Friends are the family you choose, and they are the first ones to pick you up when you fall. However, having a narcissist friend can drain your energy and take you on an emotional roller coaster ride. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) makes people selfish, self-centered and demanding (1). A narcissist person has a pathological attachment to an idealistic self-image they have created. A narcissist friend belittles you in front of others, bullies you, and makes fun of you to garner people’s attention. They always demand more, use you for their benefit, and never miss a chance to manipulate you. Recognizing and understanding these traits can prove to be a helpful tool for having more wholesome relationships. It can also help you evaluate whether they fit into your life. In this post, we list out several telltale signs of a narcissistic friend and give you a few tips on how to deal with them.

11 Signs Of A Narcissistic Friend

How do narcissists treat their friends? Narcissists are insecure people who thrive on others’ insecurities. Look out for the signs of a narcissistic friend.

1. They backbite

Gossip is one thing, while passing mean comments on every person in their absence is another. A narcissist suffers from a superiority complex. They do not have anything nice to say about anyone, not even their own friends. If they speak ill of people who are nice to them, be rest assured that they must be speaking badly about you too. A narcissist demands your loyalty but thinks nothing of betraying your trust.

2. They exhibit entitled behavior

For a narcissist, the entire world revolves around them. So, if they do something for you, they expect you to show gratitude by doing something in return, and if you don’t, they get angry about it. For instance, if they accompany you to someplace, they will expect you to be at their beck and call because they took the effort to be there for you. They want to be the sole object of their attention and admiration.

3. They blame you for their faults

Anything that goes wrong with them is blamed on you because they think they can never go wrong. They have grandiose ideas of being perfect and deflect blame to maintain their facade of perfection. They also need a scapegoat to push the blame on and usually choose the one who is the most emotionally attached and loyal to them. For instance, at a movie theater, they might blame you for not picking better seats but will not mention that their late arrival was the reason why you could not get to the theater sooner.

4. They cannot digest criticism

Narcissists are highly attuned to perceived criticisms and threats. As a friend, if you try to correct a narcissist, they might get angry and even accuse you of trying to put them down. For instance, if you tell them you didn’t like something about their outfit, they will shut you down either by saying that you have no dress sense or that you are jealous. They feel they cannot be wrong; hence your suggestions do not matter.

5. They see your flaws with a magnifier

When you became friends, they must have said great things about you. But now, all they do is criticize every single thing you do. Initially, they behaved nicely because they wanted to get in your good books.They will go to great lengths to get your approval and adoration, but once they have made a place for themselves in your life, they start controlling you by manipulating you. They might even criticize you for stealing your confidence.

6. They expect you to see things from their perspective

A narcissist has only one perspective, and that is their own. No matter how much you try to make them understand your side of the story, they will only be convinced of what they believe and expect you to follow the same. They want everything to be according to their wishes, and when you do not give in, they get angry with you. They are shocked and insulted when they realize that you may not want the same things as them.

7. They drain off your energy

Initially, spending time with your narcissist friend could have been exciting because they were on their best behavior with you. But now, keeping them company drains you of your energy. Their constant complaints and lack of interest in your life make conversations one-sided. They talk to you only about themselves and cut you off each time you try to speak. A good friendship involves giving and taking ideas, thoughts, and feelings, but hanging out with a narcissist leaves you exhausted instead of exhilarated. You end up with a nagging sense of disappointment because your needs go completely unmet.

8. They create problems between friends

Narcissists want to be the center of everyone’s attention and demand everyone’s loyalty. For this, they might create misunderstandings between friends so that everyone remains loyal only to them. Narcissists are pathological liars and could spread rumors and lie to get what they want as they feel they deserve admiration and hence will do anything to get what they want.

9. They hamper your self-esteem

A narcissist wants to control every relationship. Since they suffer from low self-esteem, the only way to lift themselves is by crumpling your self-esteem. They take great pleasure in pointing out your shortcomings. They start with criticism and then slowly move on to slights and insults. You won’t even realize how they have convinced you to believe that you are no good as a person and that you are lucky to have them in your life.

10. They consider themselves victim

They may make snide remarks about you all the time but when you get back at them, they will accuse you harming them. For narcissists, they are the victim even in scenarios that they created. They have a strong urge to keep people within their control and if guilt makes others dance to their tune, then they use it to their advantage.

11. They get angry if you do not do what they want

Compromise makes no sense to a narcissist because they want everything their way. So, when you have differences, they want you to either do what they suggest or face their fury. They believe they are always right and hence insist on doing what they suggest and reject your opinion right away.

How To Deal With A Narcissistic Friend?

If your friend shows most of the signs mentioned above, it indicates their narcissistic tendencies. Below are some ways in which you can deal with such a friend.

1. Establish boundaries

Narcissists cannot handle boundaries. They feel they are privileged enough to be above everything else. But to safeguard your self-esteem, create clear boundaries that they cannot cross. Be specific and consistent about what kind of behavior is acceptable to you and what is not. So, it is okay not to seek their opinion about something you know they might criticize. Avoid their company when you know they are going to whine about something.

2. Don’t let them guilt-trip you

Narcissists enjoy making people squirm. In the past, they may have reminded you of your mistake and made you do something for them as a way to repent. If they do it frequently, then it’s time to bring it to a halt. Tell them they can’t hold you responsible for something that happened unintentionally. They may get angry, but it is important to know that they cannot control you. Stand your ground and don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.

3. Don’t try to outdo them

A friend with narcissistic tendencies could get mean to you now and then. However, you do not have to give it back to them because they will sooner or later. So, try to be nice to them despite their bitter words. And, when it gets too much to handle, walk away from them instead of saying something you might regret later.

4. Massage their ego when needed

Narcissists can be unreasonable and difficult when they know you need them to behave in a particular manner in a particular situation. In such a situation, it is okay to praise them falsely to boost their inflated ego, so they cooperate with you. They feel the need to be admired, so they use flattery to calm them down when they are displeased about something. But remember to use this tactic sparingly. It’s a stop-gap arrangement and not a long-term solution.

5. Suggest seeking professional help

Narcissists suffer from psychological issues that even they may not be aware of. They need to seek help from a qualified professional to control their self-centered behavior. But do not be blunt and advise them to seek help. Instead, be subtle and suggest that they go to a counselor to work upon their negative traits.

How To End A Friendship With A Narcissist?

Narcissists, too, are people with feelings and emotions just like any of us. Their psychological condition should not be a reason to cut ties and isolate them. However, despite trying everything, if their inconsiderate behavior towards you does not change, put some distance to preserve your sanity and mental well-being. Here are some ways to stay away from a toxic friendship with a narcissist.
