Every marriage has its share of challenges. As time passes, people tend to change, and so do their equations in a relationship. However, sometimes things may go out of control, and you and your husband may grow distant, leaving you thinking if your husband wants a divorce or is contemplating a separation. In such a scenario, knowing the subtle signs of your husband’s intentions and tips to handle the situation could help you save your marriage or comprehend the steps to nurturing your relationship with him. In this post, we have shared some of the possible signs that might indicate your husband wants a divorce and helpful tips to deal with the circumstances.

12 Signs Your Husband Wants Divorce

If your husband seems lost, disinterested, or quiet, it might not always mean he is thinking of a divorce. Nevertheless, if you spot subtle changes in his behavior and want to know if he is planning to end the relationship, read further to understand the situation better.

1. He blames you for everything

Think of the first time you noticed a change in your husband’s behavior. Did he blame you for all the wrong things happening in his life or begin to disapprove of anything you do? He could be trying to spell his disinterest in you and wish to move away from you.

2. He is not interested in making plans

If you feel that your husband is avoiding upgrading your home, even when you can afford it, or is reluctant to plan on having children, he might have plans to separate from you.

3. He argues and fights often

Have you and your husband begun to fight about small things lately? The fights could be on the smallest of things to matters on children, finance, or any other thing in life. Your partner may frequently pick up a fight to show his resentment.

4. He moves the finances around

This could be an essential sign to look for. When your husband doesn’t share details about his income, moves money from your joint account to his private ones or displays a behavior change when it comes to spending and money matters, it could mean he wants to stay away from you or keep you vary of the finances.

5. He is emotionally disconnected from you

You and your spouse had good communication and a solid emotional bond, but now you find him emotionally distant and disinterested in sharing his feelings with you. These signs could indicate that he is growing far from you and maybe thinking of leaving you.

6. He is no more intrigued about intimacy

The absence of physical intimacy or sexual intercourse is one of the major reasons for divorce in wedlock. Despite you initiating interest multiple times, if your man is consistently not interested in making love to you, you may have to think whether your relationship is on the verge of dissolution.

7. He does not care about your feelings or emotions

A man who is no more emotionally invested in a relationship would not care about your thoughts or feelings. If your husband has stopped caring, being affectionate, or understanding your emotions, it could be an alarming sign of trouble in your relationship.

8. He constantly disrespects you

You may be concerned about how your husband has no interest in listening to you, starts to yell at you or mock you in public, and makes false allegations about you. If that is so, there are chances of him thinking about ending your relationship.

9. He is often unavailable or busy

Your husband gave you a lot of attention and often canceled his plans to spend time with you. But now, he suddenly tends to be away from home, working more hours and escaping from communicating or going out with you. These could be red flags of a man wanting to step out of a relationship.

10. He is having an affair

If you find out that your husband has an emotional or physical affair with another woman, this could suggest his precise intentions of leaving you.

11. He repeatedly speaks about separation

When couples fight, they tend to say terrible things about each other, which they regret later. However, if your husband constantly threatens to leave you or tells you about his plans to divorce you later in life, he might have clear thoughts of leaving you.

12. He tries to find out about the divorce process

If you found out about your husband’s divorce plans from your mutual friends or family or came across his web searches regarding the divorce procedures, these could be prominent signs that things are not right in your marriage, and your husband might bring up the topic of divorce to you sooner. Note: These signs may not always mean your husband wants to get a divorce; they could just be indicative and not definitive. Therefore, it is best to have a detailed conversation with your husband to understand if he really wants to end your marriage.

What To Do When Your Husband Wants A Divorce?

If you are intuitive about your husband wanting a divorce, it is better not to jump to conclusions and wait for him to bring this topic up to you. Meanwhile, you may try these tips to save your marriage and bring back the spark in your relationship:

1. Have a detailed conversation with him

Effective communication is key to a successful relationship. At times, misunderstandings and miscommunications could be the primary causes of a conflict in a marriage. You may be assuming things the wrong way. So, sit back and have an open and deep conversation about the important things that could be bothering you and your husband. Try to work them out to resolve your differences with him.

2. Work on building a stronger marriage together

According to a research study published in Couple and Family Psychology journal, USA, the most common reasons for a divorce in couples were conflicting thoughts, constant arguments, commitment issues, substance abuse, disloyalty, and dishonesty (1). Therefore, if you feel that your husband could be thinking of a divorce due to any of these factors, you may try to correct your behavior before it is too late.

3. Spend time together

Most of the time, you feel that the spouse is not the same as they used to be in the initial stages of marriage, and that something is missing in the relationship. In that case, spending some quality time with your husband, having meaningful talks, going on romantic dinners, and doing things that you both loved might bring back his interest in you.

4. See a therapist

If you feel that nothing seems to work out and you are not able to sort out your mutual differences, you may offer your husband to visit a therapist together. This way, you both can understand each other’s perspectives better and regain clarity, connection, and trust in each other. However, even after multiple efforts, if your husband is not willing to change his mind and communicates his will to seek a divorce, you may:

5. Focus on yourself and keep calm

Accepting the fact that your husband wants a divorce can be hard. Although you may be fearful about several components, including financial security and your and your children’s (if you have) safety, you must ensure that you take ample care of your health, handle your emotions and not accept unfair conditions to stay in a troubled marriage.

6. Be prepared emotionally and financially

Divorce will bring vital changes in your life. Therefore, you should give yourself the required time to process your feelings and acknowledge them. You may also seek a therapist to work through your feelings. Furthermore, it is important to plan your finances in advance and speak to an expert to study your financial situation and help you comprehend the possible financial policies associated with a divorce.

7. Avoid being clingy

In view of saving your marriage, you would be resorting to desperate behaviors. However, this could not be an appreciable strategy for making your husband stay; rather, he might be more annoyed with you than before. Therefore, do not be clingy or force him persistently to have him back in your life.

8. Take some time off from each other

As the saying goes, distance makes the hearts grow fonder, allow each other to stay away for some time, take a break and spend some time alone. This way, your husband will get time to process his feelings and may rethink his will to get a divorce. However, ensure you communicate your intentions of the break and expectations. Otherwise, it might make things worse if your partner is upholding the boundaries of marriage.

9. Speak to a lawyer

After your husband tells you that he might apply for a divorce, you will have to approach a professional lawyer to understand the divorce proceedings. Otherwise, it is also a good idea to mediate your divorce. Educate yourself well before mediating your divorce to handle the process on your own, make the right decisions in your interests, and attain all that you may be entitled to after a divorce.

10. Know the legalities

Even if you hope to rescue your marriage or have plans to reconcile, it is worth being well aware of the legal implications and rights that come with the divorce procedure to keep yourself prepared for an unexpected turn of events.
