Quizzing your kids is fun. And our trivia questions for middle school children can help them expand their knowledge and have some excitement in life. Asking them questions from different subjects can also boost their memory and promote learning capabilities. Also, it helps them get rid of their boredom and challenges them to prove their mettle. So, begin by asking, ‘Which is your favorite subject?’ or ‘Are you an expert in animals, geography, science, or something else?’ Then keep shooting your questions and share some fascinating facts and stories around it.

Trivia Questions For Middle School

Science Trivia Questions

  1. What is it called when birds fly to warmer climates for the winter? Migration
  2. Which parts of our body keep growing throughout our lives? Ears and nose
  3. How many legs does a spider have? Eight
  4. What do you call a person who studies rocks? A petrologist
  5. Who was the first human to step on the Moon? Neil Armstrong
  6. How many teeth do most adult humans have?  32
  7. What is the largest known living land animal?  African bush elephant
  8. What is precipitation that falls in the form of ice crystals called? Snow
  9. What is the hardest substance in our body? Tooth enamel
  10. What are the three states of matter? Solid, liquid, and gas
  11. What do you call a person who studies weather? A meteorologist
  12. How many muscles are there in the human body? Approximately 640 muscles
  13. Which is the most abundant natural gas in our atmosphere? Nitrogen, which makes up over 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere
  14. If you have arachnophobia, which animal are you scared of? Spiders
  15. How many elements are in the periodic table?  118
  16. What is the largest internal organ in the human body? The liver
  17. How many breaths do the average human take in a day?  Approximately 23,000 breaths
  18. What are the droplets of water (rain, snow, sleet, or hail) that form in the atmosphere and fall back to the Earth called? Precipitation
  19. What does the Richter scale measure?  The magnitude of an earthquake
  20. How many bones does a worm have in their bodies? None
  21. What is the hardest natural substance in the world? Diamond
  22. How many chambers are there in a human heart? Four – left and right atria and left and right ventricles
  23. At what temperature does water freeze? 32 degrees Fahrenheit
  24. What is a human’s average temperature? 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit
  25. How many tentacles does an octopus have? Eight – two arms and two legs
  26. What kind of mollusk holds a pearl in its shell? An oyster
  27. How many arms do most starfish have? Five
  28. Which sea animal has tentacles that sting? Jellyfish
  29. What is the longest bone in the human body? Femur
  30. How many bones does the human body have? 206
  31. What is the smallest bone in the human body? The stapes located in the middle ear
  32. How many ribs do humans have? 12 pairs

Space Trivia Questions

  1. How many stars are there in the Milky Way? Approximately 150-250 billion
  2. Which planet in our Solar System is known for having a ring? Saturn
  3. Why do things fall when you drop them? Because of the gravitational force of the
  4. Who was the first human to step on the Moon? Neil Armstrong
  5. What are the hot balls of light that appear in the night sky called? Stars
  6. How long does it take the Earth to rotate around the Sun?  One year or 365 days – 365 days, 5 hours, 59 minutes, and 16 seconds to be exact
  7. How many of the planets are smaller than Earth? Three – Mercury, Venus, Mars
  8. What primarily causes the Earth’s tides through gravitational pull? The Moon
  9. How many phases does the Moon have? Eight
  10. What are the phases of the Moon? New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent
  11. How often does the Moon orbit the Earth? Approximately every 27 days
  12. Is there a gravitational force on the Moon? Yes. It is approximately 1.62 m/s² or 1/6th of the gravitational force on the Earth.
  13. What are the holes on the Moon’s surface called? Craters
  14. Which planet has a day that lasts almost eight months on Earth? Venus
  15. How many Earths can fit inside the Sun? 1.3 million
  16. What is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter
  17. What was the first animal to go into orbit? The dog Laika
  18. Which planet is closest to Earth? Mercury
  19. What is the name of a group of stars that form an imaginary picture? Constellation

Animal Trivia Questions

  1. What is the fastest animal in the world? Cheetah – It can reach a speed of up to 70 miles per hour
  2. Which fish has no brain or heart? Jelly Fish
  3. What is the slowest living mammal on Earth? Sloth
  4. Are worker bees male or female? Female
  5. How many noses does a slug have? Four
  6. Which dinosaur had 15 horns? Kosmoceratops
  7. Which amphibian never sleeps?  Bullfrog
  8. Why do cats fit into small spaces?  Because they have flexible collar bones
  9. What is a giant scary ocean animal whose bones are largely made of cartilage?  Shark
  10. Name a few mammals that can’t jump. Elephant, sloth, hippo, rhino
  11. What is the fastest flying bird in the world?  Peregrine falcon
  12. Which is the tallest animal in the world?  Giraffe
  13. Which animal’s fingerprints are identical to human fingerprints?  Koala
  14. What is the fastest aquatic animal? The sailfish – It can reach speeds of up to 68 miles per hour
  15. How many times can a hummingbird flap its wings per second?  About 80 times
  16. Which mammal has the longest lifespan? Bowhead whale – It can live up to 200 years!
  17. How many wings does a bee have?  Four wings in total (two sets)
  18. How fast can a roadrunner run?  15-20 miles per hour
  19. How many legs does a lobster have? 10 (8 walking legs and two pincers)

Geography Trivia Questions

  1. Which sea separates Europe and Africa? The Mediterranean Sea
  2. Which is the smallest ocean in the world? The Arctic Ocean
  3. What is the name of the ocean located between the United States and the United Kingdom? The Atlantic Ocean
  4. Which continent has the most countries? Africa
  5. Which is the continent on Earth? Asia
  6. What is the largest ocean on Earth? The Pacific
  7. Which two countries share the longest border? The United States and Canada
  8. What is the longest river in the world? The Nile
  9. What are the only two U.S. states that can grow coffee commercially? Hawaii and California
  10. Which desert covers most of North Africa? The Sahara Desert
  11. What is the name of the ocean located between Africa and Australia? The Indian Ocean
  12. Which ocean is located between North America and Europe? The Atlantic Ocean
  13. Which is the largest rainforest in the world?
  14. Which is the largest volcano in the world? The Mount Lao
  15. What is the imaginary line that divides Earth into the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere? Prime Meridian
  16. Mount Kilimanjaro is located in which country? Tanzania
  17. What is the tallest mountain in the world? Mount Everest
  18. How many Great Lakes are there? Five

History Trivia Questions

  1. The first atomic bomb was dropped in which city? Hiroshima
  2. When did the US gain its Independence? July 2, 1776
  3. Who was the first US President to get impeached? Andrew Johnson
  4. Who was the first female to fly an airplane? Amelia Earhart
  5. Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell
  6. Who invented the light bulb? Thomas Edison
  7. Who was the first president of the USA? George Washington
  8. Where did the Olympic Games originate?  Greece
  9. What animal is considered to be the national bird of America?  Bald Eagle
  10. Who was the first Black president of the United States?  Barack Obama
  11. Which was the first country to use paper money?  China
  12. Who wrote a famous diary while hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam?  Anne Frank

Mathematics Trivia Questions

  1. What is the smallest prime number? 2
  2. How many degrees are there in a circle? 360
  3. What is a triangle with three unequal sides called? Scalene triangle
  4. How many inches is a foot? 12
  5. What comes after million, billion, and trillion? Quadrillion
  6. How many feet are in a yard? Three
  7. What is the top number of a fraction called? A numerator
  8. What is the bottom number of a fraction called? A denominator
  9. What is another name for the perimeter of a circle? Circumference
  10. What degree is a right angle? 90 degrees
  11. How many pints are in a gallon? Eight
  12. How many pints are in a quart? Two