When you look at your 10-month-old baby’s development, you’ll realize that you are just a few months away from your baby’s first birthday. They have acquired their personalities by this age and have become skilled in so much. They have also developed intellectual abilities. All of these abilities result from your baby reaching various developmental milestones. This post discusses all of the important developmental milestones that occur at the age of ten months and their many variations.

10-Month-Old Milestones Chart

10-Month-Old Baby Developmental Milestones

An infant achieves his developmental milestones in cognitive, physical, and social and emotional stages. Specific achievements in each category ensure the baby’s overall growth and development.

Cognitive Developmental Milestones

A 10-month-old’s cognitive developmental milestones comprise intelligence, brain development, and overall thinking prowess.

Physical Development Milestones

These milestones are an insight into a 10-month-old’s motor skills and principal physical development traits.

Social And Emotional Developmental Milestones

Here’s when your baby is preparing for all the social gatherings and emotional temperament.

When To Be Concerned?

You must watch for the following signs of delayed development in a 10-month-old: If you spot any of these signs, then do not panic. Instead, take your baby to a pediatrician and let the medical professional make the assessment. The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends getting your baby checked by a doctor periodically for a timely detection of any developmental delay (9). A medical check-up combined with a little care and caution, can go a long way in ensuring the baby’s smooth development.

Tips To Improve 10-Month-Old Baby’s Development

There are some simple and easy ways to stimulate your 10-month-old’s development and ensure that his growth stays right on track:
