It’s difficult for parents to keep their children entertained and indoors during the winter holiday. To help you keep your kids engaged and entertained, we bring you some winter poems for kids. Poems can assist kids in improving their linguistic abilities while also allowing them to dream about lovely winter nights. Winter is a preferred season for many because of the misty tree leaves, the foggy mornings, the cool breeze, the shorter days and longer nights, and the white snow. It is also the season for wearing sweaters and other woolen clothing. Also, the Christmas and New Year celebrations make this season extra special. Plunge into this post for some beautiful poems glorifying the winter season that you can share with your kids.

Famous Winter Poems For Children

1. The Frosted Pane

When I wakened, very early, All my window-pane was pearly With a sparkling little picture traced in lines of shining white; Some magician with a gleaming Frosty brush, while I was dreaming, Must have come and by the starlight worked through all the quiet night. He had painted frosty people, And a frosty church and steeple, And a frosty bridge and river tumbling over frosty rocks; Frosty mountain peaks that glimmered, And fine frosty ferns that shimmered, And a frosty little pasture full of frosty little flocks. It was all touched in so lightly And it glittered, oh, so whitely, That I gazed and gazed in wonder at the lovely painted pane; Then the sun rose high and higher With his wand of golden fire Till, alas, my picture vanished and I looked for it in vain! —Evaleen Stein

2. Winter Time

Late lies the wintry sun a-bed, A frosty, fiery sleepy-head; Blinks but an hour or two; and then, A blood-red orange sets again. Before the stars have left the skies, At morning in the dark I rise; And shivering in my nakedness, By the cold candle, bathe and dress. Close by the jolly fire I sit To warm my frozen bones a bit; Or with a reindeer-sled, explore The colder countries round the door. When to go out, my nurse doth wrap Me in my comforter and cap; The cold wind burns my face, and blows Its frosty pepper up my nose. Black are my steps on silver sod; Thick blows my frosty breath abroad; And tree and house, and hill and lake, Are frosted like a wedding cake. —Robert Louis Stevenson

3. Talking In Their Sleep

“You think I am dead,” The apple tree said, “Because I have never a leaf to show— Because I stoop, And my branches droop, And the dull gray mosses over me grow! But I’m still alive in trunk and shoot; The buds of next May I fold away— But I pity the withered grass at my root.” “You think I am dead,” The quick grass said, “Because I have parted with stem and blade! But under the ground, I am safe and sound With the snow’s thick blanket over me laid. I’m all alive, and ready to shoot, Should the spring of the year Come dancing here— But I pity the flower without branch or root.” “You think I am dead,” A soft voice said, “Because not a branch or root I own. I never have died, but close I hide In a plumy seed that the wind has sown. Patient I wait through the long winter hours; You will see me again— I shall laugh at you then, Out of the eyes of a hundred flowers. —Edith Matilda Thomas

4. Picture Books In Winter

Summer fading, winter comes— Frosty mornings, tingling thumbs, Window robins, winter rooks, And the picture story-books. Water now is turned to stone Nurse and I can walk upon; Still, we find the flowing brooks In the picture story-books. All the pretty things put by, Wait upon the children’s eye, Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks, In the picture story-books. We may see how all things are Seas and cities, near and far, And the flying fairies’ looks, In the picture story-books. How am I to sing your praise, Happy chimney-corner days, Sitting safe in nursery nooks, Reading picture story-books? —Robert Louis Stevenson

5. The First Sleigh-Ride

O happy time of fleecy rime And falling flakes, and O The glad surprise in the baby eyes That never saw the snow! Down shining ways the flying sleighs Go jingling by, and see! Beside the gate, the horses wait And neigh for you and me! —Sara Teasdale

6. Snowflakes

Out of the bosom of the Air, Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken, Over the woodlands brown and bare, Over the harvest-fields forsaken, Silent and soft and slow Descends the snow. Even as our cloudy fancies take Suddenly shape in some divine expression, Even as the troubled heart doth make In the white countenance confession, The troubled sky reveals The grief it feels. This is the poem of the air, Slowly in silent syllables recorded; This is the secret of despair, Long in its cloudy bosom hoarded, Now whispered and revealed To wood and field. —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

