  1. What is that you do not like to get in your mail?

Spam emails Advertisements Bulk emails Product catalogs Requests for donation

  1. What do you do to an envelope before posting it?

Read the letter Fold and place the letter inside Write the To and From addresses Seal it Paste a stamp

  1. What do you lose as you grow old?

Hair Vision Hearing ability Memory Teeth

  1. What do you find in a hamburger?

Bread Lettuce Tomato Meat patty Sauce

  1. How do people commute to work?

Car Bus Bike Walk Bicycle

  1. What is something people do in sleep?

Snore Talk Shout Drool Walk

  1. What do people have on their nightstand

Water Alarm clock Spectacles Medicines A novel

  1. What do you find in a refrigerator?

Vegetables Fruits Eggs Milk Water

  1. Which places are crowded during Christmas?

Malls Gift shops Restaurants Churches Streets

  1. What do you do on a weekday morning?

Wake up early Eat breakfast Iron the outfit Check emails Go to work

  1. What might you find under the cushions on the couch?

Money Food Keys Small toys Gum

  1. Which junk foods do kids love?

Chips Nuggets French fries Burgers Pizza

  1. What gift would you give a teenage boy on his birthday?

Video game Shirt Sports kit Tablet Books

  1. When would you send food back while eating at a restaurant?

Cold Half cooked Has foreign objects Tastes bland Wrong order

  1. Something parents wish a baby could do by itself.

Feed Change diapers/ potty train Go to sleep Have bath Dress up

  1. Things you hate if you forget while going camping.

Tents Spare clothes Torch Mosquito repellents Beds

  1. Riding a bike without this part is tough.

Handlebar Tires Brakes Seats Headlight

  1. A place where cars line up to drive through.

Drive-in Car wash Parking Gas station Police convoy

  1. What would you find in a doctor’s suitcase?

Stethoscope Prescription pad Gloves Scalper Medicines

  1. Unusual things toddlers play with.

Cooking pans Sand Blanket Paper Wires

  1. Places that would be busy on a Valentine’s Day.

Flower shop Candy store Gifts store Restaurants Malls

  1. Something that takes people into the air.

Airplane Hot air balloon Parachute Helicopter Paraglider

  1. What else does a pizza place serve?

Garlic bread Soft drinks Desserts Fries Coffee

  1. Which home appliance can get hot?

Iron box Oven Heater Toaster Dryer

  1. What are some of the alternatives to plastic bags?

Cloth bags Paper bags Jute bags Canvas bags Basket bags

  1. What is something that requires your signature?

A check An agreement Shipment acknowledgment Authorization letter Email

  1. What are most kids afraid of on their first day at kindergarten?

Parents leaving Leaving home Staying alone Teachers Not being liked by other kids

  1. What is that people buy as a status symbol?

Cars Houses Jewelry Exotic pets Designer dresses

  1. What do you find in an ice cream truck?

Ice cream cones Popsicles Icebox Music box Flavors of ice cream

  1. What are the things women do to their hair?

Color Curl Straighten Wash Cut

  1. Name something you might forget to do when running late for work.

Breakfast Locking doors Packing lunch Combing hair Pressing clothes

  1. When do people post flyers?

Parties Missing pets Garage sale Promoting business Announcing workshops or festivals

  1. Name a bad job for someone who is accident-prone.

Driver Construction Police officer Surgeon Electrician

  1. What are the things moms say, but kids pretend not to hear?

Clean your room Do not skip lunch Do your homework Eat your vegetables Do not use the mobile phone all the time

  1. How do grandparents spoil their grandchildren?

Do whatever they want Protect them from parents’ scolding Give them candy Make their favorite dish Give them money

  1. What can make you feel like a kid again?

Disneyland Playing with kids Riding a bicycle Eating candy Jumping

  1. Which activities are scary and at the same time fun?

Roller coaster Driving fast Skydiving Bungee jumping Horror movies

  1. What are the places where college students fall asleep?

Bed Classroom Library Car/bus Couch

  1. What are the things that must be handy in case of an emergency?

Flashlight Phone First aid kit Tool kit Warm clothing