The onset of the monsoon season provides much-needed relief from the scorching heat of the summer and a chance to puddle hop. However, monsoon for kids is not all rainbows and sunshine as the waters bring along a ton of bacteria and viruses, resulting in water and air-borne infections. The season lasts for several months, and the monsoon winds bringing the season into play have a much stronger effect than normal winds. Also, they cover a larger area. This season is mainly associated with the Indian Ocean, and the onset of heavy rainfall on the Indian subcontinent marks its beginning. Did you know that the term monsoon was derived from the Arabic word ‘mauseum,’ meaning season (1)? In other words, the monsoon depicts the change in the wind patterns that bring rain. Read on for more interesting facts and figures about the monsoon season, and read a few tips on keeping your child healthy during the rains.

What Causes Monsoon?

Monsoon is caused due to the difference in temperature between the land breezes and the ocean breezes. During the summer, the land gets extremely hot, and the air above the land becomes warmer than the air in the surrounding ocean. This creates a low-pressure area above the land. Meanwhile, as the surrounding ocean remains at a lower temperature than the land, the air above it retains a higher pressure. Since the wind blows from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas, the cold and moist winds from the high-pressure areas on the ocean blow towards the low-pressure area above the land, causing rains between June and September in the Indian subcontinent (2).

Ways To Keep Kids Healthy During Monsoon

The monsoon season puts children’s health at risk since the air- and water-borne diseases increase. Here are a few practices to keep children healthy during the monsoon.

1. Give them home-cooked, healthy food

It is recommended that children consume a balanced and healthy diet. Keep them away from junk and unhealthy food and include seasonal fruits and vegetables in their meals. You could also include immunity-boosting foods such as honey, basil, ginger, and lemon to their diet and prevent them from eating street food.

2. Include physical activity

It is crucial for children to stay active by involving in different physical activities. You can have them enrolled for virtual yoga classes, dance classes, or workout sessions to make sure they stay active.

3. Avoid uncooked and cold food

During the monsoon season, try to consume hot and cooked food to reduce the risk of contracting water-borne diseases.

4. Wear loose cotton clothes

Our clothing should always complement the season. During the humid and wet monsoon, stick to loose cotton clothing. Cotton is a breathable and comfortable fabric that does not cause skin irritation.

5. Maintain personal hygiene

It is vital for children to understand the importance of maintaining personal hygiene and keeping their surroundings clean. Make sure that you train children to wash their hands as it reduces the risk of diseases. Make them wash their hands before every meal and also after it. Inculcate this habit from the initial years.

6. Stay safe from mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are one of the carriers of diseases during monsoon. Therefore, remember to close the windows and doors in the evening and use mosquito nets or repellents to protect children from mosquitoes.

7. Switch to boiled water

To have better protection from water-borne diseases, switching to boiled water is a wise decision. Make sure your children drink only boiled water during this season

Monsoon Facts For Kids

Have a look at some interesting monsoon facts for kids that the young minds will enjoy reading (3) (4) (5) (6).

American monsoon East North American monsoon Marine monsoon

Summer monsoon, which occurs from June to September and affects the major part of the country Winter monsoon occurs from October to December and mainly affects the Southeast regions