7. The Little Fir Trees

Hey! little evergreens, Sturdy and strong! Summer and autumn time Hasten along; Harvest the sunbeams, then, Bind them in sheaves, Range them, and change them To tufts of green leaves. Delve in the mellow mold, Far, far below, And so, Little evergreens, grow! Grow, grow! Grow, little evergreens, grow! Up, up so airily To the blue sky, Lift up your leafy tips Stately and high; Clasp tight your tiny cones, Tawny and brown; By and by, buffeting Rains will pelt down; By and by, bitterly Chill winds will blow; And so, Little evergreens, grow! Grow, grow! Grow, little evergreens, grow! Gather all uttermost Beauty, because,– Hark, till I tell it now! How Santa Claus, Out of the northern land, Over the seas, Soon shall come seeking you, Evergreen trees! Seek you with reindeer soon, Over the snow; And so, Little evergreens, grow! Grow, grow! Grow, little evergreens, grow! What if the maples flare Flaunting and red, You shall wear waxen white Tapers instead! What if now, other where, Birds are beguiled, You shall yet nestle The little Christ-child! Ah! the strange splendor The fir-trees shall know! And so, Little evergreens, grow! Grow, grow! Grow, little evergreens, grow! —Evaleen Stein

8. Thaw

The snow is soft, and how it squashes! “Galumph, galumph!” go my galoshes. —Eunice Tietjens

9. Winter

The street cars are Like frosted cakes— All covered up With cold snowflakes. The horses’ hoofs Scrunch on the street; Their eyelashes Are white with sleet. And everywhere The people go— With faces TICKLED By the snow —Dorothy Aldis

10. The North Wind Doth Blow

The north wind doth blow, And we shall have snow, And what will the poor Robin do then? Poor thing! He’ll sit in a barn, To keep himself warm, And hide his head under his wing, Poor thing! —Tasha Tudor

11. Snow Day

Today we woke up to a revolution of snow, its white flag waving over everything, the landscape vanished, not a single mouse to punctuate the blankness, and beyond these windows the government buildings smothered, schools and libraries buried, the post office lost under the noiseless drift, the paths of trains softly blocked, the world fallen under this falling. In a while, I will put on some boots and step out like someone walking in water, and the dog will porpoise through the drifts, and I will shake a laden branch sending a cold shower down on us both. But for now I am a willing prisoner in this house, a sympathizer with the anarchic cause of snow. I will make a pot of tea and listen to the plastic radio on the counter, as glad as anyone to hear the news that the Kiddie Corner School is closed, the Ding-Dong School, closed. the All Aboard Children’s School, closed, the Hi-Ho Nursery School, closed, along with—some will be delighted to hear— the Toadstool School, the Little School, Little Sparrows Nursery School, Little Stars Pre-School, Peas-and-Carrots Day School the Tom Thumb Child Center, all closed, and—clap your hands—the Peanuts Play School. So this is where the children hide all day, These are the nests where they letter and draw, where they put on their bright miniature jackets, all darting and climbing and sliding, all but the few girls whispering by the fence. And now I am listening hard in the grandiose silence of the snow, trying to hear what those three girls are plotting, what riot is afoot, which small queen is about to be brought down. —Billy Collins

12. Places [III. Winter Sun]

There was a bush with scarlet berries, And there were hemlocks heaped with snow, With a sound like surf on long sea-beaches They took the wind and let it go. The hills were shining in their samite, Fold after fold they flowed away;” Let come what may,” your eyes were saying, “At least we two have had to-day.” —Sara Teasdale

Contemporary Winter Poems For Children

13. Winter You Have Come

Winter, winter you have come, Very cold has the weather become. There is snow in the northern places, Many things on earth it replaces. I wonder how snow feels like, but to see snow, I might have to hike. It’s very cold at night, So, hot chocolate is a delight. The night is long, and the days are short, And frozen is the port. Bears and frogs are having their sweet dreams, While I am sitting near a pot that is steaming. Winter, winter you have come, Very cold has the weather become. —Rudra A

14. Snowflakes

Snowflakes spill from heaven’s hand Lovely and chaste like smooth white sand. A veil of wonder laced in light Falling Gently on a winters night. Graceful beauty raining down Giving magic to the lifeless ground. Each snowflake like a falling star Smiling beauty that’s spun afar. Till earth is dressed in a robe of white Unspoken poem the hush of night —Linda A. Copp

15. Chubby Snowman

There was a chubby snowman And he had a carrot nose Along came a bunny And what do you suppose? The hungry little bunny Was looking for his lunch He grabbed that snowman’s carrot nose NIBBLE! NIBBLE! CRUNCH!! —Petersburg Children’s Center in Petersburg, Alaska

16. Five Little Snowflakes

One little snowflake with nothing to do. Along came another and Then there were two. Two little snowflakes laughing with me. Along came another, and Then there were three. Three little snowflakes looking for some more. Along came another, and Then there were four. Four little snowflakes dancing a jive. Along came another, and Then there were five. Five little snowflakes having so much fun. Out came the sun, and Then there were none! —Leanne Guenther