Children aged six to 17 years are recommended a minimum of 60 minutes of physical exercise daily. This target can be achieved by doing simple exercises for kids at home, contrary to the belief that only complex exercises or strenuous outdoor sports are helpful. Children are increasingly getting used to a sedentary lifestyle, which is detrimental to their physical and psychological development. Physical activity and fitness are important at all ages but very important for overall growth during childhood. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, regular exercise helps develop stronger bones, greater muscle strength, improved energy levels, flexibility, and better concentration in academics (1) (2). Read this post to learn some easy yet effective exercises that your child can practice at home.

15 Fun Exercises For Kids To Do At Home

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises are physical exercises that increase the heart rate by increasing the oxygen consumption of an individual. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that most of your child’s 60 minutes of daily physical activity should be aerobic activities, like walking, running, or anything that makes their hearts beat faster (2). This is important as cardio exercises help strengthen the heart muscles.

1. Cycling

Cycling is an easy workout for the ankle and thighs (3). Besides, it relaxes the mind and body by letting the child enjoy the scenic beauty around. How to Possible benefits

Enhances joint mobility Decreases stress levels Improves cardiovascular fitness Increases muscle strength

2. Skipping

Rope skipping is a simple and effective morning exercise that can enhance physical fitness and improve agility and stamina in children. It also relieves stress and improves blood circulation (4). How to Possible benefits

Regulates the heart rate Tones the upper and lower body muscles Improves balance, agility, and coordination Prevents diseases like osteoporosis One of the finest exercises for weight loss Works out the whole body

3. Running

Running is a full-body workout that can vary in intensity. This exercise burns a lot of energy and demands more effort from the heart, lungs, and muscles. It is also an easy exercise since it requires minimal equipment (5). How to Possible benefits

Maintains weight Boosts confidence Relieves stress Tones the legs Helps fight depression

4. Jogging

Jogging means sustained running at a slow and steady pace. When compared to running, jogging is less taxing and requires less energy, but can be sustained for a longer time. How to Possible benefits

Improves cardiovascular health Strengthens muscles Builds strong bones Helps maintain a steady bodyweight Provides freshness to the mind and reduces fatigue

Strength Training Exercises A set of exercises that work on muscle-building, bone-strengthening, and enhancing the stamina comes under strength training exercises. Children and adolescents are recommended to invest three days a week into such activities (2).

5. Planks

It is an ideal exercise for strengthening vital core muscles covering the abdomen, back, hips, and pelvis. This exercise could also help improve posture and strengthen the muscles of the lower back (6). How to Possible benefits

Eliminates back pain Gives a toned belly Improves posture and balance Enhances muscle flexibility

6. Push-ups

A push-up is a common calisthenics exercise that provides a complete body workout. During push-ups, several muscle groups such as the arms, chest, abdomen, hips, and legs get exercised at once (7). How to Possible benefits

Good for the cardiovascular system Prevents lower back injuries Improves posture Good for working out all the body muscles

7. Crunches

Crunches are a multi-joint exercise that focuses on abdominal muscles. It could help improve agility and the overall fitness levels of the child. How to Possible benefits

Builds the core strength Increases the flexibility of the torso Works out all the abdominal muscles

8. Forward lunges

The forward lunge focuses on improving the strength of the muscles and joints in the hips, knees, and ankles. Besides, it helps improve balance and core stability (8). This is a one-leg bodyweight exercise with good leverage. How to Possible benefits

Strengthens the legs and hips Great for the core strength Improves flexibility Enhances body symmetry Good for spinal health

9. Stretching

Stretching is a safe and useful activity that can help improve flexibility and postural awareness (9). Besides being an exercise, stretching is also imperative before starting any other physical activity. How to Possible benefits

Increases the range of movement in the joints Reduces tension in muscles Improves muscle coordination Enhances blood circulation in the body

10. Bridge lift

Bridge lift is a core strengthening exercise that works on the arms, thighs, abs, and hips (10). How to Possible benefits

Reduces lower back and knee pain Strengthens the glutes Improves body posture Strengthens the core Stretches the chest, back, and spine Enhances flexibility and improves balance

11. Backstretch (child pose)

This is a non-twisting pose of yoga that works well on back muscles. It can also relax strained back muscles, along with the muscles of the arms and shoulders. How to Possible benefits

Stretches the thighs, ankles, and hips Reduces stress and fatigue Relaxes the upper body muscles Aids digestion Elongates the lower back

12. Squats

It is an effective strength training exercise that requires several muscles in your upper and lower body to work simultaneously (11). Squats might help lose weight and manage obesity. How to Possible benefits

Improves blood circulation No cellulite formation Good for the digestive system The non-impact exercise does not strain the neck Can be done anywhere, without any accessories Burns unnecessary fat and maintains bodyweight

13. Overhead shoulder stretch

Stretching might help the muscles to perform better. This overhead shoulder and hand exercise is an arm workout to help strengthen the muscles. How to Possible benefits

Improves the flexibility of the shoulder muscles, making them stronger Increases the range of movement Releases stress and enable proper circulation of blood Alleviates fatigue after a stressful day Can be done anytime and anywhere

14. Splits

Splits stretch the thighs and pelvis muscles substantially, thus improving the overall flexibility of the lower body. This exercise requires constant practice to achieve a perfect split. How to Possible benefits

Stretches the thigh muscles Opens the hip flexors Develops perseverance Strengthens the muscles

15. Side leg raise

The side leg raise could help strengthen and tone the muscles of the hips and inner thighs (12). How to Possible benefits

Builds glutes and hip muscles Improves the adductor muscle group, which is essential for everyday activities like balancing, walking, and lifting things Makes movements more comfortable and stress-free Tones the thigh and hip muscles Increases lean muscle mass Reduces excess fat
